>dude these sheeple are hoarding supplies in a pandemic they've been told for weeks and weeks to fear and panic about and is only going to get worse as authoritarian measures are enacted across the world
>lmao your sheeple and your MATERIAL GOODS
>p-please subscribe to patreon...PLEASE buy our motion picture space cop...
What the fuck is his problem?
Dude these sheeple are hoarding supplies in a pandemic they've been told for weeks and weeks to fear and panic about...
Would it be fair to say these people will be responsible for at least a couple of covid cases?
>dude these sheeple are hoarding supplies [because they've been told to]
Yeah, that's how it works, jackass.
Its a disease. Do you think that will somehow affect the pipes? The issue is hospital capacity, supply chains were never seriously at risk.
envy is a mortal sin.
>supply chains were never seriously at risk
Yes goyim, leave your house and get infected. How else are you going to pay for your healthcare?
When this filmed Mike was already told he was terminal with COVID-19 and is trying to take as many people as he can with him with bad advice.
you fags will find an excuse to seethe about anything. i bet you're one of those braindead hoarders.
Retard. You don't need pallets of bottled water, when the taps still work.
>hoarding supplies
>buying a fuck ton of toilet paper and nothing else while also not having any plans for rationing use
these are not the same
Sure, stockpiling toilet paper is totally normal.
I have no idea why Republican supporters think that America's current healthcare system is good when it is the most Jewish thing imaginable.
The manner in which the insurance and Pharmaceutical companies operate in America is straight up as Jewish as Wall Street.
>drinking out of the fucking faucet
Americans never cease to amaze me.
>jews want people to go outside and catch an illness which is only really dangerous to old people!
>by making them do jobs to distribute food, goods and energy!!
^^ this is where you are now buddy
Why do people meme about toilet paper? Face it, you need to wipe your ass comfortably. Can't use other tissue as it'll clog your pipes. Toilet paper is a hygiene product. Not many people have bidets. What, you gonna take a ten minute shower every time you shit to clean your asshole and scrub down your legs and bathtub? Please.
>people are spending money on good they need to live and be comfortable like food and toilet paper so they go out less and mitigate the spread of the pandemic, what a BUNCH OF STUPID FUCKING IDIOTS CONSOOMERS.
>send us your hard earned money from your minimum wage job so you can get absolutely fucking nothing out of letting me and my fat friends review star wars and marvel movies, remember to buy that unwatchable piece of shit space cop
What did this cynical self-centered piece of human excrement mean by this?
Hey, newfag here, unable to understand RLM and Stoklasa in general
Seems to be a smug loser who is in denial about his own mental retardation? Why the fuck would you want to watch that shit?
what kind of third world shithole do you live in that you can't drink the tap water?
Why do poltards need to bounce from one extreme position to another like fucking meth addicted pinballs? You dumb cunts were absolutely sure corona was a librul hoax until 2 weeks ago and now it's the chinese apocalypse. I would honestly love to slice your face off for being such a fucking retard
you seem to be quoting yourself, so you tell us.
In an emergency situation I don't see how it's a negative to do this. If you still think it's not safe buy a filter, it doesn't change the fact that you have a supply of water that is ostensibly unlimited unless cut off.
Why are you replying to your own thread?
it's because they don't have any sincere beliefs, just kneejerk emotional responses.
Repubulicans are the ones that defend israel and croney capitalism, it's a coalition of savvy opportunists and terrified evangelicals
>"boy, this quarantine's gonna be rough, better stock up on toilet paper!"
>leave house every fucking day to shop
Can you spot the fallacy in this scenario?
>living in a shithole with undrinkable tapwater
They hit new levels of self-righteousness whilst talking about the pandemic.
>hoarding supplies in a pandemic they've been told for weeks and weeks to fear and panic
lmao americans are so fucked
why the fuck are you panicking
stores in my country are fully stocked, and yes even the tp
They are, dare I say it, acting kind of like women
Why don't Americans use bidets? I thought they were first world.
Where could this poster have come from?
Typical "hurr Americas suck!" posters are from Europe. But in Europe, bottled water is actually much less popular than in the US. So this must have come from a literal third worlder.
Pray tell, genius. What's going to happen when those workers end up contaminating the products and infect people further down the line just so they can restock your precious tendies?
>MFW i've been stockpiling for a few years thanks to /k/ and Yas Forums
Good times and with Bannerlord coming out tomorrow to boot.
People hoarded for like one day over here, now the stores are so fully stocked there's massive sales going on to try and sell the fresh goods since a lot less people are out, this pandemic's been good for my wallet
The kind of "third world shithole" that isn't Flint, Michigan.
How many times per day do you shit? If it's more than two you should really have a better diet.
>leftshit tranny refugee doesn't understand that sites without twitter-tier leftshits tranny moderation can actually have more than one type of people and opinions
Many such cases.
glad to hear it
>water only comes in bottles
watch their old stuff. it has an undeniable charm. nu-RLM is mostly just depressing
>Pray tell, genius.
>no argument
Please tell me the way water is distributed in your country that is neither taps nor bottles.
Why are Americans still hoarding nonstop?
It's almost always Australians, sometimes Canadians, stirring shit up between Yuros and Burgers. This was proven when /sp/ got flags
Still seething?
Where I live tap water is extremely clean, and if you have to you can always boil it
Because they can afford it, Europoor.
I thought that in Europe if you ask for water at a restaurant they bring you a bottled water and add it to your tab rather than just bringing a glass of filtered tap water for free? Is bottled water really unpopular there?
this obsessed fag continues to make the same obvious bait threads and for some reason you faggots always fall for it
>Australians, sometimes Canadians
In other words Chinese nationals.
You seriously can't picture a world where water doesn't come in 24 useless plastic bottles, can you?
Evidently not given how desperate they are for the low priced products lmao
honestly would have been more amusing if they ignored it entirely and didnt bring it up at all but goddamn that gen x ethos
I can't speak for every country but here in scandiland you get free glass tankards or glasses of water
That bottle will be a more expensive one of mineral water though. Bottled water exists, but it's not treated as something you'd drink everyday for all your water needs.
>all of America’s water comes from Michigan
See, this is why you third worlders get shat on. You just parrot a joke your e-celeb idols say over and over (ironically, American e-celebs) and when you get called out on being an ignorant sack of shit you chimp out. Plenty of US states (especially ones around the Great Lakes) have drinkable tap water. Get your head out of your ass.
So many buttmad euros and goys in here
i have already had it.
They'll try to give you bottled water in restaurants because they can charge you for it. You need to specifically ask for tab water.
user probably meant in people's houses, which is correct.
Yes, if we want to be extremely pedantic, you can have water in a smaller number of large plastic containers instead of a larger number of small plastic containers.
But please, and I'm not going to waste another post on you if you don't, name the country where you live.
Do Europoors and leafs even produce anything?
Cars and beer
You don't have clean drinking water in your faucet? Are you poor?
Eurocucks and their Freeshit society are already leaving people to just die and Italians are looting shops. Sad!
I just love picturing pedantic faggots like you complaining about muh flouride any other day.
Only Czechs produce good beer, the rest is a mix of piss and tonic water.
>He trusts jewish bottled water
>Doesnt drink exclusivly from his own tap
Americans living in a fantasy copeland as usual
Czechs beer is the best by far, the low countries make some pretty tasty shit too though
I never said all the water came from Michigan, but judging by your autogenerated strawman post you can't even face that fact that the US can't even guarantee clean water.
I don't have to deal with this awkward fact because I don't drink water from a lead-laced faucet. Seethe some more.
that's a fun image you dreamed up of me in your brain, enjoy it
why are americans
he said as Germany and France refuse to help the rest of EU after years of getting free socialist money for dem programs