ITT villains who did nothing wrong

Starting with an obvious one

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>betrayed her kingdom and best friend for a shit boyfriend that she later dumped anyway

He did literally everything wrong, he was the wrongest, evillest person in the show.

Another obvious one

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Okay OP, what did he do right?

>He did literally everything wrong, he was the wrongest, evillest person in the show.
He was only continuing his grandfather's legacy based on what he was taught. How is that """wrong""" in any way?

What the Fire Lord decides is, by definition, right.

why did they design her to look so chinky? No one else looks like that

His grandfather wanted colonization and improvement of the conquered lands. Ozai just went "burn everything lmao"

I always forget that this character was voiced by Mark Hamill.

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The only thing good about the show and I say that only with only 20% of coomery. She made so much sense they had to hamfist internment camps in the later episodes.

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>spends the entire Earth Empire budget on a mecha

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I forgot how ugly the backgrounds were

Yea they should've stuck with the team of TLAB

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though I'd argue they were the heroes all along

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god her fight scenes are the only good thing that came out of this shitshow

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But user, everyone was gay before the fire nation attacked.

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3d mixed with 2d.. why do they do this?

also the rest of the marley squad

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How awful

Delete your posts

Why was Ozai bad again?
Meh, I'm a Suki fan myself

Aang should have tried to help her after the war was over.
She was just as much a victim of her father as Zuko was.

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That's some real King Charles' shit.



>The monks that seperated their temples by sex were all homos
Who gave faggots like those writers the right to taint this series?

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Who's the white hair bitch?

Come to think of it, weren't the air benders supposed to abandon earthly desires?
Including love?
Wasn't that the inner conflict of Ang in the series?

It was but teaching kids tolerance and LGBT values is more important than staying true to the original material you fucking bigot


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No, that was the Avatar's role, not Airbending.

Got her general look down, but I can't even tell what nationality she is. Is she Spanish or something?

Not in the show, no, the guy that told him to abandon desires wasn't an airbender, he was some random elderly yoga master who wanted to unblock Aang's chakras. Pretty sure the airbending nomads and monks didn't abandon all desire, seeing as bending is hereditary, there wouldn't have been an airbending people if they didn't procreate

Maybe they fucked in the air missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation


Aang's daughter, Kya

It was never fully explained but I'm pretty sure that only the monks, not all nomads, were supposed to detach themselves from earthly desires. The Buddhist reference kinda gives that away

Damn Americans look like that?

all air nomads are airbenders. that was one of the unique things about their culture compared to the other nations.

I will never not be mad that we got fucking korra instead of the kino azula redemption arc.

Reminder that TLAB is equivalent to a mediocre Shonen series at best.

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So do they kill the babies that can't airbend? Throw them off the Tarpeian rock?

Yes but not all air nomads were monks

There is a comic series which continues where the show ended and she kinda does get a redemption arc iirc.

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>left to right

hang on...

well they all probably can't bend till a certain age, but who knows? maybe they get exiled or something. that would be pretty interesting to explore.

pretty sure they all wore monk garb, unless i missed one somewhere.

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There arent any? Its air (100%)>water>fire>earth (like 25% or something)

It's an edit

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Oh yes.

>wants to burn the entire Earth Kingdom
He was an idiot who would have turned most of the world into a wasteland

It's not though.

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what's the story behind Azula not being in prison?

>Why was Ozai bad again?
He was planning to use Sozin's Comet to burn the entire Earth Kingdom. Not even to conquer it or "civilize" it or anything, not even to win the war (he had already won), just set literally the entire place on fire. It's as unambiguously villainous as it gets.

It's a story.

Is this good art style?

kuvira did nothing wrong except going evangelion at the end

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Zuko put her in a nuthouse but then freed her to help him find their mom

there were countless rebel groups in the earth kingdom and he just kinda wanted to make a quick end to that, then rebuild everything

What did they mean by this?

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It's sort of weird how Korra is naturally a waterbender but her go-to is always fire

Avatar is the dullest cartoon in the history of animation.
Each episode following the boy monk and his pals traveling from from fictional Antartica as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the childish humor, the series’s only consistency has been its lack of excitement and bog standard animation, all to make bending seem unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when the show aired on Nickolodeon ; they made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody? just ridiculously profitable promotion for action figures and comic books. The Avatar series might be Anime (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-One Piece series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the fights were good though r-right
The tone is inconsistent; the action choreography was terrible. As I watched, I noticed that every time a character had a serious fight , the writers would have a character scream "My cabbages" as some sort of joke.

The writer's minds are so governed by comicbook cliches and childish attitudes that they have no other style of writing action scenes.

Christ my dick

>distant strains of Sweet Home Alabama

>Sozin nearly committed genocide against two civilizations, including Korra's *own people*
>She's upset about the gay shit
This is like if someone from Poland hated Hitler because he was anti-smoking instead of all the Polish people he killed

>tfw Aang and Kyoshi are the only Avatars we see who aren't colossal fuckups

>People actually watch this shit

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azula a best

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>coming from a narutofag
oh no no no no

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I get that the framerate of the average anime is very low but even you should be able to tell still pictures apart from cartoons.

Azula is pleb tier. June is the best of all Avatar girls followed by Ty Lee

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What do Avatars do when the realm isn't in total danger? There can't be a villain every time

>he says after posting naruto

It's a spinoff comic released after the Korra show, and Korra itself is just a spinoff of the main series.

>every Avatar thread inevitably turns into an Azula that
That's how you know she's the best girl.

Avatar Kuruk apparently went around just challenging people to duels and beating the shit out of them because he's the Avatar. Korra decided to join a professional sport and cheat to win money. Maybe the Avatars are just dicks when there's nothing better to do.

if we're going that way Jin is best girl
ty lee is just a basic bitch so basic there's 11 exact copies of her out there

Based gypsy remover.

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>we never got an avatar story about an avatar that abuses his powers to be a villain

What are you talking about? We had 4 seasons of Korra.

>bimbo Azula

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kyoshi founded the dai li, which is quite possibly one of the biggest fuckups in earth kingdom history.

Azula is....

Yeah i am surprised anyone would watch a series that can produce such garbage even if it's a spin-off.

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