This was so good

This was so good.

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I don't even need to see it to know that it's not.

Fuck you its now a Clash Royale thread, nigger

No, it was fucking terrible. Read the comic instead, that was so good.
Based Clash Royale poster.

The phone game?

I was going to ask if the book was as good, thanks for pre-empting me.

>Le sooperman is raised by Soviets
Wow, even gayer than the original.

>no world in a bottle scene
massive disappointment

Post your decks lads

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Are you serious? That's the most important part of the comic...

I liked the book when I read it but probably missed out on Mark Waid being the faggot he is probably praised communism in some sense. Did they do that in this movie?

Is the world in a bottle scene not discussed toward the end of the film? There was a scene where I believe those exact words were used.

Does this get political at all? Seems like a pretty intense idea for a story, would be hard not to make a statement one way or another I would imagine.

What is going on with that retrograde deck? Please tell me that's a joke.

I wouldn't say Communism is praised, per se. Superman thinks mighty highly of it, and he does some good things for Russia and the rest of the world, but then you find out some people are deeply disturbed by his methods and it leads to insurgency via Batman, and even though America seems to be suffering for its stark refusal to go Communist, it ends up in a better position than the rest of the world by the end of the movie.

The entire last act of the movie is basically, "Superman was wrong and the Communist ideals are bullshit."

I shlap dudes all the time with it, they under estimate the G gang and minion horde so I always get 3 crowns lol

I enjoy some of its criticisms of America, but ultimately it seems pro-American.

It wasn't. The concept is great, but the execution is garbage. The movie has a really cheap, visually unimpressive art style. The animation is utter garbage.
The story is also entirely nonsensical unless you already have good knowledge of who is who in Superman.

How long has Clash Royale been a meme? I haven't been browsing since Quarantine.

Since yesterday

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Trash movie, comic kino. Elseworlds kino
Said didnt go crazy until the 2010s with Twitter onset

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>The story is also entirely nonsensical unless you already have good knowledge of who is who in Superman.
Well, it is a what-if story. So presumably, the viewer would know all of these things.

>It wasn't. The concept is great, but the execution is garbage.
In what sense?

Better than BvS atleast

I unironically agree, and I enjoyed the first 2/3 of BvS.


No, you absolutely do not. It's a weak deck with quite a few hard counters. You'll get wrecked anywhere above 4k trophies.

The animation being shit, for one. Christ it's right there in the post. The direction is garbage too.

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>Superman is a descendant of Lex Luthor who gets sent back in time for reasons.

How does the animation being shit count as poor execution of a concept? I can see that as being a slight against the movie, but when you mention the concept being executed poorly, I expect writing grievances.

Then you're retarded and have no business in judging film.

Says you, the guy who keeps saying things like
>The direction is garbage too.
Without quantifying them.

He literally just said that the animation being bad takes away from the movie though. All of the DCU movies tend to look like ass though.

>Trash movie, comic kino.
Objectively true.

Hm, that makes sense, Im only in Electro Valley so I guess thats why it works lol

Plebs need not apply.

Motion Comic is better

Then why are you still posting?


Fuck off

who else didnt read the shit and didnt watch the shit is mad about communism for nothing. it literally show luthor/capitalism winning in the end. sorta

It did a little criticizing bit didnt feel heavy handed.

It's a good movie and comic. The animation had a unique style. The music was they took superman themes and mixed them with Soviet styles.

So many contrarians here dont let them keep you from an good elseworlds.

More than likely. This is why I keep saying that I want Yas Forums to leave.

I really liked Diana's scenes, she helped the story feel larger than life and more surreal toward the end. It's a pretty wholesome flick.

Yeah that's what's preventing me from watching it. How could they be THAT retarded?

Communism is so bad not even Superman can make it work.

They do their own interpretation of it.

The Red Son universe is kind of melancholy, even in some of its greatest feats of absurdity. I like the change.

Post chads.

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it's in the envelope in Lois's pocket at the end

Yeah, ultimately the movie's ending differs from the book's, but I don't think it's a serious detriment. It's still a good movie, not sure why nerds always get so hung up over the most minute of details.

>Wonder Woman is a lesbian because she was raised by women her whole life
What did they mean by this???

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Is that Olaf from Advanced Wars?

Be awesome if they made a show out of it
>You know they'd fuck it up


>The Superman We Need Right Now

imagine being this cuck lmao

>Wonderwoman: WAAA WAA ALL MEN ARE PIGS. Also Im right about this. this is what this movie is now about

Why is Hollywood pushing so much communist propaganda?

You don't know what it's about, do you?

They dumbed down literally every single plotline for this movie and its stunning how much worse they made it just to be woke. Like, these are actual, serious flaws introduced into the story that they changed from the original that did not have them.

>Wonder Woman is now a lesbian even though her attraction and admiration of a man on her level or even possibly above it is why she came to see Mans World at all, its why she worked with a dictator, its why she kept giving him excuses when he went further like the brain controls, and its why she sacrificed her lasso and her health to save him from Ruskie Batman, and afterwards she realized just how much she let by, accepted or just plain made excuses for in a poignant bit of symbolism showing how her hiding from the truth took its toll inside her
>But then its implied she gave up on men and that wouldn't be woke so lets change her motivation so now none of this makes any fucking sense and also now she just has white hair but even gets the lasso back somehow! She's still super strong, guys! And totally not on the rebound!
>Lex Luthor is a man so driven he is literally the only one with the perseverance to challenge a god in human form through DECADES because he believes he is marching humanity forwards with Luthorism, a them present throughout the entire book
>But nah at the end he just kinda quits because he wants to be with Lois and help her out! Fuck advancing humanity, its the Black Guy's time! Who's the black guy? Jimmy Olsen, because fuck redheads. But now the black guy will lead them to a new era!
>Bruce Wayne's parents weren't killed by someone who worked for Superman, explaining his hatred, he hates that Superman didn't come down to the Gulag MADE TO HIDE FROM HIM fast enough to save them, so that's why he blows up buildings!
>Bizzaro is no longer a tragic but ultimately heroic figure, he shouts "AMERICA FIRST" and breaks everything because Trump!

Its mind boggling

For him it's good and that's only because he stole the idea from Grant Morrison.