Makes a sound logical argument

>Makes a sound logical argument
>Oh shit....uuuuh, we can't have that let's...let's make him a say NIGGER, there we go.

Fuck this movie.

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is this what happened in between Boy Meets World and Girl Meets World?

>portrays white racists as just misunderstood and ultimately capable of change
>portrays black people as violent thugs who will murder those with differing opinions


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I think the point was that his father wasn't a drooling retard hating blacks for no reason like the Neo Nazis. He's not a total bad person, he's just seen some shit and hate has a bit of a grip on him. But he's not an embarassing Neo Nazi, which his son becomes once he isn't there to keep him in line

>>portrays black people as violent thugs who will murder those with differing opinions
Underwear washing guy and the school principal are both examples of blacks changing their ways

kek it is kind of jarring hearing the dad from boy meets world say nigger.

If your argument is so rational why do you have to recur to pseudoscience to support it?

Pseudoscience? He was saying replacing white culture with black culture IS racism. Did he even mention anything scientific? He was talking about what books schools were making kids read.

That's what racists are actually like though. It's how they garner new recruits. They make what sounds like logical and reasonable points to begin with, but the more you talk to them the more the grisly shit beneath their well meaning intentions is revealed, and before you know it they're talking about IQ tests, genocide, mass deportations and the return of a facist state.

>replacing white culture
Lmao he got assigned black literature by a black teacher. The context behind the alleged "assault" on your culture can be explained a single sentence: the teacher liked the book and he figured students could get something out of it.

That's why Derek is so insanely taken aback by his father's words. He was talking about homework and his retarded father went on a diatribe against black people.

That's the same for any pro-abortion argument as well.

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Sounds like leftists talking about white people.

The number one cause of racism is meeting black people. Because of education and media everyone defaults to trusting black people and giving them the benefit of the doubt until they actually have to spend time around them and learn what a nightmare they are. That's why everyone in Mississippi is racist but everyone in Connecticut is tolerant.

Hey leftypol

>muh anecdotes
Brainlet shit.

By far the #1 cause of racism is brainwashing. For example everyone on /p*l/ is brainwashed and dumb as rocks. I mean that literally, they have non-human, NPC intellects.

The difference is that leftists have to make shit up for that to work.

>norton's father gets murdered by blacks while putting a fire out in their neighborhood
>norton's brother gets murdered by a black for blowing smoke in his face
>norton is still the villain for becoming a rayciss

This is probably one of the worst propaganda movies ever.

There's no board called /p*l/. There is Yas Forums. Is that what you meant?

The movie originally ended with Derek shaving his head again.

>By far the #1 cause of racism is brainwashing. For example everyone on /p*l/ is brainwashed and dumb as rocks. I mean that literally, they have non-human, NPC intellects.

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Could you imagine the ass blasting that would have caused?

It's impossible to be "brainwashed to be racist." Our entire civilization has been inundated with a monopolized anti-racist message for half a century. Becoming racist requires overcoming preexisting brainwashing. Every Westerner starts from a "black people are wonderful" default that can only be overwritten by actual contact with multiple black people in their day to day lives

Yeah, the Arabs in Libya and Egypt for millennia, the mestizos in Brazil and mulattoes in Dominican Republic for centuries, they're all wrong about black people. It's the sociologists writing from their own fevered imaginations who are the only source of truth.

>being a racist simp

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you're racist because you're an angry poor loser and you meet other angry poor losers of the opposite race and you develop opinions about the race itself based on this alone. wealthy and successful people of all shades lead excellent lives and are cherished members of society.

it's class. it's always been class.


>everyone in Connecticut is tolerant.
where do they send their kids to school, that's where tolerance ends

>Every Westerner starts from a "black people are wonderful" default
>it's a "user undercuts their own argument with hyperbole" thread
I live in NC and there's still Klan who raise their kids to be Klan. And they have better drugs than the niggers in the city.

>wealthy and successful people of all shades lead excellent lives and are cherished members of society.

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Compelling counterpoint, thanks.

I'm genuinely impressed at you using an openly Marxist rhetoric to reach a conclusion of "fuck lower class subhumans, 1%chads always win baybay"

>there's still Klan

Still FBI agents who raise their kids to aspire to be FBI agents maybe

good post

Youre welcome.

What's the pseudoscience in question here? Sounds like you arent really up to date on racial / genetic understanding

You actually proved his point. Senator Kennedy made so many valuable contributions to society and his superiority was so recognized that he was allowed the dalliance of murdering a pleb for his pleasure. Everybody tacitly acknowledged that Mary Jo would have been nobody even if she lived.

This is masterfully crafted bait but throwing in IQ tests gives you up


This same discussion in a black house. "Fuckin cracka ass motha fukas pale ass (smacks lips)

>the Arabs in Libya and Egypt for millennia, the mestizos in Brazil and mulattoes in Dominican Republic
I can assure you that all of those nations were struggling with civil wars and social unrest way before you even discovered what a black person was.

Also lmaoing @ the implication of a white Brazil.

didnt edward norton change the ending?

Imagine somehow both trying to incite class warfare and sucking elite cock in the same sentence

5/5 post
simps will not attempt to debate it but instead deflect

>its an user doesnt understand that a few exceptions dont negate a rule episode
>but he still types his shit opinions like they arent shit opinions

>"honey, a few new black books is not affirmative action."
>no white books allowed

Right, and we all know that there's demographically significant numbers of these secret Klansmen, who in turn have great influence over the cultural narrative at large. That's why you see so many Klan movies, memes, social media sites, television shows, books and music. I just heard a Klan rap on the top 40 last week! Truly disturbing.

Just the opposite, Norton wanted to go full retard but the Director didn't want to get blacklisted.

Pretty much the opposite, my jewish friend.
Racism is natural. The only group of people who even thinks of racism as bad or wrong is white people, and that only happened after decades of systematic brainwashing.
Races are intrinsically different.

imagine missing the point so bad it comes around and hits you in the back of your head

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You mean like the very reason this thread exists? Your faggot ass spams this shit over and over to incite.

Your post is the most shocking failure of reading comprehension I've ever seen. I in no way implied a "white Brazil," in fact I clearly cited Brazil, Egypt and the Dominican Republic as regions where NON-white populations experienced black strife

Because recognizing how overwhelmingly dysfunctional, violent, short-sighted and detrimental black populations are doesn't require you to be a white supremacist, it requires you to have eyes

They don't get their 0.02 shekels if they use any words on the no-no list. No nigger kike or faggot, and I guess Yas Forums now too.

Did you know? Rich black people who grew up in wealthy environments are still more likely to commit crimes than poor white people from broken homes.

I was pretty far left, like really far left. Then I moved to an area of mostly non-whites.
They hate us. They hate what we stand for and they don't hide it. They're nice to your face in public so they can garner sympathy, they'll play the race card as soon as they can, and they'll demonize you as quickly as possible to poison the well.

Until I had to live surrounded by non-whites I always said we are all equal and we all bleed red. I defended everyone I could without compromising my morals.

Now? Fuck 'em. If they want a fight, they'll lose. They hate us because they fear us. Nothing scares non-whites more than the idea of White people chimping out. Remember, we left our own continent of Europe just to go looking for fights and land, and we always won in the end.

No leftypol races being different doesn't mean racism is justified. No leftypol calling someone Jewish doesn't mean anything.

>IQ tests

Projecting hard shill.

Again, just to remind you,
>Every Westerner starts from a "black people are wonderful" default
Every westerner? It's an unquantifiable statement, there's no census that covers "every westerner" and specifically asks them when, how or if they hate niggers. You want to be taken seriously? Say something that's not ridiculous nonsense.
>in b4 hurr you knew what I meant
English, do you speak it?

to commit crime or to be convicted?

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Oh good this fucking guy is here. All we need now is the "Nazis are trannies" guy and we'll have the full "makes 10,000 stupid fucking posts a day" club

>Nigger chimps out at end and kills the younger brother for blowing smoke in face 2 weeks prior
What was this movie trying to say

0/10 shit propaganda

Your frivolity about Klansmen is a meaningless deflection. Everyone who lives in a Western country lives in an explicitly anti-racist culture.

i mean it was 2 days but yeah at least that part was realistic

>but everyone in Connecticut is tolerant.

I've been to Connecticut and there are a shitload of Black people in the cities that are close to the border between NY and CT

So yes you're the same leftist spamming these threads.

There are actual movements and petitions to ban "white literature" from classes, and one university in particular removed all the portraits of important doctors/scientists hanging on its walls because they were all white.
Hell, a Nobel prize winner got his Nobel rescinded because after decades of being an expert on his field he came to politically incorrect conclusions.

It's anecdotal as fuck, I'd concede that, but it is however very true. The worst offenders were the Black people in my area, they self-segregated and didn't turn up to any event not hosted by one of the other Black families. After that was Muslims/Jews. I am sure there are many people that are not White who just don't give a fuck about race or creed, the fact observed however remains. In groups people will prefer their own over the 'other' and Whites, despite our history, are the least violent of said groups. Sure in warfare Whites are fucking savages, but for street / community level violence we are pretty peaceful.

>The number one cause of racism is meeting black people. Because of education and media everyone defaults to trusting black people and giving them the benefit of the doubt until they actually have to spend time around them and learn what a nightmare they are. That's why everyone in Mississippi is racist but everyone in Connecticut is tolerant.
Jesus Christ....

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Just like you want to ban everything non white.

Say nigger. Say nigger right now you kike.