>Scenes that men don't understand.
Scenes that men don't understand
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>one of man's worst fears
>not understanding it
Why do women do this instead of just giving tips on being a better sexual correspondent?
My gf left me for being bad at sex, she even gave me a list of things I did wrong after she broke up with me
>thought the clitoris was located underneath where vaginal pubic hair grows so i used to rub that all the time
>thought that there was a thing called 'pushthrough sensitivity' where a woman would feel sensitive on her back on the area opposite the one you touch, so if you touch her right breast the part of her back directly parallel to it would become like a second clit so i spent lots of time rubbing her back like a clit
>thought she liked spitplay
>based on tickly sneezes, thought that the nose had pleasure sensors like loved to pick her nose as I tried to have sex with her
>thought it was sexy to pinch her eyebrows during a blowjob
and she never said anything during the telationship.
Stupid bitch
Bad shitpost imo, its too obvious.
why was she smiling like that?
you need to lurk more and practice, the whole eyebrow pinching and nose picking shit made it completely obvious you were lying
How can guys be this bad at sex?
>How can guys be this bad at sex?
You can have a small dick for one. nothing to be ashamed of, it's nothing you can control.
Women can control how many guys fuck them though, they just have to not open their legs. This woman in OP is a French whore not only for laughing at a man trying to cum but also having sex with a man she truly doesn’t submit to or betrothed to
literally what else is there but shove it in and out.
What is she expecting to happen?
maybe she just doesnt have any vaginal nerves
to be fair, he really is god-awful at sex. even turbovirgins know that you move your hips
plenty of women are bad at sex. They have no idea what they are doing.
Trust me no girls are going on pornhub to study how to get guys off.
>Women can control how many guys fuck them though, they just have to not open their legs. This woman in OP is a French whore not only for laughing at a man trying to cum but also having sex with a man she truly doesn’t submit to or betrothed to
I haven't seen the movie but it seems he just has a small dick and she finds that amusing. She can't control what she finds funny and he can't control the size of his dick.
People on Yas Forums may not understand what it's like to be with a partner and the sex is comical at best, but it's a fairly common experience with normal people. I think that's what this scene is going for. Fucking someone and it's so unsatisfying that you want to laugh.
absolutely this. getting a handjob from a girl is 9/10 times painful.
if you're not a retard you can tell them how to do it better. women on the other hand just lie there and don't give any advice even though if they did they'd have a better time.
>I haven't seen the movie but it seems he just has a small dick and she finds that amusing.
Yeah, that’s not it...
>plenty of women are bad at sex. They have no idea what they are doing.
>Trust me no girls are going on pornhub to study how to get guys off.
This is hilarious. You think the stuff you find on Pornhub is how it's "supposed to be"? Pornhub is a fantasy land, it's filled will all kinds of things that "appear" to be pleasureful but everyone is acting.
How bizarre, your head is so warped and you don't even realize it.
The man doesn´t care
A hole is hole, if it happens to have a good-looking exterior its just a challange to get permit to dig
Once you start doing that you´ve won
>People on Yas Forums may not understand what it's like to be with a partner and the sex is comical at best
if Im with a girl and she sucks. I just blame myself for not showing her or leading it to a fun place. I don't think men would ever laugh at their partner.
women tend to leave personal responsibility at the door for most things.
>>thought that there was a thing called 'pushthrough sensitivity' where a woman would feel sensitive on her back on the area opposite the one you touch, so if you touch her right breast the part of her back directly parallel to it would become like a second clit so i spent lots of time rubbing her back like a clit
My fucking sides. I hope this is pasta
>pornhub to study how to get guys off.
jesus dude
Women are the reproductive bottleneck so they get to be choosy and everything good or bad in the bedroom is the mans fault 100% of the time. That's the world we live in.
go actually ask women what they want in bed. What there fantasies are . go watch porn that is popular with women.
its not hard to browse around pornhub and think.
>wow she is really riding him maybe I should try that
>wow thats a good deepthroat I'll try this on him
yeah no shit, it takes time to train up your partner for what they like
But I've been with girls that are much more fun then others.
>go watch porn that is popular with women.
Lesbian porn?
What would you describe as porn popular with women. Heterosexual kind and links please.
My missus made it very clear that if I pulled my cock out at the vinegar strokes and spaffed all over her face, like they do in porn, I would not be getting it again for a very long time. Once it slipped out, it was one of those times where it just jets, and I shot it into her hair - she wasn't happy at all.
It looks like she’s excited it’s happening I don’t know why most of you guys are chimping out here
>be pillow princess
>surprised the sex is bad
you don't go to pornhub to learn how to secks you dumb coomer, tons of typical porn positions feel like shit
when penis touch vagina you have already won
>go actually ask women what they want in bed
Why? caring about how a girl feels during sex is gay as hell. most girls don't care or won't say anything, in my experience at least.
This guy is unironically right.
In high school I was friends with a bunch of the lesbos, and not a single one of them knew how to hump. I literally had to tell them "use your hips, not your back idiot".
tl;dr women are bad at sex and usually too embarrassed/ashamed to admit it.
no there is a search on porn hub or a category. Popular with women.
well thats her.
You can still goto pornhub and watch porn and get ideas. positions , techniques. hell there are videos on how to eat pussy.
no shit you retard. there are plenty of things that dont' fucking work in real life
But I bet your wife/gf would be super excited to try new shit in the bedroom. Or even if you took the time to talk about what you and her both want to try in the bedroom.
its not rocket science but you could get new ideas from pornhub and try them. OR even use it as a reference to show her what you want to try.
fucking kek
the british lexicon is an astonishing thing. ty for brightening my day and teaching me new words
>tl;dr women are bad at sex and usually too embarrassed/ashamed to admit it.
or maybe they just suck.
Plenty of people just don't really get into things. They just dabble around in life and never really really get into shit.
Women tend to just lay there.
my point is that you can learn from tons of sites that aren't fucking porn. I'm talking about sexual experts that know about pleasuring your partner, not some dumb pornstar screaming while bouncing up and down on some dry dick and getting spunk in her face
who gives a shit what women think?
Did you miss the part where I was talking about lesbians?
So at least one of the women has to do more than "just lay there". They just didn't really know what to do because they did nothing but cooooom to shitty internet porn and never learned how to actually fuck, but they were too afraid of being "bad" lesbians so no one ever brought it up.
>tl;dr women are bad at sex and usually too embarrassed/ashamed to admit it.
Why should they be good at sex? They generally have men lining up to fuck them. There's not really an incentive for them to improve at it.
>Thinks pornhub is only pornstars with bolt ons riding the bbc
Come on son it's not the 80s.
>not some dumb pornstar screaming while bouncing up and down on some dry dick and getting spunk in her face
there are literally millions of porn on the internet. I'm sure you can find 10 videos of porn thats not your stereotypical porn that have something you want to try on your lady.
heres one. how to eat pussy. I'm sure there are atleast 3 videos there.
ok sure
because no matter what they will have a long term partner. They should atleast give 2 fucks about wanting to satisfy him and have a fun sex life.
women play this big game of "its not my fault" most don't like personal responsibility for anything.
I'm old enough to realize this is a pasta
I have a small cock but girls still get hurt when I rough fuck them.
it's even worse
>"trust me, i know how to do it"
and they even get mad at you
I was good at sex but 5 years of no-gf had turned me into a fucking retard. I had sex like a month ago and it was terrible. She hated everything I did. Couldn't even cum.
A woman's job is mental. Her role is to shed her inhibitions.
A man's job is the physical. His job is to be a human metronome. Finding her spot is not his role. If you can provide a woman with just 15 minutes of steady, slowly escalating rhythm and she can't cum.... If youre in a longterm relationship, it's on her.
>It's very much a Harry Potter for women, wherein Harry is Amelie, a girl from a broken home (iirc) who has always been a bit quirky and special, who manages to rent her own apartment in literally the most desirable area in the most expensive city in Europe despite working presumably part-time (she never seems exhausted) as a waitress. There she gets to cut her own hair in a non-traditional but cute style, fuck a ton of Chad lotharios despite not really enjoying it because she's so depersonalized that she remains her status as childlike ingenue - and of course all she wants is to please other people teehee! And the locals at her non-chain cafe are all interesting older men who learn to love life because of her, including the creep-Chad she lusts after because he's sooo melancholy but who she falls in love with (in the apartment she rents with a MINIMUM WAGE salary). Vile, loathsome cinema.
Stop punching them in the face then.
Why does it turn on Jews and women so much when men can't perform? The fuck?
Literally every single piece of HBO or Netflix media has at least a few characters with ED or some shit like that. Why?
>A man's job is the physical
true. but if my ltr doens't have her doing some work I'm going to get bored quick.
>A woman's job is mental. Her role is to shed her inhibitions.
I use to not be as rough with women. Then I started asking women what they like. They all want to hard and rough. I had to slowly allow myself to choke, spit, and slap women. Obviously I'm talking about this before I do it to her.
my general statement is that women can def do more in the bedroom. It's also on them to have a fun sex life.
Most women are shitty in the bedroom. I'd also assume most men are too.
The scene has nothing to do with that though. She has female autism ("quirky") and just finds sex silly. It's part of a montage where it discusses the pleasures that she has instead of sex. Nobody on this board has actually seen the movie though, despite it being babby's first foreign film.
>They all want to hard and rough.
sorry to break this to you, but that's because they 1) think it's what you want, and 2) are unconsciously hoping you'll come faster and it will be over.
actual sex manuals by women have two things in common: 1) take it slow, and 2) only clitoral matters.
t. was bad at sex but read books instead of looking at porn.
I understand that just fine. I've had sex with girls when I wasn't feeling it and it was basically like this.
>reddit's first day on 4chin
plus the scene is aimed at women, so it's more about how incredibly wonderful she is for letting him fuck her, than about her actually enjoying herself.
if she was enjoying herself it would muddy the waters as there would be something extra going on in addition to a romantic reward.
Can't be bad at sex if you don't have any
this is true
you can't get better by practicing it badly, either.
Then I'm in luck
>only clitoral matters
So they only like foreplay ?
only women who have had white dick and black dick will understand why she's laughing
you have to either move your hips so that your pubic bone (look it up) massages their clit, or get them to grind against you, or use your/her fingers/something else while you fuck them from another angle. something like 90% of women can't come from internal stimulation.
one thing this thread has right is that most women are ignorant as fuck. a huge problem is that I think a lot of them assume the only reward of sex is emotional until they find out differently and will make porn noises because they think it's how they're supposed to behave.