Movies about having a daughter?
Movies about having a daughter?
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Is there a single way to avoid that when you have a daughter and is it over from the start?
any data on the effect of father-daughter ?
>Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
weird names for girls
Yes. Be a strong father figure and give her attention and discipline, or she'll seek both elsewhere.
My Girl
Yeah, this thread might as well be "Movies about failing as a parent?"
make her feel ugly most of the time and beautiful sometimes
nothing of value was lost
Lol if any of those girls offered to fuck you incels then all of your "morals" would go out the window in a heartbeat.
I'd like to have those daughters if you know what I mean.
>The Lovely Bones
>My Girl
>Halloween 2 (Rob Zombie)
Do as I say, not as I do.
Such terrible advice. I suggest you try that with your daughter and watch her turn into a literal hooker for validation. If you ever have sex and procreate which you clearly won't. Girls with high self-esteem and sense of self-worth don't do shit like OP's picture
Unironically make sure you have sons first. If you've raised your sons well, they'll help you with keeping your daughter on the straight and narrow when she gets into her teenage years.
that pic pretty tame, i don't feel outraged
this is a blue board now
You have to be unbelievably strict and abusive.
Sure my sister and I have problems because of it. But a slut is one thing she did not become.
Clitoral mutilation.
Sure, this is not my daughter after all. Fucking a thot cost me nothing in that case.
Lotr trilogy touches on the subject
As soon as she starts puberty you got to Impregnate her
I think the process involves instilling a sense of self determination and dignity as an example of how to live.
Is this legal?
Just give me the fucking source.
Left for me
Nigga thats literally how you create these kind of women. They'll constantly be seeking validation from men because they never recieved it from their father.
I Am Jazz
based convict island
You just got to take her for yourself
I hate australians
OP!! Source me you bastard
I think the bigger problem there is being Australian
t. queersland / poo south wales faggot
Lord of the Rings
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more fulfilling than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years so that the world might experience a radiant bundle of happiness and love. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it amplifies the joy everyone she meets shall experience when she greets them and takes precious time from her day to make theirs a little better.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? Everyone. Strangers on the street get a friendly bystander that will wish them well, the homeless will get a wealthy and intelligent girl that runs shelters to feed them and find them honest work to get off the streets. The lucky man or woman who marries her will get the perfect partner, and you'll benefit from gaining a second child in her spouse, one who will be a dear friend that thanks their lucky stars you raised such an astounding woman.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to grant your wondrous, miraculous daughter and all the people around her a better life. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL reward. Think about it logically
I thought australian girls were hot. Those whores are uglier than bong girls.
Who doesn't? I mean, even Australians hate themselves and their cursed land.
Holy shit, no wonder Auschinks spend their time shitposting if this is how their women look like.
I guarantee your sister is a complete degenerate privately. sexual repression makes it 100x worse
their faces are so beat up.
These are the kind of nasty sluts in highschool that would shop at hot topic and wore fox racing hoodies, loved bam margera and cringy shit like MCR and started smoking at 16 years old
She'll still fuck a circle of 5 or so men. You are your father are cucks.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh im cooming
And, at the end of all things all her holes will still be ravaged by another man . Brutally fucked until she is screaming every hole hole every one of them bled like a stuck a pig.
you need to go to anime for that
also most isekai will have a daughterfu
most garbage and somehow fun shows you will ever see
They're not my daugthers which is a huge turn-off
>started smoking at 16 years old
What are you, a father or a lawyer?
These are prostitutes in a brothel in Victoria, brothels and prostitution is legal in Victoria
Im amazed australian look even uglier than brits.
This is funny.
mystic river
these bitches probably started smoking at like 10 dude lol
im guessing they're from a small town because all small town bogan rats have that same busted look
nice myth
literally be a good father, if I were I girl I cant imagine being a slut as it would make my parents sad.
KEK these whores don't have fathers.
imagine alice daughter
>no pissing
DROPPED. Peeing on women is hot
Pissing is a Euro thing
Yeah I don't know how it works in Australia but in the us we have the same low tier gutter white trash sluts. The worst ones will start smoking at like 13 or 14 but that is for real trailer park level, the one step above trash starts at 16 and is still in school, the worst have dropped out by then.
Honestly, I would fuck a gutter tier australian slag just to say I did it. Why not sample pussy from around the world if the opportunity presents itself
So this is the power of white women
>Greek - anal sex
It should be an American thing. Not enough American girls are into getting pissed on. It's really hot because of how degrading it is to them
They were doomed from the start. Austalian girls are probably the biggest sluts known to man, but to be honest they're a type of slut I like, they're not very uppity about and will choke on your cock even if you're ugly. They're borderline masculine in their sexual behaviour desu
imagine Alice being your daughter or having a daughter with Alice?
So basically you cannot bring up a daughter without her turning into a slut
>high sense of self worth
They do. What you want is high self esteem and low sense of self worth
Why does the biggest bunch of autists on the internet pretend to be experts on women?
The what?
Italian is when you put your cock between a girls arse cheeks and cum, Spanish is titfucking
the former but the latter sounds nicer
She probably has tonnes of men "discipline" her in the bedroom. Being too strong a father also psychosexually imprints upon them
If my daughter ever ends up a slut i'll just take advantage of it and fuck her myself.
I'll also force her to dress like a goth girl.
>make sure you have sons first.
how can you do that retard
>Yas Forums, Yas Forums of all, is giving not only dating advice, but parenting advice
Literally every girl I’ve dated who was like this (not as bad) has had daddy issues. 8/10 had step dads. 2/10 had cucked beta dads who let the feminist mother and feminist daughter wear the pants
a man of culture
Not having a small dick or shit quality sperm
People here think that if you larp as a chad you will one day become one.
hapa daughters are god's greatest gift to man
That's probably why they would date a loser like you
god I hate women so much
>oh no my daughter is having sex, this is terrible
Why are conservatives so boring and prudish?
Lol no. We would fuck her while thinking she is a fucking whore.
Didn't your father explain you it? We class girls in 2 categories: the sluts and the possible girlfriends, guess where these ladies are classed
the ol' bag in the river technique
I feel like if I had a racemixed kid I would snap it's neck sooner or later for not looking like me at all and like some stranger instead.
Pissing on women? Seriously? Fuck this website and fuck all of you fucking degenerates. My co-worker told me that this place was a safe haven for the real christians, not a dumphole for perverts like you
If I was their dad I would just fuck them.
Wanna be a slut? You better jump on daddy's cock, too.
This. My 6-year-old has already given her first BJ. I'd be a dumbass RETHUGLICAN if I didn't let her express her sexuality.
lmao as soon as she's finally dicked for good she'll find out what she's being missing till now and it will be 10 times worst
I don't know why but I have a knee fetish now. Red knees get me hard and I don't know why. I think anime emphasizes on this.
They were all younger than me, I was the daddy they never had