Oh, you're American

>Oh, you're American.
>No sir, I'm from Kentucky.

Can an Amerishart-in-mart explain this to non-sharts? Isn't Kentucky in America?

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Southern Americans have this weird thing where they’re more proud of the designated shithole they grew up in rather than the country itself

>United STATES

Kentucky is really the worse of both North and South it’s the worse place in America of close too it.

you can't have national pride when it includes californians so state pride is the next best thing

the south is fucking retarded, thats basically it

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whats weird is that coastal jews that run hollywood hate white kentuckians and and want them dead

You cant have national pride if you life in the US period

Kentucky is just like the rest of the south but with white people

Cry more cucked yanks


It's called Federation you mong and it has nothing to do with America.

>guy filming is a manlet
lol everytime

Fuck you hillybilly.

sounds based


>Union slave states

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lol what?

Strawman strikes once again

Why are yanks so mad that we won't assimilate to what their kike media sets as the standard?

Is that a child recording the video? He has to pan up a whole 180 degrees to read the sign.

ok loser howd that war work out for you

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>From America sir?
>No sir. From Virginia.

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Those damn black migrants!


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Going on about Jews now sisterfucker? Gross.

he's perfectly eye level with the television so no i do not believe so

Based. Yankees are subhuman. I hope coronavirus kills all of them except Trump.

>go to rural highschool in the south
>tanned big tiddy cowgirl tomboys everywhere

>Oh, you're African.
>No sir, I'm from Paris.

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Paxton's character was obviously American. So when Cruise's character said something stupid to a hard ass military guy, he got ribbed for it. It was sorta Paxton's whole character in that movie.

He recognizes that Appalachia is a blight on the proud name of America and as such divorces himself from the greater part of the country as to reduce the embarrassment he causes to it.

I bet a jew made this.


Why are southerners so religious?

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Lol you didn’t pass high school.

Lutheran master race checking in. Lynch all angloid baptists!

Orwellian re-writing of history

Low church faggots.

Attached: Religion-in-the-US-Evangelical-Protestant-Rates-of-Adherence-County-Map.png (1132x802, 329.07K)


Southern Americans have pride in their people and their home. That's healthy and well thought out. Being proud of an entire continent full of every mutt ratio you can imagine is a sickness.

Pretty sure it's just to make the character look stupid, implying he's a dumb southern redneck basically



Why do you Jews hate America so much?

Americans don't identify with the sovereign nation they identify with their state, think of it like a euro saying he's french instead of european.

Confirmed not American and NOT white

>Southern Americans have pride in their people and their home. That's healthy and well thought ou
lol being proud of the south is not well thought out, its poor as shit, backwards, should be embarrassing to anyone stuck there

I couldn't even point to Birmingham on a map but if this is true then it's worth having in a museum because it's rarely discussed. No different than the Chinese 'building' Canada with the Europeans and no different than the black communities in Canada that nobody knows about because they weren't promoted in history until now. And this may blow your mind but it's like the asian settlements in the south (I'm not sure which state but I think Louissiana?) where they are pure blood Chinese but they have the thickest southern drawl you can imagine and have lived there for over two hundred years.

Somebody posted a documentary on here and it blew my fucking mind.

Catholics are white?

dubs of truth

>Oh you're European.
>No monsieur, I'm from le France, hon hon hon [BAGUETTE-TWIRLING INTENSIFIES]
same thing

the large majority of Americans identify more as American than with their state, the whole joke is that southerners are fucked up

It's not true

>One day people will question whether Britain was ever white, just like they do Egypt, Italy, Spain etc


>it blew my fucking mind.

what kind of simpleton are you

Except Europe is not a country, retard.

Imagine thinking your state matters when NY and CA pay all the country’s bills while your worthless flyover state just consumes government assistance and meth

In most of America yes, near the mexican border they are not, and near New York they are mostly Italian, but in the rest of the country they are usually of German or Irish descent so very white

>think of it like a euro saying he's french instead of european.

Except that's fucking wrong you mongoloid.