>the message of the movie is "be yourself,,
I find this very unrealistic. Do people really want to be mediocre?
The message of the movie is "be yourself
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Despite the obvious shopping he still looks like a fucking dork.
Whoa... are you telling me incels have it in them to be... human?
>Still has to hide his dumbo ears
Oh no no no
otoplasty is a pretty regular and easy procedure, that could be done in one afternoon if he wanted it
the moral is lightning and smiling makes a big difference, you always look like shit with a constant incel frown
i hate that fucking zoomer haircut
what would cause someone to make this image
Somehow fashion made his jaw much wider, amazing.
what if you have horribly disfigured teeth
The spots actually compliment his face alot better. He kinda needs them otherwise he looks like a mongoloid Oblivion character.
sorry but blue eyes aren't for mystery meat
i do it for upvotes
i created about 200 wojacks dont know if it matters though
All this guy needs is to fix his ears, that way he won't need that long hair to hide them.
Finally took the goatee and squint pill
I wouldn't advertise this, even if you are anonymous
a major case of the redpill
>grow a beard to hide that nonexistent chin/jaw
>style your hair better
>dress better
bam you're above a 6, being a man is literally the best thing if you're ugly. You're not expected to be good looking just decent
glad to see Adam is finally just being himself
>realize people that are into me now are people I don't want to have anything to do with
>go back to original self
>make a few, but loyal, friends who don't try either
>just grow more hair bro
You go to the dentist
I don't. Bad childhood experience with a drunk dentist. Never. Again.
Not anymore thanks to Corona-Sama ;)
And if you dont have 20k to spend?
2 is as far as it should go. Any more is soulless
doctors will give you xanax for your appointments if you insist on behaving like a bitch
>he has to pay for the dentist in his shit country
I point and laugh at your healthcare system.
How do I fix lighting?
dentists are cheap, orthodontists are $$$
doesn't work on me. I have some kind of drug thing. It goes through my system (in normal doses, I mean) and I don,t even have any effects or side effects. Not all drugs, but a lot. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety are among them. And that's too much info. This isn't a blog lol
Yeah I'm thinking based
Shut up Horatio!
Why dont incels just lower their standards? Obviously beautiful women will never be attracted to you ugly fucks
What? Dentists still work in my country despite corona.
>20k to fix your teeth
lmaoing at your life. I've spent about 100 euros last summer fixing 8 of my teeth.
you don't really feel xanax but will notice you don't care about anything
I'd rather die a kissless virgin then.
My teeth are fine, but I don't know how to smile with them bared unless I'm laughing or in a rare state of extreme joy
Not in mine. They're closed.
and yet women never have to lower them lol
another incel thread
If you think the ugly bitches arent the ones who lust after chad the most you are delusional
>inb4 t. ugly bitch
tried it and it didn't work
doc said it was the max dose I could take safely
mfw I have an anxiety disorder and tried over 40 types of meds without finding one that I can feel the effects, or even side effects of
they even made a study about me and the way the drugs just goes through my system (I did it for free lol)
>women should only have sex with men they're attracted to
there's the problem with your thinking right there
Cosmetic dentistry costs money in every country, simp
>the message of the movie is "be Yusef,,
This is Yusef. He is a cool dude.
the fuck is with this word I see all over Yas Forums(lel) in the past month? Is it the new facebook niggerspeak for cuck?
The sad thing is, its just nerd culture tearing itself apart and eating its own with the simp-vs-incel wars. The real alpha men are still out there fucking whoever they want and they don't even care about any of this.
I wonder, what do Chads do in quarantine?
lol seething simp
i dont have money to buy veneers
so what does it mean? Is it cuck or faggot or incel or something that had no name before?
Probably the usual shit. Watching Netflix, playing 2K NBA, talking with bros, sexting with fuckbuddies...
> I don't know how to smile
Unironically just be yourself
It’s cuck
this is BASED and I fully agree with it
look at this dude
it's simpleton
we shouldnt have thought yt this word, smdh
its whiteknight but thats too hard for zoomers to spell
Look at the top of his head!
They're shit anyway. You spend thousands of dollars and they last on average 10 years.
I dont get it? He's just an average looking east european. Is he super ugly to you?
Ugly bitches use more Tinder on average than decent looking girls. Incels actually have a better shot with attractive girls who don't use dating apps. Every girl who ever used them became crazy because of all the free attention from betas.
he looks very unhealthy. read the comments
You really think other people wouldn't say that about an incel too and they just do it to themselves? Have you seen an incel lately?