Who else is watching Zack Snyder's live commentary for Batman Vs. Superman?

Who else is watching Zack Snyder's live commentary for Batman Vs. Superman?
It's incredible to hear him talk, he comes off as so well read but with absolutely no intelligence behind anything he says.

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Where is the stream?

On an app called Vero. It's a fucking terrible app full of glitches, good lick getting it to work

For fucks sake. Why?

When big names attach themselves to shit like that instead of something that just works better like Twitch you can bet there's some kind of internal nepotism going on, it's likely the company approached him personally

Zack Snyder is a real interesting character. He's incredibly passionate about what he does and clearly has some talent for filmmaking, but he-s completely incapable of understanding subtext or thematic depth and none of his movies provide any emotional catharsis for the audience.

Batman v Superman is amazing because it has some really beautifully staged and framed shots but they still feel so cold and mechanical and uncaring

He's one of those copycats who absorbs the surface level of other things and regurgitates them while believing he's deep for doing so.

being paid to promote a service is not "internet nepotism".

ive spent too many years here

It's a shame general Yas Forums contarianism has most here having to pretend Snyder is any good, cos his "completely vapid yet pretentiously delusional fratboy" way of speaking is so unique that it's ripe for parody. You could make whole threads out of it.

Pretty much this. He thinks throwing in a references to things that're "deep" makes his work "deep" simply by proxy. Sadly that's a great deal of hollywood

so like uh, this shot is like a painting I saw and it's deep, it's Tyson's absorption of the virgin, and like that means all kinds of stuff, we're doing like really deep stuff in this film, like imagine Batman being RAPED, rape is deep man, it's real, my films are really real, like.

Crashed, so now it's on YouTube.

Just a reminder that he is Dyslexic so that's why he may have some trouble speaking and finishing his sentences.

They went though all the effort of opening it on bluestacks and setting up a stream any they can't crop the image a little to the toolbar isn't visible? pathetic

You can find other people streaming in full quality on Twitch and Youtube.

A total misrepresentation of dyslexia to explain why Snyder is stupid, what a waste of digits.

Wait does anyone see there a shadow swinging in the background hanging on a rope?


That's a stork

How many times has he said "cool" already?


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That was, embarassingly enough, me in high school and part of college. Wish I had grown out of that attitude sooner, although it does explain why so many wannabe critics on the Internet are so bad at it.

Snyder should direct music videos and nothing else. No depth or story is required, he can just crib cool visuals from other sources to his heart's content.

>Snyder is dyslexic that's why he sounds like an idiot when he talks

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I like Snyder. He can't articulate himself very well but I don't think he's stupid.

>tfw the movie becomes even dumber with his commentary

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He's not stupid. He's just not a good artist either

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On the contrary, I think he is extremely stupid. Stupid people aren't like, bricks or something, it doesn't mean they are unable to think or create things.

and trailers

Contrarianism isn’t real. People honestly and independently believe zack Snyder (and Bollywood, etc) is good. They aren’t doing it to stand out, they actually fell for Snyder’s bullshit.

How can you watch this and come to any conclusion other than he’s legitimately retarded?

I haven't seen the movie before. Why is Lex Luthor being played like a creepy, loopy weirdo? Isn't he supposed to be cool and collected?

Dude he’s like a reference to mark zuckerberg, it’s deep because we got the guy from the mark zuckerberg movie to play lex

Nah, they might have fallen for it, but there's no "indepedently" about it. It's "MCU vs DCEU" console wars bullshit, and MCU is the one that's big and mainstream while the other is hit or miss, they naturally support the "other one".
Synder's utterly vapid surface level attempts at depth also help, since they get to pretend they're smart unlike those dummies with their other console.

But the Zuck is a robot, not a nut. Seems like they're just trying to make up for no Joker in the movie.

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You’re confusing marketing for a non-existent concept that you, yourself have a very weak definition of.

He got mad at everyone trolling him in the chatroom and walked out

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Evil businessman are OLD NEWS, this is modern and real and deep, now Lex is a weedy Facebook CEO cos that's real. I've read the backflap of the Myth of Sisyphus and saw a photo of a painting that's in the Louvre, so trust me, I know art.

Batman v Superman is by far the best superhero movie made in the 10s. Stuff like Shazam, Aquaman or Birds of Prey is basically identical to the kind of movie Marvel makes, even if somewhat more interesting visually

>Zack is so stupid that the screen is behind him

>the way he holds hand out
gets me everytime

If you actually think the average BvS "fan" liked it because they actually liked the film you're delusional.

Fuck off, Zack, you're an idiot.

I can see him talking about his movie on camera right now, I don't think that's him

I'm surprised they even greenlit Joker considering they got so much backlash for dark and gritty superhero flicks

>he keeps coughing

This one includes the hand outstretched but misses the strange way he puts it on the plate. A healthy medium is needed.

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Given Joker is similar surface level "I saw a thing and referenced it, that makes my thing as deep as the thing I referenced" crap with pretty visuals it shouldn't be surprising.

>they got so much backlash for dark and gritty superhero flicks
They got backlash from Zack's crap but it was Nolan who kicked off the "dark and gritty" superhero flick craze

Ok. What's good about it?

I drifted off for a second. Why are they in the future and why is Superman killing tied up people

cos Bad Superman! It's Superman but he's Bad.

It's the closest the genre has come to genuine introspection and social awareness in a long time. I actually think it'll take a while until people realize how much it actually had to say about the cultural environment of the mid 10s. It genuinely looks at Superman and Batman and what they represent and how modern society perceives the things they represent. And instead of Nolan's tedious conservativism sometimes confused for gritty realism it does so in a way that honors the inherently fantastical sensibilities of the genre.

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Zack Snyder missed his calling as a politician. He has a remarkable talent for shitting out sentence after sentence devoid of any substance and making people think he’s a genius.

>it's good because it's dated and full of heavy-handed sociopolitical commentary

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>Batman v Superman is amazing because it has some really beautifully staged and framed shots but they still feel so cold and mechanical and uncaring
The same critic is often said about Kubrick

Here you go, fresh off the stove

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No it isn't

*audible gears*

Maybe the ones who don't know what they're taking about
Kubirck is meticulous and that comes off in his film but they're still filled with spirit. Zack's movies are just empty

wtf this guy. there's nothing more bizzare than this dude trying to not act like a robot. you can see the processing "this is what a regular human would do"

Lex Luthor got reinvented like 3 times, and the one you know its the third one.

First was the red haired wacky scientist (in which the movie takes inspiration mostly), then a fatass tycoon, then the fit suave cool ubermensch you know these days.

So no, you are just comparing it with the one you grew up. Which by no means is the "real one". Just another interpretation.

>people shitted on Kubrick too, so Snyder is Kubrick!

More like Tommy Wiseau

I'm confused what his hand was stretched out for. It wasn't in any kind of position to actually take the toast out, it's like he expected it to fly out of the toaster and land in his hand.

If he didn't become rich and internationally recognized he'd definitely be one of us

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>resorting this fast to "A famous director was vaguely criticized in a non-specific way, therefore Snyder is as good as this famous director"
Speedrunning here

its discontinuous to me to see him put the toast on the empty plate, but then when he turns around there's two on the plate

Yeah, but this one is dumb.

>rich jew that became one of the most powerful by ripping off some WASP elite (jews hate wasps)

he would hate us

there are two coming out of the toaster, so I think it's just poor editing

It hasn't gotten any less relevant yet.

It's great, actually. Eisenlex is one of my favourite capeshit villains. The perfect villain for the GamerGate age.

Unironically this.

There's nothing more to say, you're an unrecoverable pleb

Even the much touted "visuals" of the film are way overrated, there's tons of CG vomit, as much as any Marvel film they love to rag on, and the muddy colour grading and artificial bloom is hideous

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Fucking this. It's just another bland, studio-manufactured fuckfest, from toe to tip.

>the GamerGate age.
holy shit you're stupid. I also like how you admit they just reverted lex to his wacky redhead form.

Also visuals for visuals sake. Like why the fuck is he just floating there, when the people are begging for help, other than "I have to pose for this concept art shot"? Composition needs to have some basic logic in it too.

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this is the most pathetic and amatuerish livestream i have ever seen


>duuuude everyone secretly has the exact same tastes and preferences they just pretend otherwise for attention because once when I was a kid I said I hated something I actually liked why did i do that lmao