Donald Trump's coronavirus press conferences get better ratings than The Bachelor. How does that make you feel?
Donald Trump's coronavirus press conferences get better ratings than The Bachelor. How does that make you feel?
Doland fucking drumps society is collapsing
Does The Bachelor get good ratings? I don't really have a frame of reference for this.
8.5 million apparently
Everything is as it should be
4 more years pls
Remember when he tried to stop travel from China in January but Dems labeled it racist?
Why are we not allowed to talk about this on Yas Forums? It airs on the television
Good? It's the president talking about a serious issue against a show that should have died ten years ago
This is about TV ratings, this is TV related.
Based Reality TV Show man
I'm getting sick of it
Criticize Trump all you like but Obama NEVER got these kinds of TV ratings. PROOF Trump is the superior president
I‘m still not convinced if trump is retarded or a genius in disguise
100% this. If it were Bernie or Clinton or Biden or anyone else that was the president and they were doing press conferences and they were maxing out ratings I'd say the same thing.
It's the fucking President of the country giving an update on a global pandemic that's shutting down the entire world. If that /wasn't/ the most watched thing it would be an issue.
remember when they cried xenophobic when he banned the yuropoors? good times
Remember when the WHO covered for China and misrepresented the wuflu until the CDC forced them to come clean?
remember when he said it was just "a flu" and would blow over in a week? can't blame that one on the Libs lmao
These numbers are fake like anything that he says
it's crazy how much roasties love the bachelor?
i get why don't get me wrong, but it's still crazy, they love talking about that show at work
>people tune in to see how the president is responding to a national emergency
monitoring for a rebuttal to this
Trump is such a horrible retard, how can you faggots even defend him without getting paid? Is you hatred for trannies this deep? You'd rather watch hundreds of thousands die rather than admit Trump is hands down the worst president in history and probably fucked the US permanently.
>Trump is hands down the worst president in history and probably fucked the US permanently
Not even an American, but what are you basing this on? His handling of COVID-19 specifically?
he trusted the scientist
its so funny , deep state and the dems thought they would ruin trump by destroying the economy and preventing his rallies. but here is getting a ton of air time and all he had to do was act like a leader , even it was 5 minutes late
I'm basing it on his handling of dee's lmao
Its really sad man
I really would rather just not be alive in this world at this point. There are definitely worse realities than this but this one is still fucking shit I mean just
So now Trump trusts the Chinese? That's not very MAGA of him.
How can you not love a president who measures his success in reality TV show ratings?
>You'd rather watch hundreds of thousands die rather than admit Trump is hands down the worst president in history and probably fucked the US permanently.
better than the alternative of Earth being plunged into nuclear war because Clinton was elected and Russia attacked.
The dems could have put /literally anyone/ other than Clinton as their primary and Trump would have gotten absolutely smoked. But nope, they rigged the primaries so Clinton would win and America was left with the choice of nuclear annihilation of the planet and a dipshit celebrity.
America really is a joke sometimes. You really need to get your shit together.
Russia pls
>entire world dying of corona
>euros and other thirdworlders still obsessed about how america is dying
cringe and bluepilled
He literally acted the day CDC declared an emergency.
No one wants to attack russia retard
Theres no point
The Chinese were expelling Americans out of the country to downplay the severity. If you actually paid any attention to how this developed you'd know all of this. The WHO is complicit in China's deceit.
>so now
He's posting this because various news outlets were getting salty, claiming they'd cut him off at the first "lie" he says. What he's doing is showing his presence makes anything else they'd show be irrelevant.
Prove me wrong. Protip; you can't.
>if clinton had been elected russia would have immediately nuked the USA
>trump repeats the media who take their sources from the who
>its his fault for trusting them on this serious issue
In your face Obama
to be real, trump is the funnier president ever and I would vote for him this year is I was a yank
Remember when he said only 1 person had it and they had already stopped them? Remember when every healthy expert told him to buy ventilators and he refused? Remember when he told people to buy into the stock market two weeks ago? His list of absolute fuckups is astronomical
He's implementing short-term economic policies rather than long-term ones. He's been boasting about the stock market but all it took was one euro zone country to get infected and the Dow plummeted. Economic debt is still rising as well
Every single ptess conference is just him lying out of his ass and telling people to back to work. Hed a dangerous fucking moron that has probably already gotten people killed
>America is a highly successful reality show and President Trump is the best seaon yet
Pretty redpilled, he doesn't take any of this even remotely seriously.
Debt bomb. We are done. He racked up 14 trillion in debt in the last 3 years. Add another for this year.
All that money went to the rich. The stimulus bill was a microcosm of American government if you look at it. We are going to go USSR with 3 to 4 years will boomers retiring and that debt.
Just finished
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:26:57 No.131414039 [Reply]▶
> Donald Trump's coronavirus press conferences get better ratings than The Bachelor. How does that make you feel?
>+41 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:54:39 No.131415173▶
> Prove me wrong. Protip; you can't.
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:55:48 No.131415223▶
> >if clinton had been elected russia would have immediately nuked the USA
> jesus
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:56:20 No.131415246▶
> >trump repeats the media who take their sources from the who
> >its his fault for trusting them on this serious issue
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:56:42 No.131415263▶
> (OP)
> In your face Obama
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:57:02 No.131415282▶
> to be real, trump is the funnier president ever and I would vote for him this year is I was a yank
Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:42:33 No.131414712▶
thing assmilates batman
thing batman is shot by predator who believes it to be just a human but survives and assimilates predator
thing attempts to kill t1000 but cannot assimilate what doesn't live and is therefore killed by it
Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:57:02 No.131415279▶
Realistically? The Thing.
Canonically? Always Batman.
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Yas Forums literally rewriting history to cover the Swollen Retard. The only criticism Trump got over China was people telling him to stop trying to deflect blame with his retarded insistence on calling it china flu. And closing flights from China did literally nothing because people from China just got layovers from literally any other country. Why are republicans so fucking stupid and evil? Cant you stop lying for even a second?
>>all it took was one euro zone country to get infected and the Dow plummeted
yeah that's what happened and not every factory in china grinding to a halt and entire cities quarantined
>How Many Trannies and Anti-White people have to die?
You sound mentally ill. They cut him off because he can't stop lying and contradicting his own health experts standing right next to him. What's it like being in a cult?
>We are going to go USSR with 3 to 4 years will boomers retiring and that debt.
hopefully most of the boomers will be dead because they will listen to trump and go back to work because coronavirus is just a lib media manufactured fearmongering hoax. we already know most of the boomers in the midwest and south, trump voters, are obese with many comorbidities for coronavirus having a serious affect on their health.
>Donald Trump's coronavirus press conferences get better ratings than The Bachelor. How does that make you feel?
You useful idiots will take anything as a win, we really did a good job on you lot.
They only cut off Trump, they still aired the experts speaking. He's whining because hes a literal toddler in a geriatrics body but thankfully governors care more about their citizens loves than Trumps vanity
>b-but muh COVID-19
lol who gives a fuck. he certainly doesn't.
t. CCP propaganda
I would feel more sorry for Americans if so many of them werent lining up to die for this guy
I love Trump because he keeps pissing off the elites and BTFOing them off.
They have literally never won anything for the past 4 years and they keep seething and will continue to do so for the remaining future.
It's hilarious to watch.
The only fuck up you listed was that he didn't by ventilators in advance.
No dude, he kept downplaying that shit even after the outbreak was spreading in Europe. He said there are just 15 or so cases and they will go down to zero.
Unless you are 100% sure of what you say you should never make those claims as a POTUS.
Why the fuck would any of you poltards listen to anything this actual, literal mentally retarded person says? Hes getting you people killed
Dude it doesn't matter anymore lol
Feds balance sheet is 5.7 trillion and they cant sell off
Fed has been given another 4 trillion for bail outs
Stimulus costs 2.2 trillion
3 previous years of debt 2.6 trillion
14.5 trillion of debt added
3 years.
The parties dont matter because after this there will be no United states. Its going full debt based oligarchy
>understand the presidency is nothing more than a meaningless celebrity role and the president is basically a paid actor
Is he the first self-aware president?
hes based because he doesnt care about americans at all just like me
And yet, he will be reelected at least once. USA hasn't had a single term president for over two generations.
everyone is at home, that's the entire reason. i don't have cable but my antennae gets the briefings.
meanwhile his state of the union addresses have had decreasing viewership.
Not even a Trump supporter, but end tr00n bullshit already!
what a cringe inducing retard, honestly looking forward to the meltdown on here when he has his heart attack
Oh shit that happened yeah hahahahahaha what the fuck i completely forgot about that.
Yeah he was right to downplay it. The media went full panic and caused more damage than necessary. H1N1 was more severe and the media hardly took notice.
hw bush was in 88-92. thats not two generaions
>people are more interested in trying to not die that a shitty reality show
Honestly what is Donald's IQ? 65? 50? I would pay any amount of money to watch this dribbling idiot take an IQ test during a live broadcast
Lol I looked up the numbers. You are right. Lol we are fucked