Other urls found in this thread:
>ahem certain people
wow incredibly racist
/thread & bigots BTFO
yeah but we'll get them fired if they say anything, fuck yeah science!
forced grimdark and subverting plot is the greatest side effects game of thrones brought
How do redditors manage to consistently sound so beta?
Atheists like to think they are digging on evil racist hick white Americans when they say shit like this, but really they are mostly digging on spics and niggers.
EH, don't get me wrong, I love X, but I also love Y.
Sigh.. no one is again science, it is just an empty attack.
>and that's ok
Imagine being such a coward that you applaud a show for not meeting your expectations. Not even in a "what a twist!" way, but rushing to explain why you're wrong for disliking it even without prompting. Some people really are instinctive toadies and lick-spittles, and in the absence of a lord and master they rush to cringe at the feet of an abstraction like a television show.
wtf is up with the shape pf his facial hair?
can you give an example?
Me, personally, I hate science. Fuck science.
yum yum
Mutilating a dick and calling it a vagina.
where were you when ardenwolfie BTFO “certain people” for all eternity?
I am suddenly reminded of the late 70s Buck Rogers tv show, which in hopes of gaining more fans dumped its apocalypse + star wars scenario in favor of Star Trekking.
Hollywood has always been full of hacks who'll gladly change every formula if it means they'll make a couple bucks more.
Can't I be a leftist and think that those surgerys are fucking inhumane and retarded?
Evolution didn't stop at the neck.
not nowadays
Why so hateful towards Islam?
no, its literally the core to modern leftist social policy
Sure. You can call yourself that but some lefties might disagree with your choice of label. It's not an inherently pro-science position.
no, in the same way that you cant be a leftist without being a faggot
No, you're not allowed independent thought.
Because it's a backhanded, passive aggressive way of speaking. Someone here suggests a perceived opponent to "eat shit" followed by an ethnic slur, while the redditor surrounded by the like-minded still feels the need to water down their burn with a fake-sophisticated polite cough to hint at disdain. Instead of either confronting directly and saying what they mean or explaining from the positive why it's an ideal, instead of just using their Love of Science as a way to show superiority to hicks. It's a weak man's idea of strength, like the reality shows with catty drag queens archly raising their eyebrows to put someone down.
I mean, the dude types like a soiboy and his whole thing at the end about being happy people like shitty nuTrek is cringe, but he's not entirely wrong. Star Trek really wasn't about being the underdog (except in certain situations like when they are fighting the Borg), it's about competent characters being presented with a problem and solving that problem.
congratulations you're a nazi now
studies show that hormones and sex changes actually aid in alleviating dysphoria
This doesnt demonstrate what you think it does. This can easily demonstrate an underlying cultural problem. Now do you wanna narrow down the black scores and income to nigerian immigrants? the results might shock you
niggers are dumb and smell bad
>studies show that hormones and sex changes actually aid in alleviating dysphoria
The APA doesn't even consider the dysphoria a mental illness anymore, what they want to treat is the discomfort that it brings. Which is nonsensical because what they should be treating is the dysphoria itself.
perhaps in europe, perhaps
yeah I'd agree that semantics and egg shell stepping around calling it an illness is silly.
This site is full of examples:
You also can't be right wing unless you're a christian nazi.
Those are the rules.
>citing color of crime
Scandinavia isn't leftist, that is a myth, they have very capitalist economies
>science is real unless is about race or gender
Such intellectuals
refute it
What about halal slaughter?
what a based retard
We have free market system. We still pay 51% income tax on top of 25% VAT and we have state monopolies like Systembolaget.
Doesn't make that fucking wound a vagina does it? Scientifically, its just a mutilated organ that doesn't even properly emulate the one it's attempting to be.
Sure. You can be a leftist and still conservative on various social issues. The left right spectrum is mostly about class relations and your view thereof. I'm a progressive but I take conservative socialists over progressive capitalists.
I don't hate trannies, they have an ailment that's hard to deal with.
They should be able to live their lives the best way they can.
They don't deserve to be bullied over it, there's no "cure" to what's wrong with them.
A lot of them are being sold the lie that surgery can make them a real woman though and it's hugely deceptive.
Expensive psychologists and surgeons are preying on these unattainable dreams of troubled individuals and pretending it's somehow righteous.
If trannies want to take hormones and wear dresses, let them.
But the complete lie that medical science can just create a vagina or penis from material from other parts of the body is disgraceful.
That's the wrong science, bigot. Only racists believe in that, real people believe in the good and just science.
most economic freedom rankings systems place Scandinavia very highly
I'm going to guess this is about climate change
Was Rey ever an "underdog"?
>This doesnt demonstrate what you think it does. This can easily demonstrate an underlying cultural problem. Now do you wanna narrow down the black scores and income to nigerian immigrants? the results might shock you
And height is a cultural problem based on lack of access to basketball courts. The math checks out.
You mean comparing intelligence of a population to the filtered top 10% of Nigerians; like something a stupid person would do?
This post is a great example of why reddit sucks. You have to couch your negative opinion in paragraphs of praise just for your post to be seen.
It's not semantics. If they considered the dysphoria itself the illness then they'd try to make people have their gender identity match with their sexual identity, but they don't see the lack of a match as a problem. The only problem that they care about is the depression and suicide rates that they suffer from.
A simp wrote this. A real man is never happy for other people. In fact, a real man isnt happy until his enemies are dead.
Where’s that “I’m proud to be a cuck” reaction pic?
You write a fucking essay on how it’s great that they shat on the franchise and lore raped it because it might be what someone else liked. Mother of all false dilemmas. Why the fuck did they bother including any old shit at all then? Just make a pseudo Star Wars show full of magic and destiny bullshit like they obviously want to do.
>This can easily demonstrate an underlying cultural problem
Wow that’s racist and sexist and just what a nazi trump supporter would say.
Get a load of let it be Paul McCartney over here jfc desu senpai L M A O senpai
This book.
>studies show that hormones and sex changes actually aid in alleviating dysphoria
Dogfuckers are happier fucking dogs.
Pedophiles are happier fucking kids.
Amputee fetishists are happier with their limbs removed.
This means these are good things and better for the person and we should encourage it and not see the underlying mental issues and try to fix those. Dude just enable every perverse ideation because they’re “valid” and have a right to exist.
yeah the underlying cultural problem of being collectively dumb as fuck and incapable of abstract thought
Most economists are Jews.
most communists are also
>How do redditors manage to consistently sound so beta?
I think I figured it out. They all sound like pathetic betas because they fear the hivemind and judgement. They’re tied into their avatars and accounts and the upvotes matter. Any time they’re about to say something controversial they cower and piss themselves with five paragraphs of apologies for deviating from the collective.
It’s broken by design.