Kubrick < Scorsese

Kubrick < Scorsese

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I was expecting a black guy to jump on them

What’s it like getting pegged by a girl, bros?

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he's sick right now

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What does it smell like?

like getting fugged by a guy but less fun

Bags of sand

How fragile do whitoods have to be to constantly cope like this?
>inb4 chink

This entire scene was staged in the sole purpose of attracting Chad

nice, totally related gif. dumbass

tower of thot-amon

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how does it feel knowing the yellow race will overthrow everything the cumskins have ever accomplished

Literally, how does the first bitch hold up 350 pounds on her back???

White girls that age smell like peach and roses.

t. Pussy Connoisseur.

>Kubrick directed this
bravo Kubrick

why is tiktok so kino?

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great unless they dont know what they're doing.

with viruses they got from eating pests? feels bad man

i want to smash her face with my pocket shovel

You fucked up posting on /lit/
you still have about a week to fry your drives :^)

Where can I go to give her my money

favorite Tik Tok content creators?

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I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl

why are girls so weird bros

based first post

Whats the lore?

Did you unironically try it? Describe it please

I've kissed one, but I'm related to her

Built for APA

in 5 years they will all be fat, double-chinned and with skin destroyed due to makeup

When did those style of jeans come back into fashion?

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Yes we know we're monitoring your thoughts.

because its made in china

based chad with deep pockets

You going to back that up in anyway what so ever?

Hapacel hands wrote this

weird how there is this kind of belle delphine face now. You see it alot in the mouth and nose

How long before americans bring up there cuck fetish? 1 post apparently.

B-back that ass up

Feels like being a european.

each one of them has a better ass than the previous one

buttershit actually reports pedos to the feds while his bosses don't

If this was the 2000s these girls would be riding dildos in front of webcams instead of doing dumb stuff.
Fuck you zoomers.

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imagine rubbing your stupid leaky dick on one of their fat arses

the laughter still haunts me


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His finest work


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Ass < Tits

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erase the coffee part and its based

every wh*te w*men craves bbc and we all know it


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You don't remember the 2000s correctly

Ok? You want a medal or something?

El chino mixto...

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tits too big

rent free

imagine letting that incel live in your head rent free


Tits to big and has a mouthful of metal.

user too gay.

I am extremely happy that i get to linve RENT FREE in the white incels minds

What you’ve watched on motherless doesn’t represent the 2000’s

Shouldn't you keep working on your art, Tendie?

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brain too small

thirsty orbiters should be rounded up and shot dead

I will continue to do so later on. Rest assured my white incel friend i will provide you with new fap material that you "totally" "hate".


Hey, whatever it takes, just please, tell your family to stop eating bats.

Imagine if they all farted at the same time

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Using whitoid is cringe af and makes you pretty damn reddit

Why do you think they fell over.
Girls feel a tingle akin to orgasms when farting.

let me guess; if you're attracted to this then you are a pedophile?