
Holy fuck, most kino movie of the year so far

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Waiting for 4K HDR. All the dark scenes look like compressed shit.

Was looking forward to this since I heard about the premise but unfortunately it was complete trash

Are there any good delta P scenes? If not that's a lot of wasted potential.

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Lovecraftian kuteness

Is this literally Sphere 2?

was okay. ending was shit. they shouldn't have revealed the monsters at all.


>Black guy not only dies first but also dies of EXPLOSIVE DECOMPRESSION

What the fuck this was pretty hardcore

Ngl i was almost about to whip it out when she kept running around in nothing but skimpy underwear (with that scuba gear on her legs or whatever the fuck that was) during the very final act

What a fucking perfect godess seriously

Felt like a solid third of the movie was edited out. Newspaper introduction was just weird, felt like a vidya intro and then the movie just drops out into the beginning of second act. Why not spend the first 15 minutes establishing the setting and characters? Instead all character development happens in the last 15 minutes.

Yeah that definitely felt a bit gimmicky and veered on B movie territory, they copied that straight out of jurassic park + the monster universe i think the new kong has a similar intro iirc

Still a solid flick for current year imo

I'd love to see what was left on the editing floor. The movie was decent but the suits were fucking amazing

Anyone else thought the asian woman and kstew were gonna kiss at the end and laughed when she punched her instead

needed a little more effort on the story and focus on the gore


That hard vore scene at the bridge

Bless this director

>Why not spend the first 15 minutes establishing the setting and characters?
because this is retarded pleb shit that you should never ever do? The beginning is the only redeemable part of this trash, you should always start straight into the main themes and story of your movie and establish character while developing your story.
fucking pleb you are

I'm actually surprised the white dude and his Asian waifu survived.

Overall my favorite undersea kino in quite a while.

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too much action, not enough mystery and suspense; not to mention the atrocious dialogue and terrible comic relieve nonsense

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any webms of cthulhu or this scene

is it literally just Alien but underwater?

yeah, but the final 5 minute twist has le reddit squid god show up

Yep, that's some kino right there

Attached: underwater.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

Eh kstew did a great job w/her lines especially at the beginning when she drew out the speech to mimick being in a shocked state

>humanoid monsters
Cringe. Also, the fact that they just can walk everywhere with diving suits takes away from the feeling of being trapped and not knowing what's going on.

but so did the French dude... Also the white guy got violently ripe out of his suit, which is arguably more painful.

Wh are you so fixated about a black guy dying first?

In awe at the size of this lad

holy shit do you think about reddit 24/7? how often do you browse? are you on reddit right now? lol


I'm not, i was pointing out how unconventional it was to have a character like him die this violently and this early in too

imagine what this movie could have been.
imagine how much fucking money it would have made, if they had advertised this as an actual Cthulhu movie.
there is literally not a single non-b movie that actually shows Cthulhu.
this might be the actual first appearance on a world wide cinema release and they wasted it for a retarded twist in a generic horror movie with a january release.
what the actual fuck were they thinking? don't they know how big the fucking Cthulhu autist fanbase is?

wut fcking plebbit, its the south park god

were expecting people to not die in a horror film? lol

>violently ripe

Why didn't KStew have hairy pussy&pits?

Please user, I've already fapped today.

because only degenerate kikes likes this hairy shit

those rescue pods were CLEARLY big enough to fit at least two people in there

The vore scene.

Attached: vorehc.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

You sound like a woman.

and you sound like an incel

Lol that monster looks like the typical generic CGI monster bullshit. Ez pass.

That ending was stupid
You can't just kill Chtuluh with an overloaded nuclear reactor

Kstew running around in her panties

kino indeed

Dial 8

You don't know what it takes you dork. Nuclear reactors literally harness the fundamental forces of the fucking universe.

that is so fucking retarded. that suit wouldn't even fit completely. why would that monster swallow something solid of that size? that scene is beyond retarded.

very convenient that the pods were just outside the blast radius too

they should have not shown any monsters.

in the end there should still be a busted pod and she resolves to just wait for the other 2 to be picked up and send a team down to rescue her. then she gets curious and turns on the floodlights she sees it we don't and then in a state of panic starts the self destruct cycle while whimpering in a corner.

You're obviously not very well-read on deep sea life.

It's only inspired in Cthulhu, it's not actually it. Because the end of the movie is that she won in the end and killed it, and you can't do that shit to an Old One. Or maybe it is Cthulhu, and he will be back in universe. Who the fuck knows, this movies was filmed in 2017 or something.

But the whole point of lovecraftian entities is that they're above humanity in almost an incomprehensible way. If you can just kill one with a nuke it loses all meaning. You might as well create your original monster.
I assumed that's what they did here but then he showed its wings and human arms.

>Nuclear reactors literally harness the fundamental forces of the fucking universe.
ur mom's ass?

there's a scene where kstew proposes to crawl through some narrow space first because she's smaller even though the suits are obviously all the same size

The writer/director whatever literally said in an interview that it's THE Cthulhu, which makes the movie even more retarded.
So this is either a fictional world, were Lovecraft never existed or Lovecraft was some kind of magical apostle who was instructed by alien gods to write down their stories and make money out of it.

nukes don't work underwater. they did tests and they came back negative.

lmao, for real?

>n though the suits are obviously all the same size
They are not.

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>write down their stories and make money out of it.

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it's not even a nuke it's a nuclear meltdown which makes even less sense

>what is perspective
they even exchange helmets

>The writer/director whatever literally said in an interview that it's THE Cthulhu, which makes the movie even more retarded.
In that case, yeah.

>by alien gods to write down their stories and make money out of it.
They clearly tricked him because he almost starved.

user, you are an idiot.

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lol i cede my point then. movie's still retarded though

>movie's still retarded though
It has its faults, surely, but it's watchable. It could be much more, though.


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this is ching chong rip
April 14 is when amazon/netflix rip releases

animals do dumb shit

but this isn't an animal, but a literal human turned into a fishman with alien magic. he should have known better.

LOL, seething