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>putting bubbly in a fridge
Why are UK soaps so ordinary yet so bizarre?
It's only kitchen sink in sitting/visuals though. I don't think tone and story are that realistic.
My first thoughts too kek
They're just simple Londoners. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new East end. You know, morons.
I've only ever seen the meme of this and never the original scene. Soaps are dumb as shit. I used to like watching The Bill when I was at my grandparents over the holidays though. Good times
On the scale of soap melodrama it's fairly high on the hilarity youtube.com
what the fuck is max's problem and why would he cheat on this milf
I have no context and I want no context.
we posting soap kino?
Based David, trashing the street and tossing ET down the stairs.
I played ben mitchell on eastenders (like two ben mitchells ago) AMA
Lovely thread, I say lovely thread!
who were the fit birds on the show when you were on
Jessie Wallace desu
the faggy ballet kid one?
I feel like people don't actually go around rooms trashing individual objects one by one in a rage. You might wildly smash one thing repeatedly or hit what's in front of you I guess in a temper tantrum but it always looked very artificial this "I hit the TV, now I go hit the pictures, now over to the table, and now to the lamp" thing.
Are the soap kids just extras more or less? They never do anything and they seem to be treated like toddlers til they're 13.
No. They're actually treated like adult actors for the most part. You need to grow up quick on these seats. Know your lines, etc. It's weird because you have a room full of middle-aged men telling little boys and girls to read their lines on queue. It's surreal.
and they go months without appearing sometimes, they're always upstairs in their room, then they turn up six months later with a new actor
This was in the recommended, it's kind of amusing to see how little his face, expressions and even voice have changed since he was a little brat
Right Said Fred I Said Right Said Fred!
Corrie is the GOAT for characters getting roasted.
what the fuck was her problem?
How did they get away with this scene?
It's ordinary lives but more stuff happens.
That was considerably more tame than the title suggested.
1980s EastEnders was fucking hardcore
Are there people that watch all the big soaps, Corrie, Eastenders, Emmerdale etc? Or do people just pick one and watch that for life? I can't imagine the time sink watching 3-4 of these would be.
>Upstairs now!
>What, me or him?
I know plenty of women who watch at least two of them but never met someone who watches three or more
*vaguely garbles out some rattling gravel disguised as dialogue*
I can't imagine paying attention to more than one. Stuff is inevitably going to be too similar.
name a more pathetic death?
Joe McIntyre in Corrie
Ah a hill!
Yeah, me and most people I know at least watch the Trinity. It helps that they're blocked together in between 7-9pm. Saying that, I've never been arsed to get into Hollyoaks or either of the Aussie soaps.
>tfw no Tanya Branning slutty milf gf
Classic Corrie action
Meant to reply to
>attempt to fake your death by drowning for insurance
>change your mind halfway through the deed and try to stop
>manage to accidentally drown anyway, feebly sinking into the water
the "pushed off convenient hill, cliff, roof or stairs" is the most UK soap of deaths
Heard you were a nonce.
top kek
Shadows Die Twice
That teen fop hair
how are these soaps handling the outbreak?
>You know what's interesting? Us.
Who are your soapfus Yas Forums?
When Silas was in Hollyoaks it was unironically kino as fuck. I still watch it but it's not as good as it was. Got back into Corrie recently.
They've stopped filming. Corrie and Emmerdale are showing fewer episodes each week so they can stretch them out until later in the year. Hollyoaks are too and they're showing classic episodes when new ones aren't on
>people watch soap operas
>people watch British TV at all
the UK was a mistake and trash like Eastenders and Doctor Who is proof
So they're screwed pretty well. The soaps are based around being year round and taking place when they're airing
how far in advance do they normally film?
always Tina