You know Yas Forums, she has a point

You know Yas Forums, she has a point.

Attached: TARANTINO BTFO.jpg (625x415, 227.94K)

what happens during that baseball scene?
i havnet seen many tarantula movies but still recognize a lot of it, like chick with samurai swort, bruce willys and a watch, that nazi movie and westerns with nignogs

Attached: 1585463780863.webm (720x440, 2.91M)

>that shitty windup
>that even shittier swing
How hard is it to watch a 5-second clip of a pro and copy it, at least bend your fucking knee

Attached: D511vTuW4AAC9zL.jpg large.jpg (1343x874, 83.67K)


uh pulp fiction alone inspired like 20 movies in the 90s what is she talking about

Attached: 1545998656261.png (1082x695, 433.96K)

the porn parody was pretty good

Its women, man

>that shoot of the guy moving the bat for no reason

Why is it so green/blue? Very off-putting.

twilight baseball scene dope as fuck though. if you said something else from twilight, literally almost anything else then its not true

For maximum comfiness.

Attached: 1574199272691.webm (720x440, 2.8M)

pattinson so dreamy dude. cant believe kstew cheated on him what a bish

You know, I really do hope Jodie Foster raped her during panic room and groomed her and all that shit

>it's women
No. Even the K-Pop thots that the Korean Baseball league uses to throw their ceremonial first pitches can do a proper windup. It's not some biological imperative.

I have no clue what scene she's referring to

How did people watch these movies with that overbearing blue/green filter

all girls cheat

Attached: 1574198113105.webm (1280x528, 2.74M)

jesus Trump get over it

The color scheme of 2000s movies is so weird, it's either blue/orange (Transformers, Star Wars prequels) or green (Twilight, Matrix, Harry Potter 2-6)

Factually wrong. Might have a point if whoever the fuck that is meant the whole Twilight Saga because it's definitely been more influential from the first release till the early mid 2010s than anything Tarantula did past Pulp Fiction, but not that one fucking scene on its own.

Because the town hat no sunlight. That's why the vampires were there in the first place. So basically, instead of using grey filters, they used blue and green

Who needs proper form when you have superhuman strength and speed?

Mike Trout and Shohei Ohtani have superhuman strength and speed but they still bother with proper form

Trout is a freak of nature basically even without a bat in hand he still be the best player in baseball.

That actually sounds like a decent reason as opposed to other shit like the later Harry Potter movies which had a completely unnecessary darker color palette.

I don't know who those are because sports are gay

If Mike was around during the steroids era he'd be the most dominant player of all time.

IIRC, in the books Rowling literally has Voldemort change the weather. England becomes even rainier and cloudier than usual and it's because Voldemort is bumming everyone out.

Trout is an American baseball player who might already be the 2nd-best player of all time already even though he's not even 30 yet. Ohtani is a Japanese baseball player who shares the exact same skillset as the best baseball player of all time and he's only 25.

Imagine Trout on the Yankees in the steroid era. Man would be hitting .350 with 60 homers per year.

>Ohtani is a Japanese baseball player who shares the exact same skillset as the best baseball player of all time and he's only 25.
*Oh and top of that Ohtani is in better shape than the best baseball player of all time. So he has the insane, superhuman skillset combined with better athleticism.

Same way people watch current movies with oversaturated orange puke all over the screen I guess

name 1

Trout's swing is a work of art. It's just so smooth and effortless and mechanically flawless.

Attached: trout_does_it_again.gif (360x240, 1.53M)

What did those movies influence though? I remember a batch of supernatural teen romances coming out in the years immediately after, but they were soon replaced by another flavour of young adults love triangle once hunger games came around

gayer vamps than true blood

It's like he's some kind of angel in the outfield

Attached: trout animated swing.gif (800x800, 2.02M)

women throw like that cause they lack strength. it makes no sense

Is Ed the flash of vampires?

GOATs gonna GOAT

did anyone else feel cringy the way she pitched?


Attached: first_pitch.jpg (325x799, 53.79K)

>implying he's not on the juice rn

>Le cultural impact
kill yourself faggot op
Stop posting these twitter whores ffs

Lol this isn't a fair pic, those are photos taken at completely different moments in the delivery. Bush and Clemens are rearing back at the beginning of the throw, Obama and the chick have already completed that part and are coming forward in a normal (albeit relaxed) 3/4 motion. Pic related, Max Scherzer and Chris Sale, two of the best pitchers in the game over the past 5 years, both can hit 98mph+ without breaking a sweat.

Attached: max-scherzer-chris-sale-tri.jpg (1200x675, 313.78K)

This pretty much set the standard for every Bollywood action sequence. Since that's a larger industry, OP is technically not wrong.

>the way she points her leg

Lol what a fucking autist
This film would actually be good if it wasn't a stupid woman's fanfic. Make it like the lost boys or something. Cool vampire kids just hang out in high school shagging all the girls and bullying the nerds for all eternity.

metal core in the ball and magnet in the glove
wake the fuck up baseball sheeple

these literal nobody's tweet screencaps should mean a ban

>Babe Ruth
>Best player of all time
Okay, retard

>Babe Ruth
>not the best player of all time
He was an elite pitcher and an elite home run hitter. #1 all-time in Career WAR by a fucking mile, he has nearly a 20-run lead on the #2-5 guys (Johnson, Young, Bonds, Mays). There have been better pitchers, and there has been one better home run hitter (Hank Aaron), but nobody else has been great at both yet. Ohtani is the first guy in literally a century who could do it.

So, exactly what cultural impact was derived from this?

Guarantee you the dumb twitter bitch saw a baseball game on tv and thought it was Twilight-related

>Who needs proper form when you have superhuman strength and speed?

You would need proper form when the other players also have superhuman abilities.

Taylor Lautner and Booboo Stewart are relentlessly handsome.

Yes and that's more than anything Tarantula did after PF accomplished, at least in terms of industry influence.




>shitty chick flick good, acclaimed foot feticist filmmaker bad
Ironically Tarantino is the main guy to blame for the re-evaluating trash as meaningful works of art mentality

said the school shooter

Regardless it doesn't strike me as a legacy I would boast around. I guess warm bodies was charming and that other sci-fi romance by the same author of twilight had its moments

t. incel