Ginger Snaps: A Simpler Time Edition

Let's discuss a seminal cult classic and one of the most subtly influential horror trilogies of the 2000s: Ginger Snaps.
This is going to be the fashion for the 1820s. The ride never ends!

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Seen this over a decade ago. I remember the aboriginal dude was absolutely based and one of the toasties betrays him at the end.

first for troglodyte Brigitte

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>tfw you'll never come home from a 15 hour shift at the coal mine to this
What's the most painless suicide method?

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Getting a heart attack from dreaming of your life together with Brigitte too much

asphyxiation from built up gases in the coal mine


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>tfw you'll never work as a trapper and provide Brigitte with the top quality fur so she won't get cold in winter

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got moar of this?

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for me it's relaxing on the porch with Emily after a long day of ranching and watching our children run about the land. A simple life free from the perversions of modern times

Bros...I don't think I can handle a feels thread tonight.

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Fuck. What was your favorite scene in all three GS movies, bros?

>Ginger breaking down and hugging it out with Brigitte the night before halloween
>The library scene
>B and Ginge in the field at the end

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Probably this one. Her forced smile there is so adorable but at the same time the scene is very tragic. So it's all about that contrast of feelings for me. Totally mindblowing

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fuck, wrong webm. But I like that one as well

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really hard to choose just one per movie, especially fron the first one, but probably
>B and Sam at the greenhouse for the first time
it's just a dialogue scene on the surface, but the score and her facial expressions elevate it into spinechill territory
>beneath the skin
the deepest fucking feels of sorrow for B with a neat callback to the GS1 theme
>Ginger leading the pack
3 embraces its schlockiness, shit's finally happening and for once that GS wolf design is allowed to take center stage

>Janny killing
>Brigitte injecting the monkshood in her motel room
>ending of 3

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Based garf.jpg poster

>B and Ginge in the field at the end
Speaking of that scene. Brigitte infects herself with werewolf curse to stay forever with Ginger and not die of cold, I can dig that. But what made her think that Ginger wouldn't lose her shit and try to kill Brigitte at some point? They were on totally different stages of transformation.

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>>beneath the skin
>the deepest fucking feels of sorrow for B with a neat callback to the GS1 theme

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There's precedent set in the films that werewolves won't attack already infected people. The wolf in 2 doesn't try to bite or kill B, and Ginger controls the fully turned werewolves in 3 even.

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Another question is how exactly could Ginger control the werwolves? And why couldn't Brigitte do that in Unleashed?

the wolves were simps for gorgeous half-transformed Ginger

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Because Ginger was an alpha and Brigitte wasn't. The wolf just wanted to breed with her. The real answer is that the script for 3 was written by a fucking hack

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Brigitte deserved better

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everyone did. except Ghost who deserved far worse

I vant to suck your blod, bleh

vampire GS would have been kino. vampires were still treated seriously at the time and the no-sunlight, dark atmosphere is perfect for Snapkino

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Ghost is the only villain in Unleashed. Even Tyler didn't deserve death by fangs and claws. Though, he needed some punishment because he was the reason Brigitte's transformation skyrocketed and for humiliating her. Then again, he didn't know about the curse, wasn't his fault Brigitte was injecting monkshood and wasn't the one who put her into the clinic in the first place.
Innocence is one of the most important themes explored in the sequel

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even the asshole soldier and priest in 3 didn't deserve what they got. imagine how stressful it would be to be stuck in a fort in winter, constantly stalked by werewolves, and then some girls show up out of nowhere and everything immediately goes to shit. then you get shot or eaten

And it was different time too. People didn't act all nice and cheerful to strangers right off the bat back then.

The captain was a bigger villain than those two in the end. Keeping his infected son in the encampment?? Wtf was he thinking. Then he infects their fucking drinking water when he shoots him

>Then he infects their fucking drinking water when he shoots him
One of the most retarded moments in the prequel imo

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>Simpler Time Edition
>Hip hop
user, I....Okay, let's go with it.

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You better pick gifs or pics from the later seasons, Brigitte is doing some damage there to herself mostly

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prequel Ginger is so gorgeous bros

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I have no idea where they were going with the prequel at all. It's like they looked at all the things that made the first two good
>Clearly thought out and fleshed out theme, exploring real topics through the werewolf metaphor
>Subversive script without being obnoxious
>Well developed characters
>Clever dialogue
And completely threw it all away for generic period piece shlock that had none of that. What the fuck were they thinking?

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they slapped it together with the extra money they had after 2 cost so little, so nobody really cared. simple as

maybe the answer is that they just weren't thinking. The only clever thing to do was to invest all the Leafbucks they made from the original movie into the sequel. If they managed to make Unleashed so kino with little budget, imagine what could've come out if they pumped all their cash into it?
>wasted opportunities

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They got a free ticket to make another movie and they spent it on absolute shite?

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well you have to keep in mind that the "they" at this point are completely different people than the ones who made 1 & 2. even Fawcett was pretty much out of the picture from what i can tell.

personally i'm glad we got a third movie at all, even if it's schlock

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right, because we got to see Brigitte wearing 19th century clothes. Was enough for me to make me watch the prequel

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exactly. in the end it's all about the girls

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Every thread is a
>wasted years
thread forever

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this thread desperately needs more Unleashed posting

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based 1910s gothfu poster

careful what you wish for

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it's 1810s, user. 1815 to be exact

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I'd just like to say I'm surprised and oddly satisfied GSposting is a thing.

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close enough, a better and simpler time indeed