Is he based or cringe, Yas Forums?
Ethan Klein
nowadays very cringe. back when he was reacting to vids with minimal pre-written scripts and little sketches, based
He's boring
He's a Jew with a Jewish agenda.
it's unbelievable how quickly he lost touch with reality when he became successful.
what does he do or have a talent for? Is he literally just jontrons friend that backstabbed him?
literally ripped off sam hyde and he's a fucking kike faggot with a heroin junkie wife
He doesn't think, spews the first thing on his mind. Which is typically toxic, because he doesn't give anyone the benefit of the doubt, and assumes everyone is a villain. Unless he gets to rub shoulders with them, at which point, he treats them like saints. Until they present a danger to his image, at which point he will throw them under the bus entirely.
He is a man of impulses, and emotions and sensations. Things like logic, understanding and compassion struggle to keep up with his spastic behavior.
He's a massive cunt where the only reason he hasn't been completely excommunicated from Youtube is because he's buddy buddy with a lot of more talented, funnier youtubers (that he won't hesitate to toss under the bus when the situation suits him)
whats with the influx of e-celeb threads in the last three days and they all have reddit filenames are we being raided
used to be based. i was subbed when he had like 200k subscribers. the channel took a nosedive after the vape nation fame got to his head and when he abandoned nomal videos for a terrible boring podcast.
>do you worry that your daughter will get raped?"
Made good videos for a time. Pretty much any video before Vape Nation is great. His shit sucks now and his takes are even shittier.
>they all have reddit filenames are we being raided
For the last 6 years
I've noticed the uptic too. Could be man. Could be one. Check this thread out. It directly reference the other eceleb shitthreads. And it's a cunny thread to boot. So we might be dealing the the cunny spammer here.
Ecelebs are always funnier and more based when they lack their unearned sense of self-esteem.
Are you retarded?
It's mod sanctioned spam from zoomer discords
probably the worst podcast """""""""""""host"""""""""""" out there
>That lazy deflection
Looks like I hit the nail squarely on the head.
>Check this thread out. # It directly reference the other eceleb shitthreads. And it's a cunny thread to boot. So we might be dealing the the cunny spammer here.
It's directly referencing eceleb threads as an justification to post cunny and point out the shitty moderation of the board.
Think harder next time and maybe I won't call you retarded.
>He is a man of impulses, and emotions and sensations. Things like logic, understanding and compassion struggle to keep up with his spastic behavior.
he's fat and disgusting
He’s a kike.
He's a cringey faggot, but he's exploiting retarded people and bilking them for cash. I do find that amusing.
>He really thinks the cunny poster is that savvy.
He's always been cringe, now it's just more apparent because his podcasts aren't scripted.
Get some reading comprehension and learn to think abstractly
weird how that thread was deleted, but everything else is left up
I guess the complaints on /qa/ were true
Sam Hyde ruined a generation of men letting them think being an idiot infront of a camera was a job
I used to like him alot, but he doesn't make videos now. And most of them suck. he only does podcast.
Hila is based, Ethan is cringe
Fat faggot nigger
>is he based
Why on earth are you asking if this faggot isn't a complete piece of shit?
>Again with the lazy deflection.
Man... I'm really hitting it out of the park.
What are the complaints? That the mods are all newfags and zoomers?
Solicited donations for his legal defense when he was making over $4 million per year. Pure scum.
Nice lazy deflection.
>what complaints
Get some reading comprehension. Cunnyposter made his thread to point out that youtube discussion doesn't get deleted but his youtube discussion thread does.
>still aping Sam Hyde after all these years
Well to be fair, he got the schtick from Tim & Eric. But instead of being the slightly awkward dumb guy. He's the the slightly edgy dumb guy(Who thinks he's actually smart and redpilled)
Based as pre-2015, pure Cringe since the jew drama with Pewds and JonTron, kike leeched from them and started making money and embarrassing himself on his own podcast, good riddance.
That is not at all what was said nor implied. You have zero reason to believe this.
It's more likely that someone willing to spam cunny on Yas Forums all day, is unscrupulous, and willing to spam other content all day.
You should lurk more before posting baseless assumptions abou
Tim and Eric were on television, not in vertical videos screaming nigger
He has always been painfully unfunny
But they still crafted a budget production aesthetic. Sam just did it more lazily. And when sam got his own production, he did the intentional low budget thing too.
>it was intentional to make it look like shit
Why are there still Hydefags here?
You think I'm a Hydefag? By stating that he took his Shtick from Tim & Eric?
>What are the complaints? That the mods are all newfags and zoomers?
They're biased and leave up whatever off-topic garbage underage redditors like
a prime example: this thread
No, I just have a good hunch you are an MDE fan and think there was an elaborate plot to get Sam off of AS.
Am I right?
But the kid is his
The only thing any Jew deserves is an electric chair
Cringe, formerly Based
Nnnnnope. I hate both him and Tim & Eric. They're all unfunny hacks. For the conspiracy theory, I only know what I read in bits from here on Yas Forums. Otherwise, I don't follow it. If there was a conspiracy against him, I still wouldn't care that much, beyond a "huh... neat".
I agree halfway with the post that said that style of comedy ruined a generation of men. I only disagree that it was Sam who did the damage. When he was only just another dude influenced by Tim & Eric. THEY ruined a generation. THEY gave us Sam, and Ethan, and Jontron, and every fucker who does that awkward stutter, low effort schtick. Fuck 'em all. Eric Andre too.
We're being raided and the mods are ignoring it. This means you can post whatever you want too
>dumb comedy has "ruined" a generation of men
okay so you are some sort of insane type of person, gotcha.
Why do zoomies not know what a fucking raid is?
Well, they ruined humor for over a good decade anyway.
Hang on, you didn't even read the post I initially replied to?!