>Sense8 is a science fiction drama series by the makers of the Matrix.
>Eight strangers from different parts of the world suddenly discover that they are mentally and emotionally linked.
Wow. This sounds really interesting.
>Sense8 is a science fiction drama series by the makers of the Matrix.
>Eight strangers from different parts of the world suddenly discover that they are mentally and emotionally linked.
Wow. This sounds really interesting.
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This is from the Wachowskis iirc
First ep was fine but I can't remember why I didn't keep watching
I never finished it. But I remember I floppy wet dildo and one of them is trans or some shit.
cute asian girl
First season was somwhat charming if you like Wachowski's style (endearing cliches mixed with well executed sci-fi concepts) but the second one was boring and the full length finale was just shit.
That said, I don't remember a single particular thing from this series
Probably the most gratuitous and disgusting thing I've seen in a mainstream series. It plops out and is literally glistening.
bunch of zoomers in this thread
Bet they had major hard-ons while writing that scene
>makers of the Matrix
>why I didn't keep watching
Probably because it's going to be hella gay
That it sticks in your mind so deep proves that it was cinematic genius.
It really burn into your mind. There's a few frames dedicated to the dildo itself.
>you will never engage in steamy orgies and wacky shenanigans with a dedicated group of friends
I watched a good 8 eps of this, it was actually really well done and started getting nuts. Unfortunately I was watching with my ex and we broke up in the middle of the season so I’m never going to finish it
haha yeah bro it was so gross like puke but like haha imagine what it would be like if you haha licked it as a joke haha just imagine
why are they hiding from The Seinfelds?
Literal hedonism kino
I have mixed feelings about Sense8 it's a nice concept but the storyline isn't that interesting.
It is, and I don't necessarily mean this as the criticism, the gayest television show ever made.
i stopped watching this show when it turned into a weird petting / orgy simulator
>the people in charge of the new matrix movie are the same that made that
Wow. Really set up the expectations.
it starts off okay but then every single conflict ends up getting settled by linking with the kung fu girl at exactly the time when surrounded by thugs and then they beat them up.
i swear it happens every other episode
>Asian thotting up front
>nigger hidden in the back
Perfect promo shot
Yeah. It was a great show. It's a shame it was cancelled. Maybe should have dedicated more time to the overarching plot and less to the individual characters. Then again, the shows genuine sympathy for these people and their personal struggles was also one of its biggest strenghts.
Mandatory Diversity in action.
Diversity Initiative: The Show
the "plot" solely serves as way to move between degenerate behavior in scenes
and you were watching this to get triggered or to know your enemy as ms Tzu advised?
They would have if they didn't cut their cocks off.
Asian girl is very cute. I remember watching this and dropping it because it was full of weird orgies and tranny/fag shit. Lasted four episodes I think
It's kino
was there a 4 non blondes in the first 4 episodes? I think not. Anyone is fully hooked after watching this and doesn't drop after that.
I think she's in Kingdom. It's hard to tell them apart but this time I'm quite sure.
I remember a lot of the cartel execution videos I've seen, that doesn't mean they're good.
>Wow. This sounds really interesting.
The 1st season was, but then S02 turned into nothing but homosexual propaganda and viewers bailed in droves and the show was canceled.
The one with sweet child o mine and funkytown was kino though
How on earth did that show turn more into propaganda after season 1?
this. i still afraid to open spoilers to this very day in case it is that scene again.
>looks like that guy getting licked by that dog lol
>oh they tied him up while that dog is licking him?
>why am i seeing blood
>dog slowly tearing a piece of flesh from the gaping hole that was the boys nether region
>Boy is not screaming he just seems amazed
>looks at his gaping hole with crazed eyes and rolls his head back slowly looking into the distance while the dog takes another bite.
I just fapped...
What the fuck is wrong with the Wachowski's? They didn't come off as trans faggots in their interviews during the Matrix. Did they get some sort of mind virus?
It was a different time. The world needed time to mature.
a dominatrix injected ketamine into their dicks. not making this up.
I fucking miss the 90's
>Did they get some sort of mind virus?
It's well documented. It's a strange and twisted tale.
I really liked the African driver, pretty much dropped it right away when they replaced him.
>How on earth did that show turn more into propaganda after season 1?
In the first season, you could shrug off the gayness because they were still setting up the story and that was interesting but by S02, you knew what the set-up was now it was just gay all day erry day.
uh. what
How about paraphrasing it for us?
>I really liked the African driver, pretty much dropped it right away when they replaced him.
It's really fucking weird when a main cast member gets replaced like that.
Someone in another thread claimed he refused to do gay sex scenes and they shitcanned him as quietly as possible to avoid looking racist or risking a proto-metoo controversy.
That makes me sad because the Van Damme guy was really good.
>self-harming since childhood
>medicates with drugs, club life, masochism and cross-dressing
>makes mega millions from the matrix
>starts shopping around hollywood for the most extreme sissy-centric dominatrix possible
>meets ilsa strix
>her specialty is hours-long hardcore bondage sessions culminating in simultaneous forced orgasm, pain, and injecting a cocktail of ketamine and estrogen
>larry's mind is totally shattered
>starts threatening suicide unless he can live as a woman full time
>marriage ends
>marries ilsa, puts on his neon dreads
>happily ever after as his career goes down the shitter
>watches all this happen and falls into his own deep depression
>starts medicating by jerking off to tranny porn
>literally has an epiphany from gooning
>marriage begins to wobble
>meets an FTM art professor who looks like a thumb, starts fucking her on the side
>marriage collapses entirely, wife moves out
>conveniently realizes he too is trans
>everyone at work accepts it except larry, who rightly realizes his brother is a coattail rider
>is forcibly outed by the daily mail after beginning his transition
>the brothers now will not talk or collaborate
a modern tragedy
all i know is that there is a scene where the cute indian girl is in bed with her bf and the couple next door is being loud. so she has to go tell them to be quiet but she ends up staying and watching the dude just pound the girl because I guess the indian girl thinks he's hotter than her indian bf
somebody post the webm
Sounds like Larry was trans from day one. Makes sense then that Andy also was.
Is this Gantz but without the cool stuff?
Nah its more like Kiznaver, but that show sucked ass so I can only imagine this will too
There's probably the conspiracy brigade in this thread trying to convince you that they were brainwashed by an evil dominatrix to ruin the Matrix sequels but chances are, they simply didn't feel safe coming out back then.
Bae Donna, she's in Kingdom, and also in a million Korean, US and French movies
She was also in the Wachowski's Cloud Atlas. One of the best movies of last decade.
>One of the best movies of last decade.
fucking hot
is there any nudes?
Yeah pretty explicit too
>trannyism natural
what are some other cute tranny shows
I nominate Dispatches from Elsewhere
not the fucking pajeeta, the hot asian in op
Hot story.
He was a p*do, he deserved worse
>Bitter Amelie.
That is by far the most fucked up thing I have ever read. It made me realize we deserve Corona and Corona should be treated as a blessing from the world. Clearly the Earth is trying to rid itself of this hedonism
I'm pretty sure the plot thread about the indian lady being torn between her husband and the German guy was literally resolved with a threesome in the finale
I love this show.