Will it be kino?

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Will it be wrong? Will anyone care in 1000 years when litty kino is all that stands the test of time, and neo-humans truly believe the Rock saved the American Empire?

America is incapable of making kino anymore so no.

why does reddit have a board where white liberals pretend to be black? Every single post looks like it was written by soijack and prolly was

>Fighting terrorists for some reason
Why would Americans fight each other?

>imagining things to be mad at americans about
take a break already

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I love this shit, foreigners and edgy lefties despise America so much, all they can think of during a global pandemic is how America is gonna make movies about it kek

I thought, leftists always say there is no such thing as hollywood propaganda?

>destabilizes your government
>destroys the nuclear family around the globe
>kills millions of innocents and causes the current refugee crisis

Does this guy still think it's the 80's, when Hollywood actually bothered to make patriotic films? If anything, nowadays they would make a movie about blaming America for the coronavirus.

It's in our nature.

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>non-burgers don’t get LITTY when fighting the coronavirus
Do third worlders really?

Maybe if you assholes in the UN would actually do something, instead of telling us to intervene, then crying when we do so, there wouldn't be any of these problems.

This. Left wing gaslighting tactics as usual.

>implying I sit on the UN

>America is incapable of making kino anymore so no.

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Why are you here then? This is an exclusive world leader forum.

this doesn't really seem very likely

more likely that brits are going to make a series where entire group of scientists who made the cure is turned into one sassy woman

>actually do something
That's like expecting the WHO to give proper health advice and not Chinese lies


>why does reddit have a board where white liberals pretend to be black?
Yas Forums wasn’t always that bad. Their little election prank cross contaminated them.


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They're trying to channel all of people's rage towards China to avoid the blame, we'll see if it pays off. Yas Forums trumpets ate it up already, there's a daily "hate China" thread

Damn bro, you got the whole squad laughing

Unironically was guaranteed a $5k advance for a virus action thriller screenplay, draft due in a couple weeks. Die Hard meets COVID-19 was my elevator pitch.


>we need to cast someone for the main scientist, who will try to warn the president, but who will be discarded as a nutcase and who everyone will turn to in the end

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>fighting terrorists for "some reason"
Does this retarded nigger really think we fight terrorists for no reason?

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Remember when Iran was so close to attacking the US they had to bomb the country (again)? You don't.

I'd watch it

I'd watch it, too

>now we need someone to play the main female protagonist
>we need someone strong, yet feminine, popular but with character


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yeah okay oogba senior, without americans (mostly white americans) your dumb caveman ass would be chuckin rocks around instead of shitposting ON A FUCKING FUTURE DEVICE THAT ENABLES YOU TO CONNECTED TO THE REST OF THE PLANET VIA AN INTANGIBLE CYBERSPACE HUB WORLD


>ok now we need someone to play the strong male lead
>he needs to be someone who represents the modern man



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No. I don't give a shit what terrorists are up to. They're not worth remembering, other than 9/11.

if iran was left unchecked they would go full nuclear and become another shit problem for the world

you want another north korea or russia you dumb fuck? Holy shit I cant wait until we get overrun with minorities so that we become no better than brazil then the rest of the world goes full savage mode because america isnt around to slap them on the wrist anymore. Majority white countries are the only places on the planet keeping this place from going full mad max mode, and the most militaristic is doing the most in that regard. Yeah everyone will just hold hands without america lol

>and who's going to be the president?

>it has to be a woman! the time has come for a woman to be president in this day and age! and not only a woman, a black woman! who have we got?


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>They think anyone is going to be making tentpole movies in the collapsed economy
oh no no no no, should we tell him bros

>Not The Chinese as the good guys who can do no wrong

>>destabilizes your government
You cannot elect a communist government without the consent of the US, so basically never. Nothing wrong with this.

>america surviving the corona

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>Americans reeeeeee
Rent free.

Yes just like the kino that Stan makes for Steve's history project with Vin Diesel drinking RC Cola and inventing the airplane and then saving the president with an Orangutan.

Rent free

>jew coomer
>scientist incel


>blackpeopletwitter: Yas Forums Edition

Also Healthcare free (mostly) unlike the US.

Imagine not only living in a country that's basically letting the thing run rampant due to incompetent leadership but also having to spend the rest of your life paying off for treatment/hospital time should you actually catch it. Imagine the fear that induces.

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why do you type like a black person?



>It's a terrible thing to live in fear, isn't it? That's what it means to be a customer.

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Leftists have always been the ones calling out Hollywood propaganda. Read Adorno's observations on the Culture Industry.

West is the best. Enjoy your new Chinese overloads negro.

cant wait till america pulls out of the world and just lets it all burn. Better learn mandarin mother fuckers.

>Uses windows 95 to hack alien mainframe in your path .

oy vey

And now they call for Hollywood propaganda. Odd how that works out.

if the government would get out of it we could get affordable healthcare if everyone paid into it. I was part of a tiny union with about 50k members and i only paid 40$ a month for good insurance because everyone had to pay it. We didn't get any discounts or waivers. I lived in California before Obongocare.

>mfw the pope is posting on Yas Forums

I am Putin, AMA

Could you stop hacking elections? Thanks.

because they are making movies for the Chinese market and not us

rent free

Newnigger out

What was, in your opinion, the biggest factor in your winning of the 2024 Presidential elections?

it's not free retard, you are paying it, the same you pay healt insurance, but if it becomes mandatory companies won't haggle with your salary trying to sell you a good insurance with the benefices.
Socialized healtcare cuts the leeches middlemen selling you the insurance, so bringing the prices down, how you americans still don't get it? literally look at any other first world country, it fucking works.
I live in a third world country that has socialized healt care and guess what? you can still pay from your pocket a private one if you want, so you literally get the best of both worlds.
Whit your system you are literally cucked to the insurance you can afford or the one your boss is willing to give you.

>I live in a third world country that has socialized healt care and guess what? you can still pay from your pocket a private one if you want, so you literally get the best of both worlds.
And the "free" healthcare is shit. So you're paying two times for healthcare. Once for one that you'll never user (and pray that you'll never need because then you're fucked) and for one that actually works.