During times like this the most important thing you can do, is not forget about us, famous people.
During times like this the most important thing you can do, is not forget about us, famous people
>"Don't forget how sads I am"
>We're all in this together. Please dont eat the rich.
I didn't make it past "I'm feeling philosophical"
I lost all respect I had for Jimmy Fallon
What are your thoughts on this?
why the hell did you have any respect for him in the first place?
he stars in my favorite movie
i really wish i could forget this movie, and before your post i was winning.
Who is that goblina in center?
Kill all marxists
can't wait for these "people" to all face charges
>we should kill them for their hypocrisy
ALL rich people deserve to die
listen I know you can’t pay your bills right now but you need to know how bored I am in my fifteen bedroom house on the beach
Things like this make me sympathize with commies. Is it so wrong to feel a desire to put these people into labor camps and take all their money? They deserve it. They cry out for punishment.
hope u realize they're singing a commie song and most of them arent that far off being commies themselves lol
Love Jeselnik
Uhhh you know they're singing a song about communism right?
Hey guys did you know that Sarah Silverman is Jewish? I dont know if she told you but Sarah Silverman is Jewish? Isnt it a real fun idea to base your whole comedic identity around the fact that you're Jewish? JEW
(((famous people)))
Imagine there's no celebrities
what is it called?
3 jews total cohencidence.
He's armed, but she's dangerous.
tired of these simps crying about celebrities all day
Didn't gal gadot serve in the fucking Israeli military
How about imagine a legitimate Palestinian state
Yeah, I'm imagining all those rocks announcing all those jews behind them and all those jews getting killed by peaceful religion of peace.
jesus christ kill yourself
They are only doing this because they need to be on the spotlight to make money. If they spend too long without being in the public consciousness, once everything gets back to normal they wont get new roles
>sorry you lost your job and your grandma and baby died
>just imagine a world without heaven and possession lmao
Taxi Poster
Imagine there's no countries......
eat them
Why does every meme internet political ideology do a 180 on it's own values when you bring up israel
Hate the fact that I saw this in the theater, luckily I sont remember any of it.
He's correct
Because they've successfully memed that not sucking Israel's circumcised dick = Nazi.
Looking thin, bruv.
google ressentiment
Can you imagine his pain? Being isolated on his huge ass yacht near grenada?
Pray for him
It's over, pal
This but unironically.
>Gay Hollyjew rip-off
Black Taxi Driver
But the left doesn't support Israel either and they certainly don't call that nazism.
Because Jews are behind most of the problems in the world, but nobody knows it. So they see a problems that involves Israel and the finger pointing goes everywhere but at the Jews. People do all sorts of mental gymnastics not to mention DA JOOS
Will Ferrell looks fucked
Very based
This guy always looked like he fucks a lot of mediterran women raw
Everybody knows it, they just make it increasingly illegal to talk about it
>it's own
So? The people singing are capitalists
I'd hardly call myself a commie but I despise celebrities and celebrity worship. Can these fucks not handle being in the spotlight for one fucking day?
>court jesters are capitalist
Far left: does not support israel because muh palestine
Left: supports israel
Center: supports israel
Right: supports israel
Far right: does not support israel because muh image I saw on Yas Forums
Far left are most likely group to become far right in future
Far right group are most likely group to become far left in future
Hope that answers your question
Wow... horrific... where can I donate?
Progressive Democrats have no problem calling out Israel, only right wing Christians defend it
kill yourself moron