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/who/ - Doctor Who General
Lucas Martinez
Other urls found in this thread:
Cooper Johnson
Probably the most based actor to play the Doctor. Only one who is openly against femdoctor
Nolan Williams
>literally comes up with and produces the Five-Ish Doctors by himself
>is openly against Jodie as Doctor
>most popular Nu-Doctor David Tennant likes you the most
We don't deserve Peter Chadson
Luke Myers
The correct pronunciation is Claら。
Aaron Brown
This is you.
Jaxon Taylor
Indeed, that's me on the left
Aaron Cooper
Washing machines don't have a "normal" setting though. It's all in degrees.
Whoever wrote this has never had to do a days work in their life.
Thomas Phillips
Nathan Taylor
Apologize to both RIGHT NOW
Wyatt Martin
Where's this from?
Adrian Miller
Isaac Parker
Take your shitty Yas Forums memes back.
What REALLY happened while I was away?
Owen Garcia
eternal reminder that Eccleston and Capaldi are the only good nuWho Doctors
Oliver Taylor
Smith and Tennant are worse but they're not that bad either. Still miles above Jodie.
Camden Brooks
user, I...
Liam Bell
Carter Ramirez
9 and 12 at the top
10 and 11 in the middle
13 at the bottom, alongside Satan and the ratings
Lincoln Lee
Y-yes user... they're just memes... haha
Jose Reed
The Doctor had one cycle of regenerations, but either meta-crisis didn't count or war-doctor didn't.
What's your official headcanon, user?
Sebastian Smith
user he wasn't making any sort of meme
That literally is what happens. The Doctor was originally some random black girl from some other dimension that the Time Lords stole from
Lucas Johnson
Jaxon Scott
Robert Wright
der ewige flailer
Brandon Perry
The immortal what?
Jackson Garcia
have you been in the thread at all this past week
Isaiah Rivera
Oh God no.
Asher Allen
Brandon Myers
imperial daleks ally with mondasian cybermen to create the kino villains alliance
Ryan Ramirez
after the memory wipe, do you think 12 ever randomly thought "did i really spend four and a half billion years punching a diamond wall just for a human? what the fuck was wrong with me?"
Matthew Butler
he hlad a dluly of cale
Caleb Gray
>the balls on a dalek are a self-destruct mechanism
why the fuck would davros put a self destruct mechanism on a dalek
Landon Sanchez
>muh clala
FUCK Capaldi
William Morris
What does /who/ think about the planet of web?
Jason Sanchez
>Why would a living super weapon want to stop itself getting in the hands of the hated enemy, giving them technology or information?
>Why would a living super weapon hell bent on extermination of its enemy want to take everyone around it with them when all other offensive means have been disabled?
Jonathan Stewart
Alright, delved into BEM territory which was bad.
Robert Gutierrez
>davros admitting a dalek could be captured
Also, it formed a sphere around them and imploded, harming no one, so it wasn't to take people with it.
Tyler Phillips
>living super weapon
it's an upside down trash can with a laser gun
Gavin Collins
Dalekanium is the strongest metal in the universe.
Jaxson Diaz
>t. seething rassilon
Ryder Adams
Until the next one.
Christopher Howard
t: Sydney Newman
Camden Thomas
BRIMMING with creative ideas, EXPLODING with vision and OVERFLOWING with ambition, goes too far in a few places. Overral, it's KINO
Asher Turner
I like them doing a totally alien envirnment.
Anthony Butler
I suppose, if it's my last chance to say it, /who/...
Luke Wood
Watched Resurrection of the Daleks and Revelation of the Daleks yesterday and the way Davros and the daleks are written is epic.
In Resurrection the Daleks find Davros to make him cure their current space plague, showing the daleks as logical and willing to compromise for their survival. Davros genetically engineers two Daleks to serve him, showing his scientific brilliance.
In Revelation Davros has set himself up on a planet, curing various diseases as "the great healer", he also siphons money from a company making protein food in order to finance these cures. From here is making humans into Daleks and the way he solved famine was by turning dead bodies into food, the same food the protein food factory produces. Davros is revealed to be truly evil and genius at the same time.
Watching Remembrance tonight, don't expect it to be as good desu.
The new series really writes both the Daleks and Davros badly as generic genocide gimmick, I didn't know classic Doctor Who could be this dark.
I'm excited to watch Earthshock as it's written by the same guy (Eric Saward) and his stories are amazing
Easton Cruz
Jaxon Robinson
see you there lads
Alexander Carter
>Watching Remembrance tonight, don't expect it to be as good desu.
Daniel Lopez
I thought this was going to a Big Finish show from the thumbnail and I was about to get really, really mad.
Lincoln Williams
>Watching Remembrance tonight, don't expect it to be as good desu.
Josiah Long
I love the rebuttal
>"Do you have any other sayings from Hot Topic?"
Comic Book Men from AMC. Kevin Smith's show
Nathaniel Campbell
>the war chief
any thoughts on the lesser known rogue timelords.
Matthew Perez
We need to make sure to specifically mock all of the current shitty freelance writers. We clearly didn't criticize Chibnall enough so the Beeb didn't get the message.
Blake Torres
Killed himself like all gingers should.
Cooper Wilson
Monk is by far the most interesting one. Not an evil mastermind like Master, but a selfish, despicable being using a religious name and look which just makes him disgusting. Never understood why they didn't bring him back, except the EU
Luke Fisher
... I fucking hate River. What a mistake of a character she ended up being.
Thomas Gonzalez
>Watching Remembrance tonight, don't expect it to be as good desu.
oh boy
Thomas Cook
Cameron Cruz
It would be good but they would have to rethink the dynamic. Meddling with history was good for the first doctor because he was strict about that sort of thing. They did this in big finish by playing up the recklessness of his behaviour.
Evan Foster
Based and Ecclestonpilled
Christian Russell
Yeah, they can make him mess with alien/futuristic history. Big Finish did that with Demos two parter and To The Death
Blake Long
don't mind me, just leaving and taking everything good about the show with me
Hunter Barnes
I like the exterior of Jodie's TARDIS.
That is all.
Ryan Parker
it's prolly my favourite in nuWho as well
Jeremiah Harris
It's just 4's.
Easton Bailey
That's about the only thing you can't fuck up, since no one would dare actually change it into anything but a blue police box, long-term.
Noah Jackson
Give Chibnall time
Anthony Hall
Actually, now I see it, I don't really like the hue of the paint.
Logan Thompson
Are there any moments in Doctor Who which has made you cry? Excluding the entirety of Jodie's run of course.
Jason Reed
The main character does all this shit in this sort of closet universe where he's trapped and every time he does it it resets, and he goes and does it all again. And it's such a good story because the same thing keeps happening over and over again continuously. The loop doesn't stop for billions of years but that's not all babe, because every time he finishes a loop ZOOM he's back at the start again for another loop. But more than that, everything in this universe is from the loop. Because it keeps looping. It loops round and round and that's what makes it such a good story, because nobody else could have come up with that. The idea that it loops I mean. The idea that the events that transpire are repeated again after they've happened and they're only able to happen again in that order because it's already happened like that and the main character has deliberately left everything in the state he found it in because he realizes he's part of the loop. Every time he does the loop he has the same revelation like that, that he's in the loop, because that is part of the loop and even though he's already experienced it he experiences it again and slowly realizes that he'll do the same thing again because that by its very nature is what is happening. Now you may be thinking "But isn't that just a simple loop" and you'd be right to think that, but you need to think beyond that context because The main character does all this shit in this sort of closet universe where he's trapped and every time he does it it resets, and he goes and does it all again. And it's such a good story because the same thing keeps happening over and over again continuously. The loop doesn't stop for billions of years but that's not all babe, because every time he finishes a loop ZOOM he's back at the start again for another loop. But more than that, everything in this universe is from the loop. Because it keeps looping. It loops round and round and that's what makes it such a good story, because
Luke Cooper
Chibnal go seethe elsewhere.