/trek/ Emergency Thread seperation edition

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So Dukat's actor just refused to do makeup for half of S7 by the look of it lol

fuck off tranny


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no one gives a fuck in the final seasons.

This /trek/ is smarter!

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You know, another thread died for this

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OP, if you are seeing this post, it means you tried to abandon a thread while the threads self-destruct sequence was engaged. That will not be permitted.

this is correct

Stay in your Discord thread faggot.

This thread is genetically superior

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hory shet ye right!


fuck off to your furry thread

will she be ok lads?

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fuck off tranny

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pretty much

My writers already have an idea!

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the lord has spoken
it is so

what's your fav star trek?

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whats this from.

fuck off to your containment thread


Where's Valley Forge?

Genius alert

The CBS All Access exclusive hit show Star Trek Discovery. But we trekkers call it Disco.

If that's JJ/Kurtzman Trek being jettisoned to crash and burn, then I wholeheartedly agree.

Make it so.

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Right again, how does he do it?

you know your place

The ships look better than the picard ones

antifur fuckwads ruining the board for the rest of us

How can one post completely and utterly destroy a thread so easily?

>antifur fuckwads

shameless pathetic same fagging

>antifur fuckwads ruining the board
>antifur fuckwads ruining the board
>antifur fuckwads ruining the board

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It's the pilot. Art department was still in good hope and motivated.

Scotty is best engineer.

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This is going to be a rough plague

Sure, but here we can discuss star trek.



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>antifur fuckwads ruining my life again
Any Treks to deal with this feel?

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kiss me Scotty

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Let's focus on trek discussion, k?

its a trap, do not proceed. its the episode BOOBY TRAP from TNG s3


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OK, but now we need to talk about the dominion war and the prophets in dsn.

Holy fuck
Could anyone be this based?

Ultra based.

the voyage home is the best movie

Considering she was able to do a site to site transport on cue when attacked by those Borg I'm sure she'll be fine.


I like TNG more than TOS.

>the antifur fuckwads found me again
>how do they always find me
>even in star trek threads
How do they know, /trek/? How?

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Another based anime tripfag, no way!!!