It's time to weaponize autism, solve the case, and put that BITCH Carole BASKINS behind bars where she belongs.
It's time to weaponize autism, solve the case, and put that BITCH Carole BASKINS behind bars where she belongs
Last guy who used that same exact formula is doing 22 in the can now.
>le personal army
The most disturbing thing in the entire saga, is how happy she is at the end with the outcome.
Lives destroyed, a kid commited suicide, people lost the only thing they had going for them, but she "won", so she can't stop smiling.
look at all this organic outrage over a netflix production, we gotta spread it all over social media, fellow 4channelers!
Wouldn’t of be happy? Let’s say you didn’t genuinely kill your husband and have some weird fucking hyper masculine limp wrist constantly harassing you, threatening you, soliciting your murder, ripping off your logo, and chain of events you ignited by winning a judgement against him caused his life to both implode and explode and expose an entire cast of shady people, you wouldn’t feel happy too?
just off the top of my head, let's come up with another meme like the Birdbox Challenge™, but for Tiger King instead!
>tfw you don't own a tiger sex cult with a harem of young women
Why even live?
I'd be relieved,not delirious.
Based Netflix putting out true docu kino
Carol is actually evil, Joe is just crazy, they're all sociopaths that destroy everyone they come in contact with.
this. i really expected her to at least go "i'm just sad at all the lives destroyed", but she seems to have genuinely no empathy for anyone but her cats.
redpill me on this cool new kino pls
Just watch the first episode. It sucks you in.
old Yas Forums would've finished the job Joe wanted to do
ok whats it called?
Tiger king
If, hypothetically, she didn’t kill her husband, she’s much less crazy than Joe. I do think she killed her husband, but until she gets charged, tried, and convicted of it, all we can say is she’s just another weirdo who has a fetish for big cats like Joe. Shit if I was Carole I would be taunting Joe in prison letters. I’d put a single dollar in his commissary every week just to fuck with him. This board is so gullible to fall for the “Joe is just a little bit crazy” narrative. Pic related is who you guys have on your side.
Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness
le no fun guy lets just talk about trannies and capeshit
I've always hated like politicians who snort ungodly amounts of coke when they're young, but then when they're in office it's all "we need to impose harsher penalties for anyone caught with cocaine". Rules for thee not for me cunts are the worst cunts of all, and Carole exemplifies that with a passion
They give you internet access from prison, Joe?
Don't worry Joe, we're already on it.
Just keep your smartphone hidden so the guards don't realize you have internet.
kill yourself shill rat
>noooo stop talking about the most popular show in the country right now on my secret tv club website
I wouldn't mess with this murderous bitch and her lawyer simp husband. I don't want to have a sardine oil septic tank accident.
What kind of magic does Joe use to convince cute straight guys to marry him?
She literally did nothing wrong. Killed her stupid husband who was abusing the animals and made the life of abusers like Joe a nightmare.
Her sanctuary is great. The only one talking shit about it was Joe.
Carol did absolutely nothing wrong, even if she did murder her first husband, which she didn't. The guy was openly cheating on her and probably beating her too.
This documentary was desperate to have a ''bad guy'' so they made her look as bad as possible.
Craziest thing I’ve ever seen
keep working hard and you'll be getting that navy blue shit in no time. Keep up the good work cats and kittens!!!
Carole did literally nothing wrong. My dead husband, if he is dead was a horrible person.
I don’t think this documentary was struggling in the bad guy department.
I mean did she know about Travis? And if she did care she'd still be happy that Joe's behind bars - let's not pretend Joe didn't have a hand in Travis' suicide here.
fucking kek
nailed em
Why would she talk about this case in such detail all she had to was no I didn’t do it.
I enjoyed Doc because he literally uses basic pimp tier psychology to turn women into bimbo whores and proves how much they are just dumb grown up children
Why were all the tiger breeders polygamists too?
Because it’s a fucking documentary foooo
The scene where Joe starts talking about his dead husband's balls while his mother is tweaking on meth in the audience is pure kino.
I like she was the only one to show up to wedding to his new husband two months later.
maybe the chinese are onto something with all their animal aphrodisiac medicine
Panteris tigris is your taxonomic nomenclature,
an endothermic quadruped,
carnivorous by nature?
Not only was she the only one to show up, she was the only one invited
Carole give you internet from the cuckshed Howard?
>proves how much they are just dumb grown up children
not sure how indoctrinating 17 year olds proves that women are dumb
It's pretty wild. He's been married 3 other times and they're exactly what you'd expect. One died of AIDS, the second was convicted of murder, and the last is a Jugalo.
They're all awful. The government needs to make owning these things illegal, then allow a fixed number of privately owned, publicly funded preserves with no tours and frequent checks, as a place for them to die comfortably only.
>last is a Jugalo
unironically probably the most decent of them all.
jugalos are about as dumb as a sack of tiger shit, but they're usually not malicious
Come on brah.
>takes advantage of dumb 17yr old girls
>proving anything else other than 17yr old girls are idiots
Cut your balls off and apologize to your mom
No the government needs to remove all restrictions on this and just what happens happen. I would rather die then see every Safe and homosexual.
She for sure dresses as a tiger and pegs him or something
So, from what I gathered
>Christians are psychopaths
>white people are psychopaths
>conservatives are psychopaths
>zoos are for psychopaths
>not voting more power to the government so they can ban everything is for psychopaths
am I about right in thinking this? this isn’t even a documentary if it’s this biased
shut the fuck up
Do you think they've ever involved tiger semen in their sex?
Zoom in on the female pastor's insignia on her shirt
>Hebrew writing
Every. Time.
Am I wrong? Convince me.
Ok retard.
Imagine being so stupid that you don't even understand low brow smut on Netflix
It was the same with Making a Murderer. It was just a giant smear campaign against police. They didn’t even explore the possibility he was guilty.
You didn’t watch this did you.
What? One left him for a woman, one killed himself and with Dillon, they’re still together as far as I know
>her sanctuary is great
Lol no motherfucker, she and her army of female volunteers are able to do zero landscaping and manual labor.
Those cages are all rusted and overgrown with brush because you have a bunch of cat ladies and soft ass fags like Howard doing ranch work whereas Joe actually got a bunch of rough crusty ass meth addicts that actually know how to work.
No. I just wanted you guys to tell me I was a paranoid schitzo so I could watch a documentary about tigers and not a smear campaign against X, Y and Z.
>remove all restrictions
>everyone turns into tiger sex cultists
>Conservatives are psychopaths
Joe is a self-described Libertarian.
Oh no how terrible.
>tfw you wanted to see a document about precious tigerinos but got a document about crazy zookeepers instead
Anyone else a bit disappointed the animals themselves weren't shown that much?
See?? Look: It already worked on this retard.
Yes and at the end of the day I felt fucking terrible for them.
The show is called ‘Tiger King’ not ‘Tigers and a King’
If you really want a tiger-focused doc I’m sure Animal Planet or National Geographic or something has some good ones.
Tigers are boring, Tiger people are kino
I hate to say I have no idea how to watch the Planet Earth series after Kikeflix removed them. I cancelled Netflix after that. Maybe torrent them. Plenty of tiger stuff though.
Leave Joe to me.