
Phantom's Dad: It's the bottom of the ninth, and you're two skulls behind.

The Phantom: Dad, a man named Quill has a gun belt like mine. Is it yours?

Phantom's Dad: Yes. He said he could show me the Sengh Brotherhood stronghold. He took me to a place deep in the jungle.

The Phantom: What happened?

Phantom's Dad: He stabbed me in the back, literally. So sue me, I'm a lousy judge of character.

The Phantom: Maybe I can get the gun belt back.

Phantom's Dad: If you haven't lost him.

The Phantom: Don't worry, I'll catch him. I have to. There's a woman involved.

Phantom's Dad: Saints be praised! It's about time. So tell him to step on it.

The Phantom: [to the Cab Driver] Can you go any faster?

Al the Cabby: [can't see spirits] You talking to me now?

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that was so campy, great film


wonder what the thinking of hollywood was to go full pulp after the success of Burton's batman
even to an extent Dick Tracy
I get trying to jump on the Superhero bandwagon wonder why they wanted to set everything 60 years in the past

Fuck, Phantom deserved a good movie, when i was little i used to read his comics, never watched the 1996 flick, is it any good? Unfortunately i bet if it got made today it would be a liberal clusterfuck because of the african heritage and all that. Shame, really

>I get trying to jump on the Superhero bandwagon wonder why they wanted to set everything 60 years in the past

Rights were cheaper. And they get to recycle a lot of props and costumes that would otherwise cost a fortune to make from scratch. And it's easier to suspend disbelief in a period piece.

And for pulp heroes, their super powers were guns. Helps rein in the special effects budget.

Xander Drax: My name is Xander Drax.

The Great Kabai Sengh: What?

Xander Drax: X-A-N-D-E-R D-R-A-X. Xander Drax. Begins and ends with the letter X.

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Was it autism?

Phantom, Shadow, Rocketeer, the holy trinity of pulp kino even if Rocketeer is based off an 80s IP, the IP was one giant homage to the old days.

saw this as a kid and the only scene I remember is the guy getting stabbed in the eyes by a microscope

The comic had an off-brand homage to Doc Savage and The Shadow. It would be amazing if someone got all the rights together and made a pulp Avengers type movie series. Needs a token woman, though.

>forgetting Catherine Zeta Jones

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comic had his GF look like Betty Page (heard that the comic was the start of the Betty Page return to pop culture...not sure if thats accurate)
movie had Rondo Hatton in it too.

I'd happily settle for a King Features superhero series, they have a ton of characters including The Phantom and Mandrake the Magician.

We'll never get this page in a Disney movie!

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how would they handle Thanos?

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Good old American moxie is how, and buying war bonds

The Spirit as well

Rocketeer is a favorite of mine. I fell in love with JCon as a kid.

The creator of the comic, Dave Stevens, actually found elderly Betty Page. She wasn't aware of her current fame. He helped her get some royalties for her likeness and brand. Sadly he passed away from cancer even before she passed. At least he helped her get something in her golden years.

Made too late. Also wasn't it shit?

It was Frank Miller's Will Eisner's The Spirit. The Spirit was filtered ghrough Miller's Sin City lens. It was.... odd. Wish we could have had a purer look at the character.

Reading the phantom comics as a kid was comfy. I liked the stories about the phantoms than came before kit walker. Weird how he would carry around 2 pistols just to shoot stuff out of peoples hands then heem everybody.

All film producers in the late 80s/ early 90s grew up watching pulp serials and just wanted to make the things they liked as kids

Wish The Spider got more love. He grew to be more than a Shadow knockoff. It's so bad he took a back seat in a story his novels inspired.

I just meant the movie, wasn't it not very good?

I can only imagine the poltard pissing and mining if someone made a pulp movie today and they dared to show a nazi being punched

The Phantom could never happen now.
He is too "problematic" for today audience.

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I used to love The Phantom comics when I was seven or eight

First saw it as a kid and thought it was fun. Rewatched a few years ago, and it’s still fun.

Too bad. He's quite a recognizable international symbol.

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why was phantom much better than our capeshit?

I can only read fiction from before the 40s now really, modern fiction is almost all post-modern trite.

>he doesn’t realize they still make new phantom stories

you guys forgot Zorro

I had two rings.
One metal one that was too big that came with a VHS or some shit, and a glow in the dark one from Burger King (Hungry Jack's).
My father even had one as a kid in the 40s or 50s, with luminous green eyes.
Do cereal box toys and doodads still exist that kids carry around everywhere? Or is it all parent's tablet and iphone these days?

Just make him mixed. Some of the Phantoms were Pajeet and Chink royalty.

I do know I wrote for Phantom once

Oh shit the dreaded "poltard" that only you idiot lefties keep bringing up.

Should I watch this again? I remember liking it when I was a kid. I like cheesy movies.

You should watch it, it's great fun, very sincere, follow up with The Shadow which is very underrated.

Thanks user I'll download them now

stuff isn't as bad as everyone says.

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thats awfully nice of dave. He was super into Pulp stuff judging from his comic and the auction of all his stuff (lots of doc savage type of paper back books)

man...what the heck was Frank thinking? I get that Sin City was popular but that has nothing to do with Will Eisner's work. I guess they were BFF or something.

i liked this phantom series. Probably fans of the comic strip hated it

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Was your shit good or the typical fare of today aka you a pozzed cunt?

I liked this costume design but (if Im not mistaken) in the books he wore a fright wig and fake fangs...though the covers often made him look like the shadow.
I liked his stories (from what I remember) they were a bit more weird than the Shadow's or Doc Savage

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>Do cereal box toys and doodads still exist that kids carry around everywhere? Or is it all parent's tablet and iphone these days?
If you're lucky, you get stickers or a barcode that links to an app store. Chintzy little toys are a thing of the past.

Wold Newton Cinematic Universe.....WHEN

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I'd love a metal Phantom ring. I saw a few on ebay, but I am saving my money for after the pandemic.

Go rape the Joker, Batman.

Plus, Pulp Hero period pieces were already proven popular, for example Indiana Jones.

Because all those movies ruled.

I made Phantom into a transgender white guilt muslim not really he punched out wizards and fought musclebound sword-wielding hindu warriors

The Spirit was good on its own.

And we would get to enjoy you bitching when they take on Communists and Dope Dealers (blacks)

based and purple pilled
I bet the Yas Forumsmmies hated it

I liked them too but I think they mostly flopped

hell even The Mask had that weird anachronistic quality of being in the 90's but there's zoot suits, torch singers, fast mouthed detectives, cars the size of fishing barges, banks just having mountains of cash money just lying around inside the vaults. good stuff.

Is Batman technically the only surviving "Pulp" character?

Not really. Superman was on par with John Carter originally. Captain America is still around regardless of how often they try to replace him. I think we'll see a pendulum swing back to pulpish stories and characters after quarantine just because it gave everyone a chance to see how shit media has become