/trek/ - superior edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


vulcan smug best smug

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stop posting


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stop putting the name of the edition in the subject line with the /trek/, retard. Also, you forgot the backlink



>paying $70k to be a virgin for the rest of your life
some here would

tranny furnace ds9 when?


The comments are hilarious.

>your my hero man
hes a pedo

>I wish you were my dad lol
hes a pedo

>im going to get this guy to design my house
hes a pedo

he was married but got divorced for being a pedo

You don't understand our /trek/ culture you fucking retard.

>installing ‘transformers’


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>our /trek/ culture
>fucking retard
5/10 ironic shitposting. next time, don't use the superfluous expletive. You give yourself away as a zoomer.

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Fully Functional sub-edition


Maintain velocity, Mr. Scott. We must. Remain. On page... one.

>superfluous expletive
Based virgin incel.


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imagine the programs he would make in the holodeck, fucking pervert

cringe phoneposter facebook tier posting


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>yfw Starfleet Academy's baseball team has had a tradition of a Vulcan pitcher ever since Saavik 'The Photon Torpedo' set the trend when she attended as the first Vulcan to ever play on the team

lol what a shame, its really cool for a party pad hang out their before you hit the town with my non existing friends

>only zoomers use a chain of swearwords
What the fuck are you smoking you dumb fucking cunt?
You're not even an Anglo are you?

The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after the Romulans conquer the galaxy.

Attached: IggyDubs.jpg (320x320, 16.19K)


>voy fag
Boy who woulda guessed?

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based Dubsminion poster

>cursing is cool therefore more cursing = more gooder
or are you perhaps autistic / aspie so you just have no idea that, yes, curse words (like all words) have to be deployed strategically. As an aside, if there is one thing i've learned these past few years to aid in my posting career, it's that baiting people into thinking you're uptight/dumb/awkward/weak often results in them attacking the resulting strawman and leaving themselves quite vulnerable.

If that's the meaning you took from my criticism, then it is in fact you who are the "dumb fucking cunt". But, i'll assume you were just greentexting a completely different meaning for the usual reasons, which I fully endorse.

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that fucking cracking floor

Mate, if anyone comes off as an asspie in this thread it's you.

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i want a mansion mate


>superfluous expletive
The only thing superfluous here is your penis lol. Cause you don't get to have sex. Haha.


That looks nice, and I know girls that would fuck on the countertops. No pedo, no homo.

I need some coffee to go with these dubs.

Attached: dubsway.jpg (942x686, 44.95K)

>TNG bridge
>the exact replica
fucking lying bitch!

coffe is superior to Picard's tea


Dubsminion is eternal

35million is a rip off the pedo guys flat is way cooler, apart from the creaking floor boards and his kidde porn stash

He not smart.

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Where's gay eff?

Did he rape a child in that flat?

what is it about bongs and aussies that cause them to completely misunderstand image board culture? Aussies I can sort of understand. They're retarded by nature, but brits are supposed to be masterful at sarcasm and wordplay.

And yet, we get "u wot mate" "shut up ya cunt" boring and predictable hooligans like user. I'm assuming the smart ones are smart enough to not let on that they're bongs, perhaps? But it still doesn't explain why some footie-playing retard who just stumbled home from ye olde pub is on Yas Forums in the first place. Is this what Muhammad has reduced you to?

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That's fucking nothing.

Because no one wants it, you fucking retard.

You have absolutely zeor understanding of /trek/ culture you twit.
I bet you're a post-GoT immigrant.

Dumb fucking cunt

>So she was playing a tranny, so the strapon scene was actually going up a mans ass?
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:27:39 No.131414071▶
> I'm not watching a series that has a tranny
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:29:46 No.131414149▶
> Cool premise and some parts were promising, but that uber leet haxor tranny freak ruined the show. Even those gay messicans were nothing compared to that tranny freak. The "wet" dildo scene was disgusting. Only saving grace from this garbage show is Martha Jones' titties
>File: 397898379379347843.jpg (34 KB, 443x490)
>34 KB
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)10:11:01 No.131394955 [Reply]▶
> uh.... I thought this show was aimed at kids
>+180 replies and 35 images omitted. Click here to view.
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:26:48 No.131414034▶
>File: 1543115185094.jpg (123 KB, 1920x1080)
>123 KB
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:27:51 No.131414081▶
>File: Steven.Universe..jpg (109 KB, 832x670)
>109 KB
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:28:59 No.131414125▶
>File: Billy's butt.png (2.14 MB, 1716x800)
>2.14 MB
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:28:59 No.131414126▶
> why does this faggot have a bunch of pics of CN boy butts on his computer?
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:29:42 No.131414148▶
> Why is it ok to show his butt but not his mom's butt?

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Trips are not counted as dubs.
Dubsway remains unsuccessful despite having gotten trips once.

No, the price is that much because you cannot mortgage it. You have to pay £70k cash. That's why the price is the way it is. Also, who cares? I'm not a nonce. If I could build it for less than £70k I would.

shit ass cunt fucking thread

Attached: diplomacy.jpg (1920x1080, 352.47K)

Are you okay user?

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They got dubs the thread after they got trip trips.

>Not using the Trek W*jak
At least use the proper W*jak next time.



it would have made a great Air Bnb before he got jailed Trek fans would crash there surely? for one or two nights


Yeah, this is actually somehow more shit then the last 2 samefagging threads.

I'd rent it for a night just to fuck a gap-toothed hooker in a TOS costume

That Nigerian gook trannie


Me too!!

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Your a genius


Daily reminder that neelix was a pedophile

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Based based based

Voyager? More like Voyagerm!

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>implying the point is "dubs" and not auspicious gets of any type
how are you enjoying this early summer, summerfriend?

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250 IQ post


That's the reason why Tasha's actor left after season 1. To be forced to act in such misogynistic scenes must have been degrading.

Holy shit based af


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Why didn't I think of that?