Who drinks a beer like this?
Who drinks a beer like this?
angry latina dykes
>watching kino
>woman drinks a beer in one go
>”what? I had six brothers.”
I always drink Corona© like this
Please enjoy responsibly ™
Someone being paid to show the label of the beer on camera.
I used to do commercials as a kid Yas Forums and it's literally (actually literally) the first thing they teach you day 1.
Someone who doesn't want to cover up the logo of the beer she's drinking because she's proud to be drinking CORONA, the best beer for the familia
Drinking is the most unattractive thing a women does.
>putting her mouth in a corona vessel
yet they still wont fuck you
>how to spot an overcompensating tryhard instantly
Woman shouldn't be allowed to eat food in public, it's disgusting
All women shouldn't fuck anyone else but me, it's disgusting
It's a beer. Ypu're supppossed to drink it as soon as it's been opened because it goes flat so it's ok to drink it straight from the bottle. You think it's not feminine to drinkt it tilting the bottle? What are you, vegan? Don't be so suburban
Latinx bigot, you don’t know gender or sex of being.
Sorry guys I’m just adding some woke posts that I can bring up later during trial if needed.
she cute
Cringe and bluepilled.
Unironically this. You know how some women do sexy photoshoots eating pizza? Fuck that. I always get disgusted when there's women and food involved.
Is it not have sex with you know whats?
>not smoking
God you’re a fucking moron
This but unironically.
>whenever kikes use random Yiddish words I understand them, because they just sound like the retarded cousin of German
What did those Jews mean by this?
this is now a Jakob thread
Shut up, fag
sauce on webm?
women are disgusting
they walk around and there is shit inside their colon and piss in their bladder
I've done that when I've been really drunk in a friends backyard in the summer time. I don't know how to describe it exactly, but it's the kind of sip you take when you are already loaded and not drinking them so fast anymore, but still want to wet your whistle with some ice cold brewski ya know?
Kill yourself faggot
shit familia...looks like the good times are over
yea thinking about the greasiness and the chewed pizza and the smell and the bloating is a disgusting thought
This is the correct way to drink beer from a bottle. The neck is supposed to keep your hand from.warming the beer.
shut up amerifat
imagine making out with her and her whiskey breath and having drunk sloppy sex with her
I always feel kinda sick when I see a w*man eating, drinking or pooping in public.
When you can drink whatever you want, as long as it's a Corona. Salud
Oh shit, big if true
Adult World (2013)
Also cringe
Also if you have your beers ice cold. I don't mean fridge cold I mean a beer you pluck out of a tub of ice water cold.
I wish I was in a backyard on a summer day drinking and bullshitting with my bros.
Based non-smokers taking deep smooth breaths living RENT FREE in fat impotent pedophile's head.
Well I mean I'm with you there buddy, good to see you're not completely lost to reality
This, but unironically.
those dick suckin lips
That one got me user
>when she sees anons little dick
>having your bad beers ice cold to numb the flavour
I want that hairline
>You can have any virus, as long as it's a corona.
grow up you hormonal loser
Not him idc about health but I hate it when smokers blow that shit in my face or kissing someone right after theyre done smoking. Especially weed.
T. Used to smoke
If it's corona or bud or any other sensible lager you drink on a 90 degree day the flavor doesn't matter. The carbonation and refreshing coldness does.
Go have another ipa faggot soigoy
based, but smoking or having tattoos is probably worse
Their language is fake; Yiddish is literally a German pidgin, and Hebrew is "revived" i.e. made up based on Arabic.
Who drinks beer ? Liquor is the way to go.
Beer is never meant to be ice cold, it's not even meant to be fridge cold.
This. I cant believe that whole bottle is a mere mouthful of what im used to drinking. Maybe I should stop.
go post about it on beeradvocate, nobody besides soiboi homoes cares dweeb
Alcoholic here. We should stop but we wont.
>knowing about basic human history and the creation of mead and ale is soi
Dumb American.
Shes not a dike. Shes the kind of girl you wrestle and play baseball then have shower sex
They were actually never sponsored by Corona
big if true
that's not beer, you idiot.
I would say it ultimately depends. There are some beers that absolutely taste better when cold, and others that taste better when cool, and others that genuinely taste better warm. Just depends on the flavor profile and the style of beer. You can't just put a blanket statement over beer and say all beers aren't "meant to be ice cold" or whatever.
You’re right, she’s not a stone wall that prevents flooding. She’s a dyke that beats up men and then has a sweaty scissor sesh with a bicurious college girl that hates her parents and has blue hair
I do a bit of both. Liquor to get it started then beer as a more gradual drunk
point out her blue hair retard
Oh you mean basic human history where refrigeration mostly wasn't even available, or if it was not practical for ordinary people. The very same ordinary people who today enjoy their beer cold?
I'm glad you like beer as a hobby but being a little soifaggot about it is very lame.
Then get a transplant. That’s how he got it