Is Red Scare kino?

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nah, just listen to secret podcast, fuck redscare

isn't that the girl who cucked /ourbug/?

I was shocked to find out she wasn't a tranny.

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is she turkish or something good god

Armenian Jew from Russia.

She’s not? Fuck, I’m going to stop listening. Any recs for other podcasts?

I'd fuck her even if she is a coke addicted whore and looks like a tranny most of the time.

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Is it just me, or does Dasha seem like the kind girl who enjoys humiliation? I can imagine throat fucking her into a coma, and have her begging for more.
Dasha’s tits could use some work, however. I‘d be forced to cum in her asshole.
Bitch is too crazy to bear my children.

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anna is my type so hard

>tfw no weirdo cheekbones skinny gf

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Television and Movies, enough with this ugly bitch, fuck you andrew and morgan

poor gay adam, imagine getting cucked by multiple black men every night.atleast his son is doing okay.

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>imagine unironically listening to red scare

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>this bitch finally got on TekWars

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Only fags and grannies listen to it.

Is Tekwars free? Their feed is weird. And they have some shit on SoundCloud. Anyone have real RSS link?

no it unironically sucks and they're boring

Yo what up Yas Forums? Just poppin by to say hi to my deadass favorite board, stay litty.
--Cool Adam

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i really hate that bug

Are there any fapable pictures of them?

I'm not a big fan of vocal fry and communist whores

Yeah, there new thing is:
>won’t use muh Patreon to pay rent
>hope gorilians die of Corona Chan
>the system must go down and be replaced with...

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i listened to it as a joke but now i unironically like it

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cumtown is kino and has the old pre 2016 Yas Forums vibe. like they grew up early 2000s Yas Forums shitposters

i think he was referring to red scare there,chief.

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adam cute

nigga looks like the worst member of the warriors

I expected him to be more skinny fat desu.

Tekwar? The William Shatner series?

No, some pansy-voiced dude hosts it.

100% sure Nick goes on Yas Forums all the time. Adam and Stav definitely don't though.

nick claims he doesn't but he sure knows an awful lot about chris chan for someone who hasn't

Anna >>>>>>> Dasha

In every aspect, it's not even close

i agree but dasha has a better voice

hahahahahah I love adam

No, only cumtown is

low rise pants are the best cultural fashion contribution of the 2000's and I miss them
especially when my thicc spanish teacher in high school wore them

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just started listening to this and 75% of it amounts to talking about sucking dick; are they closeted homos?

nah cumtown is like Yas Forums before Yas Forums infested every board on the site, i doubt nick is interested in what it's become now

I unironically enjoy listening to the ladies and would go balls deep in their perfect pussies without hesitation.

theyve ascended beyond having regular sexualities
except for adam who is a faggot in denial

>Quick rundown?
Act like i'm stupid and have no clue whats going on

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I like how you assume they don’t have narrow pussies.
New loveline episode, you virgins

its a comfy podcast by baste wymmen

that's a man

>listless women giving love advice
Jesus fuck, user. Only a raving tranny would listen to that.

fuck that post the full version of her kantbot episode

>voo-oo-ooo-cal fff-rrrr-rrrr-rrr-rry

Vapid yuppie retards listened to by other vapid yuppie retards or desperate leftist simps

bro, that episode is free. post the previous one that's paywalled.

This. I’m not paying that scrawny nigger one dime of my Trumpbux.

I thought he cucked her with this crack whore?

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Uggghhh liike Steeeeve Baaannnoooon is sooooouuh hoooot. Iiiiid raaathherrr fuccck him befoooree Bradu Pittuuuu

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they were broken up for a awhile because that happened

imagine listening to a womans podcast. Anna is ok but why would you go out of your way to hear dasha speak.

lol no they broke up because dasha cheated on Adam with one of her many "gay" friends.

i said post the FULL version genius

I wish they'd go on real chaturbate during this crazy quarantine time. They'd probably make good paypig money just sitting there and Dasha is guaranteed to get drunk and end up doing a cumshow

fuck i meant before

red scare is cumtown for men who have never spoke to women

I don't have it then, no one has shared it yet.

She's a pure Catholic girl. She'd never do such a thing.

she was nude in at least one movie pretending to get fucked

her trad cath shit is just an excuse to wear catholic school girl outfits and act even more slutty.

how is this ugly jew not a virgin.

Low inhib

he's cool