Why shoot up a school with arrows?

Why not just use a gun like a normal school shooter?

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because he was a hipster

He's dressed like a fag

watched too much capeshit

love to smash this fags brains in


This, but his prostate instead

Clearly the kill count wasnt the point.

he was a faggot

He would one-hit KO you with an arrow if you even tried.

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If they all just rushed him at the end he wouldnt have been able to get another arrow out. What a bunch of mongs

many such cases

Why was he dressed like a homo? He wasn’t even gay

Why would he have the arrows on his back? poor form

if some archery dork tried to shoot up a school after he shot his first arrow and missed chad would run up to him grapple him and beat him within an inch of his twink life. I hate to say it but hollywood jew writers are too detached from reality to make kino.

lol can you even imagine
was it a school for the blind, then it might be a good idea

He was an unironic autist who refused to buy new clothes. So everything he wore was stuff he had since childhood so it was too tight/short in places.

I recon this guy could fuck up a school or a work place with bow and arrow

>he was a hipster
Like the crowd that thought this movie was a 9/10
Overrated, over-hyped.. I forgot I watched it the next day.

Comfy video

Lars could do it: youtu.be/BEG-ly9tQGk

Definitely not a 9/10 but not a bad movie.
I’d say like a 7/10, I like all of Ramsay’s movies.

lol trick shots are fun to watch but you wouldn't be killing with them. theres been plenty of videos about this hack

I really appreciated this movie in how they didn't hold back. Its so fucking intense and sickening. Felt so bad for the mom. The Dad was a retard who deserved to die.

If I had to shoot my school with a bow I would at least try to get a Joerg's Instant Legolas device.

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it doesn't look really powerful no fast.
Could it pierce chainmail or metal plate ?

>hold still while i reload this crossbow
Was it a girls school?

The virgin single-type
The Chad multi-typed weapons

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Because the writer thought he was being cool

This dude used a high-power one

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Is this how he's supposed to an hero at the end?

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I’m not gay but that’s a sexy boy

hello fellow oldfag

It's California. What can you expect?

>getting killed by some twinkboi that can't even source a glock
Fucking embarrassing 2bh lads

The novel actually takes place in the UK

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I'm almost certain actual crossbows now have loading mechanisms so you can fire more than one bolt every 20 seconds

there are repeater crossbows

25lb recurve and shitty dime store field points.

I hope he cleaned his boypussy cuz imma finna raep it after I kick the living shit outta him


>that hint of pubes right at the edge of his jeans

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Justice League

Nigga, I...

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imagine if he slipped

Tilda Swinton is honestly fucking horrible, she fills me with primal disgust and an urge to bash her dome in.

I don't know, but it really made me laugh.

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based psychoposter

both her AND Ezra look like uncanny valley aliens to me and I can’t look at them.

She cuter as a 'man'

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Anyone got the fap webm?

Real reason he used bow not gun is because the author was too morally cowardly to write about a gun massacre in a school, and I quote, "I didn't want it to be about guns"

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user I got some news for you.

Easier to sneak in the arrows desu. In the book it does say he had special permission to practise his crossbow-ing in school as a sports choice. (Why the school allowed a crossbow is a different matter).

Ezra Miller is one of the most attractive humans alive.

You’re bonkers and detached from reality. Tilda is definitely one of the most intriguing actresses in the game, her lunar beauty may confuse cause it’s defying the standards, but stating she’s evoking disgust counts for a kino crime.

Yeah, this is spot on what I was "feeling". I want to gouge her eyes out, and I'm normally the type of person that will let someone swing on me first before I even consider violence.

Ayo dis lizard boi finna get blessed by the iron