Ozark Season 3: Men Suck
Ozark Season 3: Men Suck
But all the women got BTFO'd besides Darlene. Helen is dead, Wendy was proven wrong all the season and Ruth needed to be convinced by two men: a crazy one and a grannyfucker
I watched s2 just once the daunting came out. Wasn’t the big twist that Wendy fucked Marty over at the end by forcing them to stay in the business? Why the fuck is she now all about leaving the business going legit?
Darlene is alright, I wanted her to kill Wendy so bad
I just cant ruth.
Is this true or is OP being contrarian?
need Ruth to verbally abuse me
A contrarian. Marty was always right again. The black FBI woman seems cool though.
I'm only on episode 4 2bh, if what this guy said is true then I take that back, that FBI agent seems cool
false, but OP is being stupid
ruth or the daughter? who has the tighter cunny
I'm assuming Wendy becoming a huge bitch IS intentional no? The show is not trying to make her look cool or powerful, maybe in the beginning
I dropped this after season 1. Sadly, it happens a lot with netflix originals. I lose interest in a season or less in most cases.
Does it get better?
It's pretty consistent. If you didn't like it initially you probably won't on the whole.
I really don't think Wendy's arc in this season is supposed to be YASSS QUEEN
>mfw Helen tries to blame the audit on Marty getting the KC mob to sbaotage the other casino
bullshit and fuck you Helen!
why did navarro do it?
Ruth will be a fucking animal in the sack
He is the more despisable character. Killing her brother who unlike Ruth's family was completely innocent as well as mentally ill
*She I meant
It had become clear (between Helen's power-grabbing and the personal tension of Wendy letting Helen kill her brother) that they couldn't coexist any longer. So who do you choose? While Helen was working to secure more power for herself only, the Byrdes took it upon themselves to solve the cartel war problem.
The cartel war situation is such an asspull. As if the US military could just nuke an enormous organization in 15 minutes.
I don't think they nuked the other cartel. It's just the US military now became their most immediate problem. They can't just attack another Baptism while the US military is on their ass. Navarro won. Helen wasn't offering anything other than "let me take out my competition so I am your only option."
>Ruth gf irl
is it achievable?
What was Ben's deal? Are bipolar people really that off the walls?
The odds are not in your favor.
every scene with ben was such a boring shit to watch, literally pointless character
She's below average, so yeah.
I saw a couple of you dipshits being critical, they literally ended the 2nd season showing that Wendy was going to take a step up.Why does it seem like some sjw propoganda now even though we've known this would happen for over a year
Retards man I swear
yeah man go down there and dress nice and have a reasonable job and don't swear too much, but DO have an ATV and learn some sick ATV tricks, then you can have a Ruth gf
Bear in mind dressing nice in this context means shoes that are fully laced up and shirts with buttons worn closed
probably at one point ben was filled with rage and lashed out at helen then later on he feels terrible and says sorry to wendy
drink every time a woman cries
She wants money, but clean money. She needs dirty money and connection to get the hotel and casino
Patrician taste coming through
thanks user, I will remember that
She wants to be the empress of mizzuruh
either she's started growing into her overlarge face or I've just gotten used to it
either way the Charlotte was tight this season
This girl is really pretty
Every failure of the Byrdes' was also a failure of Helen's since she was supposed to be their handler. However she never really was the one to solve problems on her own, it was mostly Marty pulling through and so Navarro realized that she was no longer necessary to the operation.
I'm on ep 3.
Watching Jonah get cucked was painful
yeah what the fuck did she get a korean jaw shave or something? hardly noticed her manliness this season
He gets better
>I can't go back to Chicago as a virgin
what did mean by this
Pls don't tell me he fucks her too unrealistic for my taste
No, he does not fuck her.
What was the thing with the girl's phone in Ben's old school?
Who is going to handle legal matters now? How are they going to explain their lawyer going missing when they're already under investigation from 30 angles?
For that matter, why does the FBI not even give a shit when they have everything short of signed confessions?
how did she manage to lose her predator eyes?
my informed opinion is that they killed the real sofia hublitz and performed illegal back-alley facial reconstruction surgery on an orphan they bought from Albania to replace her
all the woman in this show(except the caveman looking daughter) are hot as fuck and i want to stick my penis in their buttholes
Laura Linney's like 70 years old and she still gave me a semi when she was walking around in her pyjamas
Seems like a picture
>Who is going to handle legal matters now?
Navarro will just pay someone new
>How are they going to explain their lawyer going missing when they're already under investigation from 30 angles?
They can say whatever they wan because the FBI won't find the body all the way in Mexico
>For that matter, why does the FBI not even give a shit when they have everything short of signed confessions?
Gotta do everything by the books for the sake of plot or something like that
I assumed a photo of the girl sucking dick
why did I assume that?
3 seasons later and Bateman still can't play anyone but himself
She's had a taste of power and wants more after living a upper class life of conformity and boredom. Exactly like how Marty was once a simple corporate accountant but he too sampled the power and degenerate wealth and became a cartel lackey - his first "real", direct murder last season has changed him, made him realize it was all for nothing. Literally the entire theme of this show, power is intoxicating, disgusting, and ultimately pointless.
looks like anime. can't blame him for flipping out
a very cringe video of her miming along to some gay shit tv show for nerds while dressed up as fucking
strawberry shortcake or some shit
>They can say whatever they wan because the FBI won't find the body all the way in Mexico
Yeah, but they can pressure her daughter who will crack in a heartbeat.
Arrested Development is the only good thing Jason Bateman has ever been in, and that wasn't by virtue of his presence alone. He's a black fucking hole of charisma.
>He's a black fucking hole of charisma.
I feel like that's the point of Marty's character
>The black FBI woman seems cool
Lawyers are replaceable. The Byrds were not.
That's the point of the character, to be dry as fuck so when he lashes out creates a powerful moment...
Now that the daughter knows I'm sure they'll get rid of her