The Most Kino Godzilla Cycle

Godzilla (1954) -> Return of Godzilla -> Vs. Biollante -> Vs. Destroyah

Can anything compete?

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Pure unfiltered kino. Return gets a little dull but I think it's still pretty solid

Fuck KotM btw

Based, but ever so slightly less kino than Showa all the way through to Terror of Titanosaurus.

Mothra vs Godzilla and King Ghidorah the Three Headed Monster are overrated, and Godzilla Raids Again just isn't that great.

Showa vs. Mechag is really fun and all but I always find myself gravitating towards Terror more. Plus it has the GOAT entrance

The animated Godzilla Trilogy was one of the most kino things I've ever seen. Pretty low IQ to not like it.

>Fuck KotM btw
What a low IQ and Cuckpilled post.

Pretty Godzillapilled but I would just say
>Godzilla (1954) -> Heisei
best canon.
Godzilla Rulers of Earth books are pretty unreal as well though. Shit, Godzilla is just great in general.

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return would be great if it wasn't for those stupid eyes they did, shouldve been full white like in GMK

>anime Goji
What a snoozefest, tried to have lofty themes but just didnt have anything to say, only thing it had was the shobijin

I liked the Gen Urobochi animated Godzilla movies, even if 10fps animation. Yet somehow everybody else who loved Godzilla movies hate them.
They said that they wanted to make godzilla films for not godzilla fans so maybe that's the reason

Showa is silly as fuck. Best Godzilla is when it takes itself somewhat seriously, else it's just Barney the dinosaur shit. The best Showa Godzilla movies are
>KK v G
>Mothra v G
>original G v MG
Where Godzilla is more of a chaotic neutral than a dinosaur superhero, like in the original movie.

It had plenty to say. What did you get out of it ultimately if I may ask? I'll then post with what my takeaway was.

It got far too much hate

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As a Godzillafag, these were absolute and utter kino. To be honest I probably would have been interested in it even if it wasn't about Godzilla. Godzilla just made humans trying to retake a lost Earth ruled by hostile life that much cooler.

I hated it when it came out because it was hyped up to be a Tokyo SOS sequel but it was just some overly campy Godzilla homage.
I warmed up to it over the years though. Godzilla does some cool stuff and the characters have their moments.

Ahem, Godzilla vs. Monster Zero is the best monster movie ever made.

Biolante is the only top to bottom good heisei movie. There's plenty of showa kino meanwhile.

Where's the Smog Monster?
That one is kino

>The animated Godzilla Trilogy was one of the most kino things I've ever seen.
Pretentious piece of shit with terrible-terrible message.

Final Wars is genuinely fun. It's not the best movie but it is lots of fun. My favorite part was when the Showa Mechagodzilla theme was playing on a radio.

Based and G-pilled.

Showa kino is abundant.

Not complaining, just pointing what they wanted and what many answered about them see

Small dick energy.

I thought they went out on a major lowpoint, especially after designing the single best mecha kaiju in years.

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Why are showafags such a toxic part of the fanbase? I don't even distinguish between "eras" of Godzilla movies and have favorites ranging from start to finish, books, films, video games. Jesus Christ saying Biollante is somehow leaps and bounds above the other Heisei movies is just wrong. If you see the merit in that how do you not see the merit in any others? Destroyah? I think that beats the hell out of Biollante desu.

>Pretentious piece of shit with terrible-terrible message.
What was the message then? According to you?

>Small dick energy.

Such a hater. Anyone who hates Showa isn't a Godzilla fag. They're a giant dicksucking faggot.

i just watched king of monsters.
it was so disappointing
>literal nobody civilian can control the entire worlds military force

You're right. See:

You just have to accept that you have shit taste, user. Showa + Biollante + GMK >>>> everything else.

>Showa + Biollante + GMK
The most vanilla opinion you could possibly have. I honestly think any time I'm in a Godzilla thread I'm arguing with the same guy.

Gojira > ROG > Biollante > Mechagodzilla 2

>Japanese nationalism is good.
Ghidorah = Western culture. Alien and hostile. People who worships it are mad.
Godzilla = modern technological Japan.
Mecha-Godzilla = future of modern technological Japan = bad
Mothra = traditional Japanese culture.
Anyone who is not cute red skinned lovers of traditional Japan must die because cute red skinned lovers of traditional Japan are better in every possible way.

two nukes were not enough.


Based beyond belief.

>The most vanilla opinion you could possibly have. I honestly think any time I'm in a Godzilla thread I'm arguing with the same guy.

Is there something wrong with being normal? Am I supposed to jerk off to the android weirdo in the Heisei Dorat movie?

Teach me user.

And whole premise is stolen from Blue Gender

You didn't like M-11? Or the entire plot of '90s GvKG? Story-wise, that one is one of my top favorites.

Jason Vs. Godzilla is kino

>nationalists deserve multiple nukes
totally not unhinged

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How the fuck was that your takeaway? The only thing I got from this politically was that big government is bad.
>conspire to kill people to lessen mouths to feed
>MC is a "schitzo" trying to uncover the truth
>government ran by multiple races all with their own agenda (humans, control the populace through bureaucracy, and the aliens through religion and technology respectively
Other than that, I think it explored the philosophies of life, death, God, society and our place in the universe as sapient beings more than anything political.
>always having to win makes us no better than beasts, being human means we can choose to lose
How is it about Japanese Nationalism when the final act of the MC is burying humanity's past for good and living with (hostile Godzilla-DNA) nature with Mothra's gift to humanity and living under the protection of Earth's guardian God, Godzilla. Which explores the very premise of humans trying to be God, reaching farther and farther into the universe and physics with tech and whether that is morally right or wrong, and that technological progress like that can be fueled by hatred. At the same time, I personally feel that we as a race should keep digging forever to try to find the truth at all costs opposed to living in harmonious balance with nature with Godzilla as the equalizer and for the most part disagree with the conclusion of the trilogy, but at the same time I think it raises some interesting points that I don't necessarily think are wrong.
I feel like I wouldn't like the idea of being "under the thumb" of an all-powerful God, even if it was a protector because we would never truly be free, at the same time, Godzilla being a dinosaur basically, and thus an absolute neutral acting only upon necessity is almost more comforting as a God opposed to an omnipotent intelligence. Regardless, if random political bullshit was all you got from any of that and you think people should be nuked at all for their beliefs, you're low IQ.

Godzilla vs Destroyah is my favorite.

Biollante was a disappointing entry. They had a terrific monster design and hardly used it at all. And then Biollante just stood there and watched Godzilla wander off.

Yeah it was boring. I did like how all the ESP kids drawing a picture of their dreams and all of them held up the same basic picture of Godzilla destroying Tokyo. That was kino and the best part of the movie for sure.

Was Shin Godzilla any good

That scene was great, especially because the Godzilla theme started playing as they held up their drawings. I also liked the Super X2 reflecting Godzilla's breath back at him, even though it didn't do a damn thing to him.

Yes. Very kino.

It was okay, though I thought it was silly that Godzilla suddenly had dozens of pinpoint accurate point defense lasers on his spine ridge.

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GODzilla tier
Oh my God-zilla...

This dude probably wrote KOTM.

I wanna shake his hand.

I don’t.

pleb choice

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Genuine question, what didn't you like about KOTM?

It hides behind nostalgia and fan bandwagon. It has no identity for itself like 2014.

I suppose you're right, but I didn't think that was bad. I WANTED Godzilla to have more screentime. I WANTED to see Godzilla fight often. I WANTED the Akira Ifukube score.
I even liked the characters. I liked how the main character was a masculine dad trying to save his daughter from his whacko ex-wife. That was pretty based. Tzerazawa was based to. His sacrifice was fucking kino. I could go on with more things I liked about the movie.

>putting Godzilla vs King Ghidorah and both Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla 1 & 2 in god-tier
tf is wrong with you?
I swear half this fanbase just likes movies because they are monsterfanboyfags who like a movie purely based on which monster is in it.

>I WANTED Godzilla to have more screentime. I WANTED to see Godzilla fight often.
Not that much or good in the movie. It was STILL in darkness and rain.
>I WANTED the Akira Ifukube score.
Why? It felt out of place in an American production.
> I even liked the characters. I liked how the main character was a masculine dad trying to save his daughter from his whacko ex-wife. That was pretty based
Give me one name.
That scene in the Jeep was fucking horrible.

? Narratively that cycle doesn't make any sense. OP has a loose progressive arc.

That symbolism is backasswards considering if you look at the whole canon it’s much more accurate to say Godzilla represents the US and Ghidorah the Chicoms.

>user speaks with based tongue maybe, huh

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>swear half this fanbase just likes movies because they are monsterfanboyfags who like a movie purely based on which monster is in it.
half the movies in the mediocre category contain MG or KG movies, so your post is just contradictory