He was playing 4D chess...
He was playing 4D chess
Still a loser
chin not found
Ian still has a chin
he should come back and do a vid on content cuck
i cant believe i was defending ian in this whole drama
So basically leafy is China, waiting for Ian (Muttland) to fuck up?
Why did he quit anyway? Because people were making fun of him? Just a typical pussy who can dish it out but not take it. Like why not just keep making videos in spite?
Leafy still has a spine
Youtube was delisting his videos.
They basically shadowbanned his account. EmpLemon did a video on it.
Leafy had to hide his chin for years, dude.
Has he uploaded a response? lmao
I may not be the coolest guy but at least I’m not a loser who knows anything or cares about these literally who e-celebrities.
Ian tried to hide his cuck relationship for years
I always thought thought content cop was shit and boring so I didn't watch but how what leafy was supposedly doing was somehow worse than what idubbz was doing?
>youtube internet drama
Ah, it fucking warms my mind that this fucking arrogant bully piece weren't allowed to succeed. I fucking hated him so much. How fucking pathetic it is to be too afraid to show one's own face and make fun of disabled and non-normie people while playing fucking video games.
Ah, thanks OP you made my day, I had forgotten that this faggot was made laugh stock.
Evidently not, as he's openly talking about it once his gf went public.
Are you slow, user?
He's been in a cuck relationship for years.
Are you slow, user?
Turns out you can't monetize/curate bullying. Ask the fellas at ED. They can't even get the site online.
He has been open about his cuck relationship. Stupid Leafyfags. Ianchads win once again.
Half of the people who went after him were just as bad if not worst. That rat jew h3h3 is 10x the shitty person than Leafy could hope to be.
Ah, it fucking warms my mind that this fucking arrogant bully piece weren't allowed to succeed. I fucking hated him so much. How fucking pathetic it is to be too afraid to show one's own face and make fun of disabled and non-normie people while playing fucking video games.
Ah, thanks OP you made my day, I had forgotten that this faggot was made laugh stock.
>dude she took pictures in a bikini she must be fucking other people lmao
Right, I forget how insane people process sequential events.
Reminder that the free publicity you are giving them means they get thousands more a month
Isn't that because the current admin is in jail
This but if he made a comeback video I'd watch it
anyone got an update on this guy?
With no chin
Content Cop is just cancel culture done in a based way so that you don’t notice how shit it is. I don’t give a fuck what racist thing Keemstar said in a stream years ago and I don’t think he should lose his career because of it either.
Things is though if you wanna pinpoint why the Internet is so shit and everything has to be this "10-layers-of-irony" faggotry where no fun is allowed, then Leafy is pretty much the poster child for this.
>That rat jew h3h3 is 10x the shitty person than Leafy could hope to be
It's hilarious that e-drama fags could even muster such a nonsensical accusation. Ethan's wife got horribly deformed dick pics sent to her and they just laughed it off.
Is she uploading raw nudes or just softcore instagram photos?
If she's making actual porn then it's a shame for ian, but if it's just teasing then he's a pimp making easy money on horny teens.
Yeah if your girl is sending strangers nudes she fucking other guys dummy
stop posting youtube faggot shit
t. Cuck
Hes a major cuck
Agreed, h3h3 does the same thing as leafy did. He's a bully as well. I liked him in the start but he turned out to be a hypocritical bully. But, leafy is still worse.
How does that make them good people?
explain this idubbz drama? so, her gf started to sell nudes? why is that bad? it's just milking the money from retards.
>sending nudes
This is a really weird way to write "selling mildly lewd pics to simps". Almost like you're an insane person making shit up.
People tried saying softcore shit but I’ve seen nudes so gonna call bullshit on that.
He is a cuckold and his girlfriend is a prostitute
They could've pressed charges for what was essentially a textbook case of sexual harassment but they didn't. Leafy couldn't even deal with his lack of chin.
She is sending sexual and nude photos to other men. That’s the facts. You don’t wanna fuck with a girl who does that, stupid
Some people think that makes him a simp and they are mad because they thought he was chad
The only "drama" are the 10% of his viewers from the middle east acting up.
Rest of the modern world don't care.
t. cuck
Lmao, I bet you're a guy who jerks to cuck porn and pretend to be a conservative on frog forums such as 4channel. I don't see any wrong in what iDubbz and his girl is doing, I wouldn't take a girl who'd be whoring like that but I don't see why there's something to be made a wuss about.
People made memes of him and he cried like a bitch on his main channel
Leafy has a respectable career. He knew when to quit
> I wouldn't take a girl who'd be whoring like that
Why not? Are you some kind of a conservative? Go back to Yas Forums, nazi
He also invested the money he made instead of buying a bunch of expensive things like idubbbz. Idubbbz bought an overpriced jeep he doesn’t even drive lol what a retard.
After he was shown to be as much of an insecure bitchboi teen as he was and after he was exposed as being a snake in the grass just as bad as h3h3? He had to be beaten to where nobody would enjoy or respect him before he finally fucked off
>ian meets a girl with insane sex drive
>rides that dick like a stolen horse
>buys a new pair of tits for her
>they get idea to sell softcore photos to teens
>it's free real estate
Don't get why that small group of guys are getting angry, it's just 500 people or so shouting really fucking loud on the internet.
Bitches who whore around ain’t loyal
>She is sending sexual and nude photos to other men.
After these simps pick them off of catalogs. She's not engaging in sexual intercourse with any of them, unhinged retard.
You really are retarded. You agree that dating a whore is stupid and you wouldn't do it, then when other people point it out you sperg out
>the internet let this kid bully them for years
Yeah, would you rather him have kept responding to them until the end of time? He decided to quit and get a real job rather than continue in this circus. Better than ending up like those two
It's like YouTube was always SHIT ;^)
Its not even his real gf. They just pretend in order to make money off all these incels wooing at this big "controversy"
wait i have that exact same onsie, it has a giant tail that hangs from your butt.
>it’s only a little camwhoring on twitch ian
>it’s only softcore porn photos on onlyfans ian
>it’s only butthole pics ian
>it’s only a little hardcore but only with you ian
>it’s only fucking other men for porn ian
>it’s only an open relationship ian
>it’s only your turn to prep the bull ian
>it’s only your wife’s son ian