Mandalorian season 2 info

Some info on season 2:
>Set 6 months after season 1.
>Mando is wandering the galaxy with the Child to find his people.
>Ahsoka Tano will be in the show.
>Luke Skywalker will be mentioned.
>Corruscant mentioned, Kamino will appear and act as final duel between Mando and Gideon.
>Sabine Wren will be mentioned.
>New imperial group separate from the First Order and Sith Eternal is introduced, they are called The Syndicate of the Imperial Lords, an Imperial Lord is every grand admiral who served during Endor, when the Empire fell they chose to stay behind in the lesser parts of the galaxy instead of going to the unknown regions with the rest of empire, they decided to live like kings and rule over the weaker planets.
>Gideon is an Imperial Lord, there are also 8 more Imperial Lords. One of them, the youngest called Avrak is set up as main villain for season 3.
>Baby Yoda is a clone, he was created on Kamino.
>We go to Tatooine in a one off episode.
>Heavy Mando and Armorer return.

Attached: odzFAjY2eM2ujoFztUqP39.jpg (1920x1080, 93.85K)

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this isn't "some info". these are straight up spoilers dipshit.

This show can be trash as long as he keeps his jet pack and makes use of it often. I am already prepared for it to be damaged or simply forgotten.

>Ahsoka will be in the sho-

Attached: 1585105929713.jpg (1440x1739, 648.22K)


Exactly. Fuck OP.

The only spoiler is baby yeed but even then who gives a shit about the little nigga?

>OP makes up some bullshit
>OMG those are SPOILERS what the fuck OP!!!
This fucking virus has made Summer come early for Yas Forums



Who gives a shit about Assoka Italiano?

Oh no, they cast someone capable for a live action role instead of a voice "actor"

>x will be mentioned

I clapped when they references the thing I know!


>System Lords knockoff
This is how much bankrupt are Disney? They have to ripoff Stargate SG1?

The sequel trilogy and Rogue One are better than this snorefest. There, I said it.

>unironically caring about spoilers that probably aren't even real

No it means the VA who decides shit on ahsoka and would know of her being in Mando says shes not involved,meaning ahsoka isnt in mando

mcgregor had to lie for years too

>We're going to connect it to main Star Wars as much as we can
Season 2 confirmed as trash, it was fun while it lasted

That's a lot of words to say "I can't comment on the matter".

She doesn't own the character faggot. Disney decides what to do with characters.

She is angry she won't play live action Ahsoka and Rosario Dawson will play her instead
White roasties btfo

>and Armorer return.


Rex is in the show also, and Michael Biehn is playing a bounty hunter.

Attached: mandalorian season 2.jpg (1125x369, 42.04K)

Also Bill Burr is returning in season 2.

Attached: billy boy.png (834x409, 204.76K)

>Baby Yoda is a clone, he was created on Kamino.
Wooooow never saw that coming, I mean Dr. Pershing only had a Kaminoan cloning facility symbol on his sleeve wooooow

>im part of a group who brings the character to life
>she doesnt decide where the character goes!

>revealing what Baby Yoda is
>more Star Wars connections instead of creating new things in the universe

You blew it, guess they can't do much since those comics are not available yet

Lol voice actors arent writers, friend

>What if they cloned Darth Vader
>What if Hayden Christensen returns
>what if Clone Vader impregnates Ahsoka

>No Boba

Ya blew it

It would be lame as fuck if there was any boba.

Boba's gay. It'll be Cad Bane instead.

Also before any retards jump in and claims Cad Bane's death in a deleted and scrapped episode of Clone Wars is canon
Dave Filoni is asked point blank about the unfinished scene and if Cad Bane is dead. Filoni refuses to answer, stating: "Now that looks like the panel is about..." and then indicates that he can't talk about what happens to Ahsoka and Cad Bane.

Attached: cad bane.jpg (480x384, 24.89K)

It's happening and it's going to be kino

Boba Fett having a role in this show as a former mentor to Mando would work really well.

Boba isn't a Mandalorian though

No, that is little kid tier thinking.

If this is the type of weak shit that the mainstream wants no wonder movies are so lame and lacking in creativity.

Boba Fett should just show up in one episode as Mandalore and just have it be a brief cameo. It'd be kinda shitty if he stuck around as a major character otherwise.

I want a debate/confrontation between Mando and Boba over what it truly means to be a Mandalorian and how it goes beyond just wearing the mask

Fucking gay...

As if a bunch of faggots fronting that they are mandalorian can even have that debate.

It would be a like a bunch of mexicans debating about what it means to be American.

Baby Yoda is never going to grow up. They are stuck with having a baby for a character the whole series.

Boba Fett is dead...

Bringing him back to life would be marvel comics tier faggotry.

I'm all for it man.

The EU did it

Yeah it is was one of the many reason the EU was stupid.

She seething

Technically, Boba Fett isn't dead. Even if we disregard the pre-purge stories, it is stated in a canonical movie, RoTJ, that the Sarlacc doesn't just eat you and then you're done. It keeps you inside it for a thousand years as it slowly feeds on your life. So Boba is, in fact, still "alive" inside the pit, although whether he could be rescued or not is another debate.

>that delusion

Yes? She is neither a a story writer or producer for The Mandalorian.

Come on.. that has always been dumb..

Jesus christ the bar is set low as fuck..

So these Imperial Lords... What are they? The first order?

>Sabine Wren will be mentioned.
Should have Victoria Justice as Sabine Wren.

Yeah, it's kind of dumb. But hey, canon has some way dumber things in it now, thanks to Disney.

In the EU his armour bought him enough time to figure a way out. I don't know whether he used undigested blasters or what, I never read the book, but the idea of him being 'alive' in there for anything longer than a couple of days is dumb.

I'm not an EU fag, what else did Disney bring back for season 2 of Mandalorian from the EU?

What if he signalled Dengar in his last conscious moments, and that pants-on-head retard came to his reascue? It is extremely dumb, but hey, they brought back Sheev and we all watched him evaporate in RotJ.

>>We go to Tatooine in a one off episode.

great, I love tatooine

Climbing out made more sense when the pit was just a tentacled maw in the sand before the special editions turned it into Audrey 2. All he really needs to do is get it to vomit. Set his flamethrower off in its gut or something.

Nice reference...

Actually not a stupid idea, he has a flamethrower and a damaged jetpack in there. Nigga could detonate himself as a hail Mary move if nothing else