Would you have given him the detonator to the ferry boat containing innocent women and children...

Would you have given him the detonator to the ferry boat containing innocent women and children? What do you think would’ve realistically happened?

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Anyone on Yas Forums would have handed it over. They would do anything to be able to blame a black man

They gave it to him because they wanted to live

>because they wanted to live
So your saying they gave him the detonator because they knew the black man would blow up the boat containing the women and children?

He wasn’t black

Can someone recap this? I dont remember the exact terms

Some of these scenarios are taken straight from game theory. Based on what you know the best approach is to immediately hit the button to prevent the other from doing so. Only if you start to establish some kind of diplomacy with the other side could you have a chance at staving this off.

A prisoner who is ashamed of himself throwing the detonator out is actually believable, but the normies? absolutely not, they'd have pressed that button in seconds.

Dude stole a motherfucker's bike, beat him up when he said he wanted it back, and then proclaimed the bike to be his. Would he have blown up a bunch of privileged women and children who were trying to cut and run from the hellhole that became Gotham? Very likely.

except thats what they sorta did just in reverse.

I could see it as a prisoner who's found god type thing.

They took a chance that the prisoner wanted to live more than kill all the guards

that works too

>joker puts bombs in two ferries
>gives each ferry the detonator to the opposite boat
>if neither of the boat’s use their detonator then they both explode by default
>one ferry has prisoners and the other has women and children
>weakling white guy prison warden panics and gives the detonator to a tall assertive black guy because he says he has the balls to do what must be done
That’s basically it

I would have pressed the button myself, fuck roasties and brats who most likely are going to become trannies in the future.

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I would and I'd give him my girl too

What girl?

Oh my sweet summer child.

But that's the thing. Normalfags can talk a big game but under the pressure of actually killing someone, they buckle.

I trust the wisdom of BLACK BVLLS.

Lmao I'd just push the button. I dont feel like even risking dying. But then again I wouldnt be living in Gotham in the first place.

he's talking about himself, but in a wig


Would the Joker have given them the detonator for their own boat but told them the opposite? Seems like something he'd do.

>push the button
>your boat explodes because the joker actually gave you your own detonator


Give me your phone so I can post FUCK NIGGERS, you can say I took it by force.

Give it to me, and I'll post what you should have posted 10 minutes ago

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This is what I thought when I watched the flick.

It’s an old psyche test where people were willing to let terrible things happen if they were made to feel not responsible.

I always assumed if they press their own button it blows both ships up, or joker would blow the second ship up anyway.

you cut off the part where he throws the fucking detonator out of the window, thus showing all bar him were a bunch of useless fairies. i know 4channel is mostly racially complicated in their opinions, but Tiny Lister is based and he stole that fucking movie in one scene

Was the Joker a brainlet or did he just know that the boats were filled with even more brainlets?

He overestimated the IQ of the average normalfag.

man, who knew the penalty for bike theft was prison time

>He overestimated the IQ
Then why was his plan so retarded? It depends on two boats filled with 80 IQ NPCs

No, because then his experiment would've been pointless. He was trying to prove that normies are evil.
Plus he already pulled the switcheroo trick with Harvey and Maggie Maggie Gyllenhaal.

No, because his goal is to corrupt the moral citizen half. He's counting on the prisoners to be the factor that motivates a speedy decision on the other boat because he thinks the only thing that's holding the prisoners back are the guards. If the prisoners detonated and blew themselves up then his whole plan fails and society gets off scott free because everything went according to plan, the criminals are painted as selfish and evil and the only ones that paid for it were themselves.

It was a "script moment," that shit would've never happened in real life.

>fictional black man did a based thing
>white people btfo

why the fuck didn't the other ferry press the button? if i were on there i would've done anything to get the detonator and press the button. why would you let your life, and the life of other innocents be put in the hands of a bunch of niggers?

would you really?

Each boat actually has its own detonator though as a joke

yes and at least a dozen other people would too

of course i would. fuck those niggers

>when a coward is also a faggot
Lister is based, i don't know the history of his character in the narrative but that was a pretty based move you pedantic fat queer, get your cunt mouth out off the earth
nothing in movies happens in real life, movie are not real

I fucking hate this scene so much..
>"you have the detonators. If nobody presses the button then both will explode at midnight"
>NOBODY mentions that they have until midnight
>NOBODY mentions that the "Joker" crime boss might have played a joke on them and given them their own detonator
>NOBODY mentions that they live in a city with a dedicated vigilante that will be doing everything he can to stop the plan by midnight

It's so hard to enjoy Nolan past childhood

t. chickens out at the last second

> if i were on there i would've done anything to get the detonator and press the button.
t. the bald guy who said the same shit but chickens out when given the detonator.
Have fun dying. The joker probably gave each ferry the detonator to their own boat.

All of them are jailhouse lawyers. he threw it out the window because he knew him and his boys would get considered heroes and released early.

>NOBODY just jumps off the boat and swims to nearby shore
its not like they were in the middle of the ocean

nope, i'd press it with no hesitation. you're just projecting your own pussiness onto me. i have no problem killing people who deserve it, or chose to live a life where it was a possibility.

When you go to prison, the most important thing in your life is gonna be booty. A man's butt. Booty, getting some booty is more important than eating food. It's more important than drinking water. If I see a man I like, I tell him like this here: I likes you, and I want you. Now, we can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way. The choice is yours.

I would rather get blown to catfood, than swim in the hudson or mississippi or the lake.

based boondocks poster

fuck me, i thought Yas Forums was one of the smarter boards, i feel like i'm trapped in a alzheimers ward, do any of you remember anything correctly? was rationing hard? fuck this

That was my take on the entire thing, Joker gets the last laugh when the women and children get blown up and everyone blames the prison guards/law enforcement for murdering them, sowing further anarchy in Gotham.

reminder that the booty warrior was paroled.

Even thieves have some kind of moral code that they cling to. Prisoners beat up or kill people convicted of particularly heinous crimes and always go around telling young people not to commit crime

I was hoping that would happen

It's good to know that Deebo had redeemed himself from his thuggish ways.

IRL the captains of both ferries would try to communicate with eachother and probably throw the denotators in the end. Yes, the terrorist would blow them up in the end but at least he will be to blame.

He'd be raping men either way.

yeah but now you could be next

Based and fleecepilled

I'm almost certain this was borderline explicitly stated (but now I'm wondering did I just assume)


>almost certain this was borderline explicitly stated
It's actually so overtly ignored that your mind thinks it was explicitly stated