When will Hollywood end its infatuation with black people and start giving us latinos some proper representation?
When will Hollywood end its infatuation with black people and start giving us latinos some proper representation?
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>ywn look this good as a twink
Why live. Seriously what is the point. Not even a facelet i'm a 6/10, just wanna look like this so bad bros not even funny
twinks age worse than women, once they hit 25 they look like decrepit husks
I'm pretty racist against black but I would honestly rather see them than spics.
>twinks age worse than women
Henry Cavill is almost 40
Only twinks with shit genetics
sure pal
would literally not even consider letting that faggot touch me
t. femanon (two X chromosomes)
Btw, name?
Shut up woman, gay nigga thread
Cavill is more of a slayer than a pretty boy
Froy Gutierrez
he's not even that cute, he photoshops the hell out of his pictures
he didn't look that great in the pap pic with his new sugar daddy richard madden
He kinda looks like the main character from Dark
google richard madden froy gutierrez
Mouth is very offputting and gross, ruins the whole face
shit taste
Twinkerpillar to Chadderfly
What happened to his lower lip? Did he have an accident?
photoshopped, post the pap pics with no editing
Ah só he is gay. Disappointing.
you thought froy was STRAIGHT!?
Did you know he was in teen wolf
Cavill turned into a beefed up chad rather than continuing his twink lifestyle. He'd look shit if he didn't go full gigachad
Shut up wetback
I’d tell you to eat shit but that would be cannabalism
also his nudes leaked
Why does actor threads full with faggotry stay up while actresses threads get insta nuked?
He is following Cavill's way, I see
froy gutierrez entrevista
Why don't you fuck off and start your own Hollywood in your own God forsaken countries?
America was founded by White Europeans for White Europeans. Don't agree? We'll gladly go to war over it. Not only will we die for our heritage and our inheritance, we'll kill for it.
So I have a chance? Based
He went full daddy and it's so hot.
hope you're on finasteride lmao
>In 2020
why don't you post his true self? all these pictures are photoshopped
this is what he looks irl
yeah, not nearly as attractive as in those chosen shots
always makes me suspicious
lmao what board are you on? literally the opposite happens, pussy-ass bitch
Rate me you bunch of literal faggots
Chalamet jawline but your nose is weird, your hairline's receding, and you have an unremarkable face
yeah, thanks for posting.
he's nothing like the pictures
cavill remains superior
*the other pictures
Faggot samefag cope lmao
0 out of 10
worst of spics
this is a complete different person than
looks hot af desu
Froy is fucking poor, look at those dirty shoes!
No wonder he's selling his ass
at least Richard has some hotness
Doesn't prove anything they're not gay
>froy gutierrez
>In the last season of Teen Wolf
>Radio silence ever since
Explain, Hollywood
Why yes, I do play a Druid. How could you tell?
grow your hair out to cover your head's bizarrely small size
tits and vegene
Tell me which one of you anons is actually gay?
No if twinks lift they become slayers. Twinks have better facial features and thus age better than the regular population
I hope this happens to Timmy Chalamet
me but I don't care for this dude
it wont
why? who is your type?
It won’t because you need good features for that to happen and Chalamet is a mishappen mutant
too scrawny and feminine, I like older muscular guys like Cavill
What's with all the contrarian shit taste ITT
God, paedo Cavill looks like shit.
How is he so hot? It's just not fair
give other examples than cavill
He looks exactly like young Henry, he can bulk up and become like him
and they're the same height, Timmy is even taller
>He looks exactly like young Henry
nope, his bone structure is shit and he looks like a goblin
he's part Jew and they always age like shit
>He looks exactly like young Henry