
Anybody seen this creepy little thing yet? I’ve never seen anything quite like it. Highly recommended.

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yeah i'm not seeing anything with jesse eisenberg i guess i'll just miss on this wonderful piece

>jesse eisenberg
hard pass

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True. I typically don’t like him but he wasn’t distracting in this.

Watched it yesterday and enjoyed it very much. Poots was pretty good in it and it was actually a creepy movie.

Yeah he's a dick but he wasn't that bad in this. Or at least fails to drag down the movie.

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didn't know it was out. downloading now.

Attached: Imogen Poots Vivarium [22.16-22.21].webm (1920x800, 3M)

Yea i watched it what a creepy movie also fuck the bitch for raising that alien.

you're a weirdo even by our standards dude, are you seriously scanning movies for scenes like this to make webms of them

Attached: Imogen Poots Vivarium [24.56-25.20].webm (1280x533, 3M)

Yeah. I generally find him to be distracting but he was fine in this. He didn’t detract from the movie.

>also fuck the bitch for raising that alien
maybe the people who were "under" the curb in that trippy scene at the end were couples which killed their kid or tried to, so they were never released like poots and eisenberg.

Weren't the other couples' kids younger? The box in the beginning says you can't be released until you raise the kid.

Damn, I was watching from my bed and couldn't read it, and after the movie I forgot to check.

What do you mean with the kids being younger though

get out

I think its hardly possible to make me less interested in a movie.

>Suburbia bad - Jews: The Movie
No thanks


Imogen Poots is aging like milk.

yeah very enjoyable. Actually wish it was a bit longer felt there were some scenes missing

Thats part of the charm of it. It leaves things unexplained and unknown.


l suppose. None of the things 'missing' were major, maybe they'll be some deleted scenes for the dvd. Did they ever say how long they were there for? l know they measured the kid at 90ish days at one point.

>Suburbia bad
that's not what it's about

how did Jesse get those bruises?

At the end the alien thing is painting over the day measures and it says 200-something I think

Maybe from when he fell on the curb

I don't watch eisenberg anymore because of bvs

figured he's beat up from digging for months or he tried attacking the kid and got heemed

was there anyway they could have survived?

only thing that really kinda bothered me was the hole digging thing. so he found the body bags of others at the ground, does that mean people before him chose to dig a hole? I thought the whole decision was a pretty personal thing, it was dependent on him smoking and burning that hole in the grass, and most of all, having a fucking shovel in the first place because he was a gardener and just came from work

I really liked some stylistic choices though, they didn't just make this movie without thinking about anything, they had actual ideas. Even though at first it seems like a pretty well known and overdone theme

Reminded me of The Room (2019, not the meme film).
The kid is even creepier in Vivarium, and the couple is straight up in weird shit from the get go, so it's even more horrific and desperate.

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I'm not sure what the scene under the curb meant. Maybe those were people who were never released because they killed the child or did something else, so they had to live there forever. Either way there's no way out, the kid says at the end that at the end, they die

l felt like the aliens set up the hole digging thing just to distract him and keep him busy since he was more likely to kill the kid. The grass burnt pretty weird in a way he couldnt miss.

ah been meaning to watch this thanks for the reminder

>I'm not sure what the scene under the curb meant.
l thought it was just how the alien world/dimension was set up. Multiple homes and families in the same place but divided in a way they could never communicate/interact or help each other

No prob.
I didn't really enjoy the Room's couple, but the film was alright.
There is also The Hole in the Ground (2019), where the kid is the embodiment of "MOMMY, WHAT IS EARTH'S DEFENSE SYSTEM?"

I'm all in for this theory.

anyone seen any other of the director/writers films?

stopped reading at 'jesse eisenberg'

>There is also The Hole in the Ground (2019), where the kid is the embodiment of "MOMMY, WHAT IS EARTH'S DEFENSE SYSTEM?"

Didn't really like it but it wasn't bad or anything, but just like this it's a recent Irish horror movie, and those are surprisingly good. Vivarium is the best one so far, but The Canal was good, too, and the one about the exorcism iirc. They're all average or slightly above, but most horror movies suck so it's still nice. And they all have somewhat creative ideas, it's not just your average spooky nun bullshit.

Yeah, that's probably it.

see I think it's the same studio, they're all made in Ireland. And all worth watching.

You should give it a try, he's not that bad in it. And the main character is Poots, anyways

>imogen gay poots

is that welsh or some shit like that

Very unsettling movie, especially how cold and autistic creepy the kind is. To me the alien and strange environment was really well done and the atmosphere was truly oppressive.

Extremely more interesting than The Platform- although the undertones are very different, this is comparable as in they're in the same micro-genre of "people put in a weird and perverse predicament / locked in by an abstract and arbitrary power".

looks like indie trash

The Platform had way too many religious undertones. Or I didn't get the message...

I don't mind Eisenbergowitz but he seems miscast in this.

Are they aliens or what?

I saw this and Vivarium and I liked The Room more. Can't beat Olga dancing around in her underwear.

>indie means bad
yeah keep sucking corporate cock

it usually does

I thought he fitted the role pretty well

The Art of Self-Defense was so much better with these two. This felt like a waste of time onceJesse started to dig the hole[/spoiler] up until when the Ayy rised up the pavement. But whaterver, Imogen is still my wife.

I think this was a much better horror film than the other one was as a comedy

40 minutes of content stretched over 100 minutes.

I figured they were like tumors.
Poots mentioned he was sick.

>that haircut
jesus christ why do women this, it's like she's trying to look as ugly as possible

Women don't exist to make you happy, incel.

It's the worst thing I've seen in a while, kill yourself

she looks fucking great

you have shit taste

Just watched it again. Excellent movie.

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>watches this trash
>genuinely believes he has good taste
fucking delusional

Glad there is at least one sane person in this thread. How the fuck can anyone think this film is “excellent” is beyond me.

I don't believe I have good taste, I'm just 100% sure you have shit taste if you say this is the worst thing you've seen in a while. Either that or it's the only movie you've seen lately.

Even if it's not your type of movie, there's simply nothing bad enough about it to say something like that.

i told you that you have shit taste and to stop making these threads like yesterday but you like the abuse

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imogen her poots

i was going to called you based yesterday but you deserve it today


so you're a schizo, imagine my surprise

the movie wasn't bad, it also wasn't good either

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Underrated post

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Nah, she's just happy.

I can't think of many roles he's had where "miscast" doesn't apply.

She is quite delightful.

i was thinking about some kind radiation sickness since he had bruises that seem to never heal and was tired all the time. Who knows what was beneath all that dirt that he digged out.
Also his wife didn't get sick.