who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Tyler Hoeclin
Matt Jarbo
Idris Elba
I wish I had a gf hot enough to do an onlyfans
She's not even hot and her fake tits look like shit
She just has the fame of being his gf
Mumkey Jones
this guy
She’s fat and ugly, simpcels are just that pathetic
Imagine how much money he spent to see her pusy? I can see it for 5 bucks ayy
Was he right?
Face it Yas Forums. Real men don't care about their girlfriends prostituting themselves.
>he paid for something that’s already been leaked to Yas Forums and other such sites
she's proof that you don't even need to be hot to get 50k a month from losers
Why did he destroy his YouTube career over some 6/10 pussy with a botched boobjob? Was she his first GF? Also she is ChrisRayGuns sloppy seconds lmao.
a bit harsh
but fair.
>YouTube career
he used to look like a twink lmao
>Was she his first GF?
isn't he a virgin with a crush on shoeonhead?
What the fuck?! Idubbbz is an incel!
The dude has been making well over 90k a year in passive income with no effort or investment on his part.
He found a more profitable business- pimping. He has other girls selling nudes and even having sex for money, and he takes 75% of the proceeds. That's right our boy is still an OG, he's done making silly youtube videos
It's a joke
>youtuber ends up being a cuck
many such cases
Will the tide turn now that Pewds defended him?
>guys you don't really care if your gf is showing her naked body/having sex with others
grow a spine
''You die a hero or you live long enough to become a cuckold, Peter Parker'' - The Riddler
holy cringe
Another example of a woman ruining a good man
Yeah sure, I surely believe the YouTube bullshit
>Look at how far you've fallen. Get up. Get up Contentcop! I won't let twitter steal my glory. Our dances of fates ends today...old rival.
>good man
Literally just another bottom of the barrel eceleb
how could he have defended him? isnt the dude married? what if his wife started an onlyfans? would he grit his teeth and pretend to be ok with it like idubbz is?
Holy fucking lmao
women are insane
*makes the perfect response to btfo angry incels*
>Pewds defended him
He's just cucking out for his friend
He said he wouldn't be fine with it but he don't care what sort of relationships other people have
its the perfect response for laughing at for sure
Riterrary the cringiest cuckord
More here user, yes I know it's a Reddit link
>used to
PewDiePie is a fag who rides off his Yas Forumsboys who believe he's alt right and 13 year olds.
but idubbz made a career out of shittalking other people and their personal lives they made public on the internet.
you can see if you read between the lines that he knew idubbbz was a cuck long before this happened
He looks like a generic aging onionsboy hipster now
so hes based?
>I'm actually like 50 Irish
>refuses to commit to ethot while boning her regularly
I'm not very caught up on this shit, but how is he a cuck for letting a girl he's fucking start an onlyfans? does this picture not in some small way vindicate him?
No. I am not watching that trash, but just him talking about it is going to make more people look into it.
The best thing for icuck is for people to forget about it and for it to reach as few people as possible. It doesn't matter if someone defends him, they're spreading it and more people are finding out that some cuckold is chained to a whore and for some reason can't dump her even thought she is whoring herself out.
Pewdiepie could fully endorse this and say that cuckoldry is actually amazing and you should be a cuck as well, and it would only hurt icuck
lmao how inept are you
He basically said he doesn't agree with Ian and that it clearly bothers him since he made a video.
Its a good day to be leafy
Ridin with the top down, adjusting volume knob
Rocking the head to the beats of Nate Dogg
Maybe its the to comeback, start roasting people before simp becomes hate speech
Its a good day to be leafy
Because that is from 2017 and they have lived together for more than 3 years.
Jesus what a clusterfuck of thoughts
Mumkey and ProJared should do a podcast
He made the video because it was a hot topic to talk about, not because he was all that bothered about the ordeal, furthermore his main argument was "live and let live" which to me is pewds defending dubz
Andy Dick
What happened to shaming whores and prostitutes? Why are people now defending them and calling them sex workers?
Btw next year they'll be married in the eyes of Califonia's law. This cuck will literally turn into a simp if he leaves her and have to pay alimony.
>All of these people ITT that wouldn't mind dating a literal internet stripper
Have some self respect, losers. How desperate can you be?
no he was fucking laci green lmao
>not because he was all that bothered about the ordeal
Yet, he made a video to address the situation.
Honestly, I don't give a shit about what he does in his relationship. What annoys me is the fact that retards are saying that if you AREN'T okay with your girlfriend doing this, you're a misogynist. Fuck simpdubbbz and fuck sex workers, or sluts, as I like to call them.
she's going to cheat on him and he's going to leave whether they get married or not
but user...you are a misonynist :o
A simp would be someone who cares about what women do with their pussy. You're the simp retard.
Nobody outside of tumblr/very specific twitter circles thinks that, user. The internet is retarded and not a realistic representation of the real world.
>He made the video because it was a hot topic to talk about
Based retard with no reading comprehension
I hate women.
She’s Canadian
that's even worse
>Pewds defended him
He even stated that Idubbz video came off as defensive
only valid post in this itt