All are given contracts to kill each other, who's the last man standing?
All are given contracts to kill each other, who's the last man standing?
Does Alejandro get to use his CIA connections?
Let's assume all have Alejandro CIA tier connections.
John Wick obviously
Does Leon get to use Mathilda? Do the other three know she's also a contract killer?
Shit list
wick and alejandro kill the other two. wick is probably more capable in hand-to-hand combat, but alejandro is more ruthless and focused. gonna give it to wicks based on overall skills
Lmao, sure Leon gets to use Matilda since I guess he might be the weakest connection wise
Ok, and who would be in yours?
Cruise got killed by a taxi driver
Sicario dude no doubt. Wick is used to fighting like 50 brain dead idiots, Leon is a very specialized hit man, and Cruise's character was too flashy.
Wick is in another category. He falls off buildings and other superhuman shit.
He's still human, he will still die if shot in the head
Will he? He got shot in the guts and instead of dying because of a infection caused by the shit in his intestines leaking into his blood, he just closes the wound and pretends nothing happened.
cruise (I forgot the name) died in his own film; I don't know who'd win, but we all know leon is the most based
John wick is supernatural and Marvel tier, not a fair comparison.
Leon wins
Vincent died in Collateral.
Leon Died in The Professional.
Alejandro has survived two movies with a third planned but with a mediocre box office for the second movie it might not be any time soon.
Wick has survived 3 movies with a fourth definitely coming due to the box office for the third movie in the franchise topping the first two combined.
To be fair, they're all only badasses because of plot armor and John's plot armor is the craziest of the four.
Wick, Bourne, Bond, and Hunt
Provided he isn't distracted by cunny, Leon is an untouchable ghost.
Vincent's methods are sloppy.
John Wick is recognized all over, and his hit on the chick in JW2 is pure amateur hour.
Didn't watch Sicario 2, but I don't remember being particularly impressed by Del Toro in the original
Vince isn't even close to in the same league as the rest. He stars in a drama, not an action movie. He got one scene to show off operating but jobbed to a SUBWAY DOOR.
Leon died as well
>Leon Died in The Professional.
Well he took on a whole SWAT team and nearly made it. Sirico and John Wick aren't really realistic. Vincent was too unstable
Wick regularly takes on dozens of men. The rest of them usually win using the element of surprise.
Pretty close to a perfect roster, though I feel like Bond could be subbed out for someone more fitting.
Two of them canonically died, so obviously they wouldn't win. Of the two remaining, John Wick was the one with bullshit plot armor saving him regardless of what happens to him, so obviously it's him.
John Wick vs Alejandro's team of CIA trained sicarios.
I'll take that crossover.
Only because he was too orderly. The whole movie, he clean kills everyone effortlessly with two shots to the heart, one to the head. At the end when he faces Jamie Foxx, the subway car shakes and he misses his shots. Foxx on the other hand just shoots randomly and mortally wounds him. Chaos vs Order, and Order lost because it couldn't adapt.
Chigurh and Malvo add to the mix.
did he even miss, iirc max was kinda directly behind the door flailing about, i think he just missed because he couldn't adapt and hit the door instead of max because he had fallen into routines etc long ago
John Wick is in another league entirely.
Yea he hit the door three times with the Mozambique style
You're right, just rewatched it. The door was in the way, couldn't adapt because of routine. Didn't actually miss his shots.
Damn, I'd give the win to Anton in this case. Wick otherwise.
Collateral was operator-kino as fuck but he got BTFO by a shitty cab driver. That taxi scene where he fast draws is still beautiful to watch though.
Leon got BTFO by SWAT.
Sicario man is too grounded in reality and has limits.
John Wick basically took on all forms of professional and highly experienced professional killers and cut through them like buttah. Made it to the point where he was granted a meeting with the most powerful man in the world. He's practically a demi-god at this point.
Alejandro obviously
Benicio del Toro looks cool in tactical gear but he's overweight as fuck.
him getting btfo by the taxi driver was the point of the movie, and a flaw in his character and not of his ability
i agree that john wick is more like a superhero at this point, maybe always, been ages since i saw the first one
john wick is literally on a comic book character tier, he even has a bullet proof suit and can take on 20 men at once bare handed and nearly 100 with a gun
leon is just a sneaky hitman no big deal here
alejandro is a typical cia operator with a shitload of connections/resources/intel
vincent got shot by a fucking cab driver
so basically this is like asking who would win in a fist fight: thor or bruce lee
Bourne has to be the peak specialist. No one could compete.
let's add jack bauer after renee has been killed, can he do it?
John Wick is the most cartoonishly competent so him I guess. In reality none of these old men would be in the field
It comes down to Alejandro and Tom Cruise because Keanu Reeves is a reddit meme and The Professional fucking dies.
This, the point is he's in a situation where his expertise doesn't help (subway door is in the way) whilst Fox just random shooting managed to get through the glas
Malvo stormed through a building full of thugs
>The Professional dies
he died for his love. if she wasn't in the picture it would've been a walk in the park for him
>died for his love
So much for being The Professional. Alejandro is the only one who realistically gets out alive, and Tom Cruise's assassin was originally meant to kill Jaimie Foxx's character at the end.
>tfw you will never be a kino operator
Real answer: Barry
Well, I mean, Cruise dies too
Fuches promises to leave Barry alone if he kills the other 4. This is the last time, he promises.
Way better than OP
no contest
all cool except reddit wick
Bond relies too much on gadgets, Hunt - on the team
not Craig Bond
Where is he from?
Only because Jamie Foxx sperged out over his character dying.
Craig Bond sucks though
>got captured and tortured by half blind guy
>had to get rescued
>couldn't protect boss
>couldn't save woman he loved
Really just an all around pussy
Add Hanna and we have a debate
Mission: Impossible
what the fuck
this and that shitty one with butler both?