First half is great

First half is great.

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Ehh it's alright.
Pisses me off how standard opinion is that Skyfall was better even though Skyfall is literally the worst Bond film since Die Another Day and I'd even say it was worse since at least DAD is a lot of fun

>Ehh it's alright.
Mexico scene, car chase, Lea Seydoux, Monica, airplane, Batista was a great henchman. I love the first half

>We need a more gritty, realistic bond
>Does a double loop de loop in a chopper above Plaza de la ConstituciĆ³n on Day of the Dead and no one notices.
Here's your first 5 minutes brah

Yeah, it's great.

i think with this one they wantd to go more crazy, moore style campy bond
previous ones like casino royal were going for realistic theme

Then you are blind to how the movie wants to be stupid and serious at the same time.

It's boring from start to finish. I can't think of a less-qualified director to handle a Bond movie than Sam Mendes.

Son of John

Then why did I fall asleep in the first half?

Sounds like almost every Bond movie

Pretty much every Bond.

I still don't understand why people like Skyfall more. It had a terrible "OLD GOOD NEW BAD" gimmick and weak villain. At least Spectre has way better action and style.

Are you retarded? Bond movies most certainly didn't take themselves seriously.

Second half is great as well.

They mad a mix of serious spycraft and campy humor, the Connery films in particular.

Casino Royale - 8/10
Quantum Of Solace - 6.5/10
Skyfall - 9/10
Spectre 7.5/10

>that list

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>serious spycraft
The only movie with anything remotely serious is QoS. The rest are to spycraft what 300 is to greek warfare.

You'd be surprised what was considered real spycraft in the sixties. Much of what Connery does in his first three movies is from the books, which were written by an actual British spy.

How do you not forget to breathe?

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batista should have been the main antagonist

i can't believe i liked him more than christoph waltz in this movie

They had serious scenes and they had silly scenes, what the fuck is the difference between that and Spectre?

Skyfall is excellent you nigger

don't mind them, 4chin is literally the only place where people wont agree with you. Yas Forums particularly is contrarian and loves shit movies like QoS

60s were camp as fuck and it shows in the movie. 3 blind assasin negroes? A flamethrower tank disguised as a dragon? A gorgeous pearl hunter right where the heroes are going? The movie is decidely not serious. It just doesn't do the wink, wink, nudge, nudge shit most zoomers are used to now.
Spectre pretends to be art.
QoS atleast goes by the Bond formula and doesn't try to reinvent the wheel. Unlike Shitefall.

I got you senpai:

Casino Royale: 4/10
Quantum of Solace: 4/10
Skyfall: 3/10
Spectre: 3/10

SPECTRE looked like shit. Poor cinematography and annoying piss filters. It was ugly to look at.

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You're talking about the same movie with
>You've had your six

>Spectre pretends to be art.
when? where? how?
it's traditional Bond formula

>QoS atleast goes by the Bond formula and doesn't try to reinvent the wheel. Unlike Shitefall.

>more of the same campy, unoriginal, shit CGI tier bullshit is good for some reason

SPECTRE is beautiful looking

Sure thing, Sam.

>You've had your six
Yes, that's a cool one liner. It does not make the movie serious.

>traditional Bond formula
>Bond leaves the service for some thot
>do we really need spies
>it was me James, the architect of your pain

Go watch Last Jedi again

What about second half

>>do we really need spies
Been a theme since nearly GoldenEye with a changing world and all

Most of Dr. No is Bond investigating Strangways and doing real spywork, 95% of the film's campy/tongue-in-cheek elements are in the final act

Last Jedi is literally the same time of shit movie as QoS lol

>travel from one stupid location to the next stupid location with bad guys trailing them along the way

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casino royale - 9/10
quantum - 7/10
skyfall - 8/10
spectre - 5/10

the only shit thing about Skyfall is the Home Alone part at the end. Other than that it's pure bondkino

If spies are useless then there shouldn't be a Bond movie made. The basic premise of a Bond movie is that Bond is the best for getting the job done and therefore the question is irrelevant.
>95% of the film's campy/tongue-in-cheek elements are in the final act
>poisoned cigarette
>the 3 not so blind assasins
>fucking tarantula
It's more serious than some of the later entries but it's not even halfway accurate portrayal of spycraft and the authors knew it and the tone of the movie fits
You try really hard to be wrong, don't you?

how did you watch it with corona?

It should've just been two movies, like a lot of the big franchise movies that were bad recently

>didn't kill anyone
>didn't steal anything
>didn't threaten or blackmail anymore
>MI:6 gave him a government contract for cybersec

did he do anything wrong?

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blu-ray of course

Sure thing bucko

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>unironically defending skyfall

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Casino Royale: 10/10
Quantum of Solace: 9.5/10
Skyfall: 10/10
Spectre: 9.5/10


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Casino Royale: 8.5/10
Quantum of Solace: 5/10
Skyfall: 5/10
Spectre: 6/10


>youre a kike, 007

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>Skyfall: 10/10
That's disgusting. Seriously, never talk about films ever again

I really want to see a Bond v Bond esque film where Daniel Craig faces off against Pierce Brosnan but they both have insane plot armour so neither of them can kill each other for ever-increasingly-stupid reasons

>3 people calling you a retard and saying it's good
kill yourself it's pure kino


It was barely good. It's almost Quantum tier of bad. lea is hot and has a nice ass though

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There's like a billion people calling capeshit good. But luckily I know that appealing to the masses as an argumentative technique is a fallacy. That's why you're a fucking pleb

>if it's popular it's good

>dr evil-esque escape sequence
>forgettable first half
ya no

I really liked the Mexico City scene. The rest is meh.

Casino Royale: 8.5/10
Quantum of Solace: 6/10
Skyfall: 9/10
Spectre: 6.5/10

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