What is your favorite piece of asian cinema?

what is your favorite piece of asian cinema?

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anything MUM

I really liked Kurosawa's High and Low.

I liked that even for a pleb like me it was very accessible.


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why come some asians are white, but other asians are black?

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everything starring my beautiful wife

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I started watching the 2019 Blade of the Immortal animu... nothing but feet feet and more feet.

asian girls have the nicest feet...FACT!!!

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It's not cinema, but a show. A group of 10 or so Jap comedians come together and basically play a game of "you laugh, you lose" with something like ten thousand dollars on the line. It's funny, the humor transcends the language and cultural barrier and it only gets better as the seasons go on. It's on amazon prime if you've got it.

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Really enjoyed the yearly Batsu Game translations, didnt realise they have a showon amazon prime. Thanks for sharing champ.

Love Exposure.
It's an epic that pleb filters a lot of normies but it has pretty much anything you could want from a movie. It's perfect.

Also, how do I get an Asian gf?

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damn these sluts got nice feet

kys incel

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if that's a screencap from the movie I'm watching it right now.

Face too out of focus. I like soles but not in isolation.


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If I wash the three I would have raped them on the sooth spot

It's not but here's a gif from it.

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be white

Seira Ichijo Uncensored Bukkake scene.

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How does one find a girl with puffy feets like that? They look like damn paws. Imagine the smell.

Live action japshit is terrible and that's why anime exists

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Really? That's his only film I've ever seen that I disliked. Well acted, sure, but it was a dry and tedious movie.

I watched the first 2 seasons, any idea if 3 and beyond have been translated?

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same gril

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shittiest normalfag taste imaginable

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holy based


can't post U-15 stuff on this board.

Jesus Christ, imagine having yllow fever AND a foot fetish

I can't even...

Tetsuo or A Better Tomorrow are the only asian films that matter

sadly this

careful bro you didn't finish your sentence what can't you even??

i can't even believe it's not butter

>why come some asians are white, but other asians are black?
Same reason some Europeans are very pale, and others are swarthy.
Also even northern Asians tan VERY well. It can actually be somewhat disconcerting, your Japanese coworker will go to Hawaii for vacation and come back looking like they are Indian or something.

but that's a webm

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I wish there was more WMAF JAV.
I can't watch asian guys fuck. It's boring and I can't self insert.

just be yourself

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Thankfully all east asians avoid the sun as much as possible

Battle Royale and Memories of Murder are the only ones I care to watch now and then. Used to watch a lot of Hong Kong movies "Jetli, Chow Yun Fat, Jacki Chan, Leslie Cheung, Tony Leung" movies, but they aged pretty badly imo, except for Chinese Ghost Story now and then, used to be in love with Joey Wong from best China. Most new interesting stuff come from Korea, but honestly I can't remember a single name from this country, movies are well made though.

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Most Japanese and Korean people are relatively dark skinned compared to native Europeans of Celt, Nordic, Germanic, Slavic background. They go to great length to appear more white though, from makeup, skin treatments, never going to the beach or simply camera filters.

of his you mean?

>They go to great length to appear more white though
why come they do this?

Whiteness is seen as more attractive

Imagine being a girl in Japan and able to relax without fear of being raped to death by niggers

People will say it's because of Hollywood influence and muh white supremacy, to some extent might be true, but people have been bleaching their skin from Egypt to Japan since before Europeans outside of Greece learned to write. Lighter skin is just associated with aristocrats spending their time under the shade rather than in the fields.

kinda crazy, kids go by themselves at school in the morning and come home by their own means from an early age. Growing up, that's how it used to be here too but nowadays no fucking way.


Dark skin is associated with plebs.
Tanned would be the rural japs who had to work under rough conditions to make due in their daily lives. Rich and nobles were the only ones who could afford lives of comfort big enough to keep their skin pale as well as beautification products.

simpler people > poor people > rural people > dumb people > menial labor > hard life > rough exterior = tanned people are rural simpletons

Similar notions existed throughout ancient peoples in various forms; tanned skin was considered a more masculine trait in ancient greece for example, yet women are universally considered attractive the more pale they are. For good reason in my opinion, milky perfection is GOAT I say!

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Japan would be ruling the world already if it wasn't for censoring genitals... I wonder what the people who wrote that law would be thinking seeing that it doesn't cover animal genitals so bestiality porn is half way uncensored.

(((Urbanization))) is to blame too.
The more people are stacked on top of eachother the less you know who to trust.

p.s. don't forget the cloistered communities of olden days would keep shit hush hush to save face, evil shit still happened

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those are some nice soles and toes

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I think making bestialty porn is illegal in Japan now.

so is child porn yet they're making it in industrial quantities

I liked Train to Buson.
The Bleach Live Action was good too.
Also I liked the GTO Live Action.

The Chaser was pretty good.

Nah communitarianism is to blame, grew up this was still mostly an ethnostate. Population didn't grow that much, our rulers just opened the door to millions of third worlders throughout the years. They don't integrate, and antagonize the locals. That's how you end up with child grooming gangs that specifically target white children the kind the UK has. I'm not from the UK, but here this is what it is turning into.

>(((Urbanization))) is to blame too.
>The more people are stacked on top of eachother the less you know who to trust.
Japan is urbanized. Their population is incredibly dense.