>The pitch reportedly features Riggs (Gibson) and Murtaugh (Glover) coming out of retirement to help Riggs' son and Murtaugh's granddaughter, who are partners in the LAPD. In a twist of fate, Riggs' son grows to be a rational and straight-laced by-the-book cop unlike his maverick dad, with Murtaugh's granddaughter being the hotshot risk-taker of the duo, much to Murtaugh's changrin.

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Yes, a WMBF, the patrician pairing

will Chris Rock return?


Literally already a Lethal Weapon 5.

>Wokey Woke niggerfaggot Danny Glover needs money so bad that he's gonna partner up with KKK RACIST WHITE MAN Mel Gibson again

Is anyone in black-face? I'm out of not

after that rant he made against Mel?

>children of the original
>role swap
>gender swap
>"just happen to be partners"

Please, just stop...

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I was born in the 80s, love action movies, mostly like Gibson movies, and own the Super Nintendo Lethal Weapon video game, but for whatever reason I've never seen any of the Lethal Weapon movies. Are they worth watching?

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i`m too old for this shit

Where have you been? Despite their political differences their friendship has always been strong. Glover has always defended him despite everything.

For a second I thought it read CRISPIN GLOVER AND RICHARD DONNER, and I saw the whole movie flash before my eyes.

how many "too old for this shit" in the script

>MC Lethal Weapon 4
>That's me!
>I disagree with MC Lethal Weapons 1, 2 and 3
>Although I agree that they were a ground breaking trilogy
>The 4th was also good they added Chris Rock and Jet Li!

Lethal Weapon is my all time favorite film, the sequel is great too

>I'm REALLY too old for this shit
Chances this line is uttered?

Now that's what I'm talking about
Where da black women at?

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so is Sonic the Hedgehog kino?


>the black girl is the no nonsense badass

And I bet shes a lesbian too.

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1st one is about as flawless a movie can be. I didnt care for 2 but alot of people think its the best. 3 is trash avoid at all cost. And 4 is surprisingly good.

>the sequel is great too

Which one?

no, it's already confirmed there's a staeout scene where straightlace is trying to spy by the book and blacky is sucking him off like a true rogue

At least 20.

I can't believe Mel Gibson is going to wear blackface.

I'd rather see Gibson and Glover reprise their roles but this time show them as full detectives both two weeks away from retirement. At the end the bad guy could shoot one of them in the face, it might be cool. The whole kids thing is a terrible idea for sequels.

Too bad Tim Curry is dead, I'd love to see him reprise his role.

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Reminds me of how Bad Boys For Life was a nice sendoff for the characters until the last minute where they set up a sequel.

how did they convince based mel, is the script secretly kino?

loaded weapon was trash

I can't fucking believe you. How, you faggot?
Lethal Weaon 1 and 2 are unironcially among the best action comedies EVER made. In fact they are the ONLY buddy cop action comedies done right, everything else are just cheap copycats. 3 is solid, albeit Joe Pesci cranks it up to 11 with his buffoonery and 4 has Jet Li playing Corona Chang wrecking shit and Chris Tucker giving lip.

Literally all of them. LW is one of the few series where every part is great.

well lethal weapon 3 was meh and lethal weapon 4 was boring so I guess this means lethal weapon 5 is going to be laughable trash
if it doesn't have rene russo it might stand a chance though

Calling it now, one of them is gonna tell the kids "You are too young for this shit".

no, They're too old for this shit

gibson and glover over and over

should be the subtitle of the movie

They already greenlighted Lethal Weapon 6 too, so script must be kino. BWC WMBF.

>Murtaugh's granddaughter
>Hot shot risk taker
>Obv the "man" of the movie

What the fuck. It never stops with these kikes


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Sounds pretty wacky!

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I find myself in the minority as i didnt care for 2

>Mel names the jew
>is more popular than ever

Based Mel

When I was a kid and saw the title of this movie I took the title too literal and was expecting two buddy cops trying to stop some new leathal weapon never seen before like some cool robot

>the lethal weapon was Mel all along

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>coming out of retirement to help Riggs' son and Murtaugh's granddaughter, who are partners in the LAPD.
what the hell is this shit??? this is son of the mask all over again

what the hell's with hollywood and their obsession of bringing back old properties with the kids of the previous main characters as protagonists??? the new bill and ted is also doing that shit, ace ventura, the mask, doctor dolittle 3 etc

Danny Glover can barely move

>ace ventura, the mask, doctor dolittle 3

These ones shouldn't really count. They're cash-ins who couldn't bring Carrey or Murphy back and had to make do.

kill yourself

awww, from the thumbnail I thought it was gonna be a star wars solo sequel

>le pass the torch to the zoomers plot
Fucking awful premise

Lmao the start to this video has an explanation of hyperinflation

Lethal Weapon series is great


Star Wa- oh wait.

Literally too old for this shit.

It is tiresome. Either bring back the old guys as the main stars or else don't bother. This will be one of those things where you get 15 minutes (at best) of Glover and Gibson and the rest is a bland woke generic forgettable mess. When did this dumb formula ever create something truly good that stood on its own?

>we've seen riggs flirting with murtaugh's daughter AND granddaughter
Can that man be any more based than he already was

Yes, they're all great.

First one is one of the best films of all time
Based black family man
Based white suicidal ptsd veteran
It's fucking brilliant and you should watch it right now

They are both too old for this shit.

stop ruining every thread about mel gibson movies you fucking nonce

Should have went with the original script where they are on fishing trip and some bad dudes invade a small town


Oh damn, I'd watch the shit out of Lethal Weapon/Grumpy Old Men