What the FUCK was he thinking?

What the FUCK was he thinking?

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the final act of many an incel

When will Yas Forums admit that destroying the planet is exactly what ((BAD MAN)) wants? Why is it so hard for them to believe certain corporations in America and China really do have it out for planet earth?

What’s the end goal there?

>maybe i can get down there faster this way, why did everyone take the long path oh oh OH OH AW


he thought it would be a nice shortcut

Chaos for the sake of it and hatred for God’s creation



there's money to be gained. there's literally money in melting ice caps now, it also frees up new land. being environmently friendly = less cash
also old fucks like to fuck up the world and get their piece of the pie and kill the planet in the mean time. I bet some get a kick out of it, since we are the serfs to rot in their absence.

They fly now


>a Lars Von Trier film

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He didn't fly so good

I mean, it's more about the stock market giving companies an incentive to only look 1 quarter ahead, and about our whole way of live being unsustainable by definition owing to the actions of every single person in developed nations, but your explanation definitely has an alluring moral clarity.


I am a walrus

But why?

Attached: Encounters At The End Of The World.mkv_snapshot_01.14.41_[2020.03.28_19.03.53].jpg (1920x1080, 1013.48K)


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that penguin is a goddamn visionary

did he die

no he a bouncy boi


anyone have the original as wel?

just trying to take a rad selfie for my instagram brah

>liberals: SAVE ANIMALS
>liberals: SUPPORT HUGE CONGLOMORATES LIKE DISNEY AND BIG GOVERNMENT! (responsible for 99% of pollution and damage to the environment)
What did ignorant libnazis mean by this?

hell be fine

>see that webm of a walrus raping a penguin
>mow my lawn over and over to melt the sea ice
>they kill themselves off cliffs because they have no where else to sleep

get owned

penguins deserve it. have you seen how sexy they are?

I do

Attached: walrus cliff.webm (1280x720, 1.42M)

Fucking idiot walrus

Why did they climb up the cliffs? Even in the documentary you can see plenty of space on the beach.

Penguins even have prostitution. That walrus has a lot of stones it seems.

Attached: Encounters At The End Of The World.mkv_snapshot_00.25.36_[2020.03.28_18.02.47].jpg (1920x1080, 965.87K)

The walruses are just greedy, they want 5000 square feet homes on the beach front. Meanwhile I'm stuck in quarantine?? Motherfucking walrus fucks.

Just listen to the documentary you stupid fuckface instead of skimming

Attached: 1554851261090.webm (640x480, 2.33M)


Attached: walrus falls.webm (1280x720, 2.47M)

I watched the planet earth series all the way through like a dozen times. They said there's not enough ice or space for walruses, when there was. They said the walruses fall off cliffs because they have poor eyesight and no frame of reference for dealing with precipices so they easily fall if they climb, however they gave no reason to why they climb other than muh global warming. Well I ask why did they climb instead of hanging out on the beach? It would be one thing if it was caked with too many walruses so they were forced up but that simply wasn't the case. The walruses were just being stupid. That's not to say the environment/pollution isn't an important issue, but they were using the unrelated walrus accidents as a causality instead of a mutually exclusive stupid occurrence.

Literal fakenews

The drone cameras made them do this.

It said there wasn't enough space for the walruses. There used to be more space, because there was ice. Now there is no ice, so there is no space for walruses. I'm not sure why you're so confident that so many walruses could fit on the beach when it was explicitly explained that they could not.

What a load of fake shit for LE EMOTIONAL ENDING.

he didn't fly so good

Because it showed a beach that at most was like 1/3 covered in walruses. Plenty of space. No idea why the walruses went up the cliffs and neither did the filmmakers so they made up some random political shit.
Again, I'm not saying the environment isn't an issue, but these walruses and this behavior isn't related.

They don't have it out for the planet they're just greedy assholes that care about repercussions.

Attached: (U).jpg (320x320, 22.98K)

It's not from the ending.

You must be joking. Conservatives also love to support huge corporations and pollution.


I mean in the short term there is money to be gained, sure. That's why so many 3rd world countries can jumpstart their economies with heavy polluting industries like coal mining and textile. But then you end up with good for nothing rivers and lands that you will need to spend billions on cleaning up before they're fit to be used again. In my town they have a bunch of waterfront property that would be worth billions if it hadn't be for the heavy industry that went on there in the 50s and 60s. Today it's shut off from the public even walking there because of the shit that's still in the ground around the places


But conservatives don't own the media brainwashing everyone with this shit and also don't support big government. Conservatives support business, local and conglomerates, whereas liberals support only conglomerates and government and want to suck middle class dry and give them more money because (???). I'll take conservatives/rednecks over libnazis/hippies any day. I can't even call liberals hippies anymore, hippies HATE "the man" and big business. Hippies are probably fucking republicans at this point. Modern liberals are just media puppets.

Yeah right. Conservatives are just more honest in their kikery so that automatically makes them better.

Exactly. Pick your poison.

I'll pick the antidote thanks.

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Attached: walrus beach.webm (1280x720, 2.7M)


Attached: walrus bodies.webm (640x480, 2.94M)

You don't actually believe this shit do you?

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*Wilhelm screams*
*Freeze frame*
"Yep, that's me, bet you're wondering how I got here... well, I'll have to go right back to start"

>imagine the cacophony of that pack of walrus


He wasn't.

yeah, the next shot shows a rocky beach full of dead walruses

Believe what shit? I'm not sure about anything other than how absolutely evil libnazis are as demonstrated by their media.