now that the dust has settled, he deserved that Oscar right?
Now that the dust has settled, he deserved that Oscar right?
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Not really. He ended up sounding like he had rocks in his mouth half of time.
Your mother deserves an ass fucking
this movie was fucking terrible
Definitive Top 10 of 2019:
1. Portrait of a Lady on Fire
2. Pain and Glory
3. A Hidden Life
4. Corpus Christi
5. Monos
6. Parasite
7. The Lighthouse
8. Ford v Ferrari
9. Uncut Gems
10. Midsommar
it was kike kino and he got what he fucking deserved
no. he was good, dont get me wrong, but its easy to be impressed with sandler with his track record. if he was ever gonna win it shouldve been for PDL.
kys capeshit fantard
>muh capeshit boogeyman
kys pseudo-intellectual tranny
At what point did he say 'this is how I win'? I must've missed that line.
he doesn't deserve anything after he let kevin garnett push the safdies around behind the scenes
go dilate you low IQ conformist capeshit fapping retard
on that list only number 9 is good
based zoomer texting instead of watching the film
>ford v ferrari above uncut gems
thats gonna be a no from me dawg
>top 10
>I've heard of them
i doubt it
Yes, if Oscar is code for bullet.
Why’d they use Akira music for the soundtrack?
Fuck no. He showed no range the entire movie. He just acted like an asshole for 2 hours. Not once did I pick up anything but "gambling scheming asshole" while watching. Sandler being cast made the film worse because of his shit acting the character was one dimensional and I felt no sympathy at the end.
>le shitty comic man can act serious now!
nah dude he cried once. It was a tour de force.
either i hate kino or parasite was barely above 6/10. jojo rabbit was better than Midsommar.
>16 year olds knowing who Tarkofsky is
Nah, even the most pretentious twat teenager hasn't heard of the guy, at least in America. Nolan and Lynch maybe, but not him. Also Kubrick isn't really pretentious, The Shining, 2001, and A Clockwork Orange are pretty well known and respected movies, that would be like calling Coppola pretentious for making the Godfather.
He literally just played his obnoxious comedy character. He just had a more dramatic script to work with.
jesus christ
Oh yeah he did cry...fuck nevermind take Joquin's and give it to Sandler.
>he doesn't deserve anything after he let kevin garnett push the safdies around behind the scenes
Kevin Garnett was ruthless behind the scenes and almost sabotaged the entire production. Him and his manager bullied the production staff into calling the film uncut gems to begin with, and at one point, i heard that the ugly safdie brother tried to confront him, and Kevin Garnett picked him up like a coffee cup and threw him against a wall.
>le ebin laugh like a retard and save the cows man
truly genius
what the actual fuck
it's just one schizo posting his theory
now i'm even more confused
what are you talking about retard?
>Portrait of a Lady on Fire
1. A Hidden Life
2. Vitalina Varela
3. 6 Underground
4. Uncut Gems
5. The Lighthouse
6. Beanpole
7. Bait
8. Martin Eden
9. Pain and Glory
10. Dragged Across Concrete
The film was called Uncut Gems from day one. Even before Garnett came on board. There is even a draft from 2015 with different basketball player. That one schizo poster has some weird attachment to Garnett and constantly posts that shit. He is autistic or has some other type of mental illness.
thanks for clearing it up, fuck that guy
Kevin Garnett was the original choice for the film and used his NBA connections to tell other players the production crew contacted for leverage at the negotiation table, that the film was, in not so many words, "off-limits." The safdie brothers allowed this to go on because they were in awe of both Garnett's literal and figurative stature. However this all came to a head with the incident I described above, where Garnett threw the ugly safdie brother into a concrete wall for getting too fresh with him.
cool source bro
why do you struggle so much dealing with reality, "user?"
He sounded like a character from Eight Crazy Nights.
That isn't Antonio Bander-clapsass
Where were you when Adam Sandler filtered all of Yas Forums with this film?
>Dragged across concrete being anywhere near top 100
He did nothing wrong.
>no Avengement
No problem. He is ill, just ignore him.
Why not
this movie at least deserved a nomination for best sound track, fucking criminal that it didn't even get a nom
based, fuck mcdonalds arthouse
>unholy trips
>desperately trying to bury the KG story
not fooling me, hasidic satan
>Where were you
Hospitalized with Covid-19
It's terrible. I couldn't get past the half hour mark. It was so cheesey while pretending not to be.
Holy fuck he looks like an intentionally offensive kike caricature come to life.
that's a liberal hoax enforced by the lamestream media
by me
What was cheesy about it? It was a 70s style cop film throwback. Not perfect but very good, the characters very competently done and the whole film took quite mature sociopolitical stance instead of just pandering to the left.
>this movie at least deserved a nomination for best sound track, fucking criminal that it didn't even get a nom
Rent free
>what was cheesy about it?
>it was a police procedural throwback
>quite mature sociopolitical stance
did you even read the second half of your post after you typed that question up?
Meh, there were no real standout performances in the nominations. Sandler's also given better dramatic performances in the past
nice movie ruined by a completely retarded ending,they could have gone with literally anything else and it would be ok good ending or bad
probably cuz he was wearing them fake teeth
Yes. 70s style thriller doesn't really strike me as cheesy. Romantic comedies are cheesy.
Filtered. Howard needed to pay for his behaviour. It was established early on that Phil will kill him, Howard fucked with him too much.
don't reply to him DAC was fine, he probably hates Uncut Gems too