Viewer beware, you're in for a scare!

Viewer beware, you're in for a scare!

Attached: goosebumps.gif (480x321, 415.29K)

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This show always used to be on just as light was turning to dark. My house was surrounded by huge trees so it would darken quicker. Always added to the atmosphere.


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As a kid, you're terrified of Slappy. As an adult, you realize how truly based he really was.

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More like R.L Sneed

The 1st season had great atmosphere. I feel like only a small number of movies and shows can accurately give a fall night atmosphere. What is the secret?

imagine casting them haha

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For me it's Katrina

>Michelle became ill on December 3rd, 1997. The next day, she died of meningitis at age 16. Her first and only sibling, a baby boy was born on June 3, 1998. She was excited to have a new baby half brother, but she never met him.


best episode go


Werewolf of fever swamp

can you believe that /ourguys/ hayden and goose were both in this show before they became famous

Attached: haydenfun.jpg (706x471, 31.74K)

It Came From Beneath the Sink.

I'm a Lucy man myself.

I miss when we use to watch stuff like this and “Are You Afraid of the Dark” together.

That was by far the scariest episode for me as a kid. With the creepy foggy swamp and the hermit guy.
Based ephebophile poster

I tried to get my nephew to watch this. Little pussy said it looked too scary.

Dunno why Speed Racer made a cameo in Chilogy.

Oh no cat eyes on a dog. It's terror incarnate.

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He sure liked his young girls.

For me it's Jodie


My favorite episode was the one with the lawn gnomes.

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>that episode with Ryan Gosling as a kid in it

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Haunted Mask kino

Welcome to the Dead House would always scare the living shit out of me when I was younger. Werewolf of fever swamp was also great.

No, I was never in for a scare, just some mediocre acting and slight fetish fuel.

>hayden and goose

>want to re-watch the whole show
>it gets taken off netflix
>the whole DVD set is only released in germany or something

what the fuck bruh


Attached: welcome_to_dead_house_realtor.png (320x240, 65.88K)


They should remake this


Attached: Lily.jpg (320x240, 56.89K)

This looks like the 2008 Model's section of some scuzzy defunct porn site. Why were Goosebumps girls so ugly when Are You Afraid Of The Dark was dripping with semen demons?

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Lucy, Sheri, Jodie, Hanna

why not?


Ooops forgot image.

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she looks like an actress but I can't place who


Which one was Michelle

Michelle Risi, From Episode "Teacher's Pet"

Attached: Michelle_Risi_-_Teacher%27s_Pet.jpg (220x220, 11.72K)

She is that actress


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The Twilight Zone-y two-parter at summer camp that turns out to be a training exercise for an expedition to Earth


Haha what a fag

For me it was Gretchen

I always thought it was weird that they made it canon he's gay. It's really weird that they couldn't just let him be a scary doll.

Crystal and Jodie

hayden christensen(anakin skywalker) and ryan gosling newfag

One Day in Horrorland. The game was bomb as hell too. Legit scared me as a kid, especially the werewolf and mummy.

I had the game for ages. For some reason in Australia the shops only had about five goosebump videos. I had to order One Day At Horrorland on ebay and was really dissapointed by it. I think i was expecting the video game quality

True, it's not up to par with the game, but damn the very premise of it is chilling. To me at least. Creepy shit.