Anyone else with aphantasia struggle to enjoy movies because you can't remember anything that happened in the previous scene?
Anyone else with aphantasia struggle to enjoy movies because you can't remember anything that happened in the previous...
I can't even remember what this thread was about.
What did you say?
I refuse to believe this is a condition people can have, these people are an actual waste of oxygen
I can't see anything if I close my eyes
what do i do bros
I thought your mind's eye was your imagination? Do they mean what do you see when you close your eyes, like the swirly weird lights physically?
I don't have aphantasia but I genuinely don't get what that "test" is even asking you to do.
Retards pretend that they see a red star inside their eyelid. Don't question them.
don't know why this made me lmao
if this a test to see if you are a commie?
because I don't get it.
I only saw an american bald eagle btw.
the fuck is a mind's eye?
Are you perhaps retarded?
i have this and legit who tf cares? it doesn't affect me in any way
i can imagine it and spin it around and imagine it exploding and change color but i dont see shit idk
This is a meme, right? There's no person who can't picture images in their head with almost full clarity, right? I understand that some people might no have inner voice, but no fucking pictures? So, they can't even have dreams that feel real or dreams at all?
user it's just you who can visualize things, and you're in danger!
That test is retarded and arbitrary, visualizing 6 is actually a lot easier than 2 for example.
This shit is confusing, I don't literally see it behind my eyes but I can imagine it and visualize it in my head or "minds eye". Its just common daydreaming and spacing out for me.
Sometimes I wonder why I remain in this world with its misery, its dreariness, when I could simply close my eyes and leave it all behind.
>close your eyes
Why? You don't have to close your eyes to imagine things.
But before you even open the picture to read the text you see all the stars, so when it asks you to picture a red star you automatically picture the red star you just saw in the picture.
I don't follow user, could you explain?
I simultaneously have 1 and 6. I can "visualize" the red star but I don't actually see anything but black.
I was obsessed with these as a kid
If you can remember something, you can imagine it.
>not imagining pic related
im intrigued, but how do I access this power?
came here to post this.
That's normal. Only idiots try to see the star with their physical eyes.
The thumbnail has a red star on it, so before you can even read the instructions you see the red stars they're asking you to visualize, so you visualize the red star you just saw.
I don't have to remember fucking your dad's hairy manpucci to imagine it.
Think about something. Well done. You just imagined. You have the gift. I always believed in you.
>I understand that some people might no have inner voice, but no fucking pictures? So, they can't even have dreams that feel real or dreams at all?
I'd hate to break this to you, but your dreams involve no actual visualization. They've researched it, and what is essentially happening is your brain is interpreting a kind of blob of color as a bunch of random shit. You don't "see" any of the stuff you think you do in your dreams, it's literally just your brain firing off impulses and interpreting essentially junk data from a vague blob of colors. Your dreams are not as vivid as you imagine them being, they're way more smudgy and imperfect.
>This is a meme, right?
Yes, and so is people not having an inner voice and thinking the Earth is flat. It's all Facebook memes. The entire basis of education is getting people to think and visualize in their own minds, if there was a % of humans that were incapable of doing this we would have known about it a thousand years ago.
>That full beautifully painted landscape, complete with a town that has rich and elaborate architecture, is just a series of blobs bro lol trust me "they've" researched it
How do you even get by in life thinking this way? You must be miserable.
based #7 chad
me? I imagine a massive orb of red plasma, still without closing my eyes
But if they're just blobs of colors and Im remembering them as vividly as I am, doesn't that mean Im picturing things I never seen before in my head?
How are you even able to do creative stuff without being able to envision it in your head?
that particular error in communication is the only thing that keeps people talking about shit like this
thanks user, im grateful for your assistance
i just think about it instead
>You don't "see" any of the stuff you think you do in your dreams
You don't 'see' your own memories either, retard, but you still have them.
>for me? its 6
>Not imagining a 6 pointed star of David
Oy vey shoa
I talked with a dude who legitimately couldn't envision things, or daydream, or make up stories in his head. It was quite an interesting conversation, and kinda terrifying.
Here's your "dream", senpai.
No. Meaning the visualization you think you're experiencing isn't as vivid or "clear" as you appear to think it is.
this user can't even explain the concept that he's being cynical about but doesn't appreciate the irony
Sure, but say you are writing a book and you want to describe a house, you "picture" that house in your head right? What colors the walls are, what material the floor is, the texture of the sofa and so on.
I don't understand this, how can you not remember what something looks like literally right after you just looked at it?
UNLESS, they are taking the concept of 'the minds eye' literally - which is stupid. You don't literally 'see it in your mind', rather you abstractly imagine and understand the concept of a red star because you HAVE SEEN it before.
The second one is clearly CIA.
I explained it perfectly, you're just retarded.
i dont write books, but i wouldn't have to visualize it nor go into that much fucking detail because i would just think of a description like "brown house with gray walls and mahogany wood flooring" or some shit.
These were the fucking shit.
Windows > Theatre Of Magic > Transformers > Technodance > the rest
#1 here, I closed my eyes and it was black wtf???? How can you even see anything with your yes closed
That's what actual aphantasia is. Not being able to visualize that star after having seen it before.
That said, I'd wager only an absolutely tiny part of the population actually suffer from it and most this stuff is just lost in translation of what "picturing" and "visualizing" means.
Yeah, that's totally what a dream is entirely, in the same way a joke's just words, a song's just sounds, and food's just a bunch of molecules. Did you also know love's just a bunch of chemical reactions in the brain? So is God. Heh, crazy how you can learn all of this stuff so easy thanks to science. Too bad science can't explain why my katana skills are so fucking SICK though.
it's asking you to link a written description with an image. I'm not sure if that's going to isolate aphantasia specifically, though.
You couldn't sound more pseud if you tried. Read a book you fucking nigger instead of quoting half read Buzzfeed articles.
Trying way too hard. Also a retard. I'm sorry that I ruined your romantic vision of dreams.
You don't need eyes to see Trump voters
how could someone with aphantasia even learn to read? or is it a condition you get from brain damage, so it's still possible to read without being able to remember what any given letter looks like when asked to reproduce it?
>still can't explain his crackpot theories
>resorts to ad hominem and lashing out
you're a sensitive boi aren't you?