The Godfather
All three Star Wars trilogies
Star Wars
Dark Souls
wow, what a retard, never!!!
it would be 2>1>3
All Star wars trilogies are 1>2>3
Dark knight trilogy
Dollars Trilogy
true detective
Cornetto trilogy
Lord of the rings except reverse three and one and this absolutely only applies to the extended editions
I guess you are right. Trips don't lie
The Matrix
Indiana Jones trilogy
world wars
Robocop and Predator
Pirates of the Caribbean
1 = 2 > 3
TDKR is garbage
Apartment trilogy
Aliens > Alien 3 >>>>>>>>>>> Aliens 1
mad max
That would be 1 > 2 > 3
are you retarded? the first one is the most enjoyable movie by far
Miramax's Bionicle follows like this.
John Wick
Captain America.
The two towers > return of the king > fellowship.
Almost all trilogies from Bad Boys to Lord of the Rings
Most trilogies go 2 > 1 > 3
the leftovers
This. Begins felt like Marvel capeshit.
Prequel trilogy
ding ding ding
Nah, most trilogies go 1 >>>>>>>>>>> 2 > dogshit > 3
That's Bourne for sure
Proletariat trilogy
The Wire
Evil Dead
Resident Evil
Dollars trilogy
dark tower
Before Sunset > Before Midnight > Before Sunrise
Evil Dead
this right here
1 is arguably the best in the series, though. And the contender is 4.
Clearly Toy Story
4 u
hell no
2 is the best and it is not even close to others
from the way the story flows with constant thrill of infection spreading, to the richness of characters of not just the main 3 but even the lowest mob henchmen having something interesting...
Whole roland in our world amazed with abundance of stuff and softness of people... everything is masterfully done
1 is near boring and too confusing, failing to give good grasp.
but yeah, 4 is no doubt second best
Dark Souls
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:20:58 No.131413793▶
> That's Bourne for sure
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:24:42 No.131413939▶
> Proletariat trilogy
> Community
> The Wire
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:26:45 No.131414030▶
> 2=3>1
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:27:47 No.131414079▶
> (OP)
> Evil Dead
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:29:32 No.131414142▶
> (OP)
> This thread doesn't exist anymore.
>File: vball.png (86 KB, 246x235)
>86 KB
>/trek/ - superior edition Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:10:41 No.131413341 [Reply]▶
>+16 replies and 5 images omitted. Click here to view.
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:27:05 No.131414049▶
> Maintain velocity, Mr. Scott. We must. Remain. On page... one.
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:27:41 No.131414074▶
> >superfluous expletive
> Based virgin incel.
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:28:02 No.131414094▶
>File: i-find-your-lack-of-faith(...).png (118 KB, 500x442)
>118 KB
> Based.
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:28:32 No.131414112▶
> imagine the programs he would make in the holodeck, fucking pervert
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:29:32 No.131414143▶
> cringe phoneposter facebook tier posting
>File: 2 3 1.png (1 KB, 229x227)
>1 KB
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)16:45:15 No.131409675 [Reply]▶
> Well?
>+41 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)18:20:58 No.131413793▶
[a / c / g / k / m / o / p / v / vg / vr / w] [vip / qa] [cm / lgbt] [3 / adv / an / asp / biz / cgl / ck / co / diy / fa / fit / gd / his / int / jp / lit / mlp / mu / n / news / out / po / qst / sci / sp / tg / toy / trv / tv / vp / wsg / wsr / x] [Edit]
Led Zeppelin albums.
only correct answer itt
viciously based
Mad Max maybe