Scenes that made you rethink your life
Scenes that made you rethink your life
i have about a hundred horribly cringy memories from my childhood but non of them get even close to this guy's mating-dance. AND he got it on camera. AND thousands of people have watched him make a fool out of himself. how did he not kill himself lads? whats his secret?
This video unironically changed the course of a generation.
>he didn't pause the video at least a dozen times to take in the autism overload
>he didn't pace around his house after pausing the video
I'm so glad I grew up in the 90s and early 00s when phone cameras and social media was non-existent.
What is this?
It's for Alexa.
A declaration of love.
jews have no shame
What are your thoughts on this?
Pretty nice, mature harline actually. Not cringe at all.
Who was in the wrong here?
Thanks user
Reminder he won in the end
Damn, Garrett took risks and made it in life while I made fun of him years ago and am still the same kissless virgin today, just many years older.
Her posture is fucking terrible, that's years of being hunched over looking into her phone ever since she could walk.
Keep your back straight, chest out, head up, oh and don't fap.
Yeah thats pretty much just a mature hairline, I have about the same. If you feel insecure about it a tip is to just have shorter hair, that way it isnt at as noticeable
Garrett is Chad now. She missed out.
same desu, I'm turning 30 next year and I have yet to have sex
How the fuck do I become like him? I'm 22 and still a cringelord that gets ghosted by women.
Work out and get balls
>whats his secret?
Remember that the same confidence that allowed that video to happen is also the same confidence that allowed him to pursue his interest in dancing as well as approach a girl out of his league in the first place. Also he looks pretty handsome now.
Absolute chad
>is next to two dudes
>for me it’s far right
all Chads are low key bisexual
>whats his secret?
Just being himself
>kissless virgin
is it over bros?
What ?
hey were did you get this picture of me?
Oh shit
>it’s easy bro you just gotta be a cuck and let the girl you like fuck other dudes
No. I had my first time including kissing at 25. That was over 10 years ago. Married now. It's pretty fucking overrated. I would say if you feel comfortable with yourself there is no need to push it. If you suffer from being a virgin you're either susceptible To peer pressure or you to lazy to try and change your ways. I was the first kind. Never gave a shit really, just enjoyed being with Bros and Vidya. When I finally met my better half everything came very natural. There is hope bro.
>it's real
Reality always rears its ugly head.
>trust me bro just hit the gym and work out and all your problems will be solved
Face it you cunts, you will still be retarded and unlikable even while roided up. You'll just be a bigger cunt and more rude.
Hes not a faggot ass bitch like you.
Assuming this isn't a larp, good for you bro but also understand that you're a statistical outlier.
I got Yas Forums and that solved my self steem issues, now I do and say the retarded shit I did when I was fat and people celebrate me
have had fulfilling relationships, got a fwb on call
you and your doomer mindset are a plague
I can't believe he made it and I still sit in my room completely alone.
I'm glad he ended up happy.
>i have about a hundred horribly cringy memories from my childhood but non of them get even close to this guy's mating-dance. AND he got it on camera. AND thousands of people have watched him make a fool out of himself. how did he not kill himself lads? whats his secret?
He did something cringy but he moved on. He looks like a decent dude with a cute gf.
Wow, finding himself a fat bitch, id rather be alone desu.
once a fatty always a fatty
You should not hang out with people who accept you only if you are fit.
a kid with the balls to do this in front of a camera and a gym full of thots is going to end up fine. you will always miss if you don't take the shot, and this kid takes all of his shots with nuclear missiles.
posture used to be taught (or rather enforced) in schools. now parents do nothing and if it came from a teacher that would be considered abuse.
Based but bluepilled
that girl has a fucked up scar
She also has the shoulders of a D1 football player.
that's a widow's peak alright
you're fine, don't freak out over nothing
cool larp bro
she's clearly his beard. he has a case of unabashed gay face
Thanks bros