I've been offered a 300k job in the usa. In Britain this sort of salary is simply unimaginable. Now here's the catch, it's in West Virginia, I don't want to be too specific but the nearest large city is about an hour away and the town has a population of under 50k. Looking around on street view and it seems like there really isn't much to do apart from McDonalds and work. Are these places really as bad as they look?
Films about being a rural retard
Other urls found in this thread:
>Willingly going to America
user, I...
Depends. My dad would love this. For me it seems like a shithole.
Who gives a fuck you can just hoard some money from it a few years and retire early
Doing what?
Are you a paki or streetshitter? Or legit rotten-toothed limey
How is this television and film?
Nigger, go live life. You can do whatever the fuck you want in the country. God, I hate urb*noids.
I did my medical residency in a major Californian city and loved it. So much to do, so many interesting people and generally just a nicer place to be than the UK. The rural states though.... not so keen on them
>muh city life
They pay retards 300k/year outside of acting?
Doctor on a j1 (you can't get a waiver unless you work in one of these shitholes no Americans want to work)
This post is definitely true
country's full
go away
Fuck off.
We're full.
There is no way anyone in some rural shithole in West Virginia has 300k to give some random foreigner that posts wojaks on Yas Forums, especally when shit is on the brink of a recession
presumably you had to do USMLEs
how did you go about getting the job then?
>300k salary
>rural america
I also make 500k working at Wendy's.
Stonetoss is a Nazi.
You are a homosexual.
>Stonetoss is a Nazi.
Christ I do wonder what's wrong with drumpfcucks sometimes. How can these towns be full when they literally don't have doctors.
If not a shitpost, take the job and make it work for a few years, try to transfer somewhere else later.
based if true
They would rather have their towns all die out as long as it triggers the libs
>West Virginia
It's almost heaven, user.
not american, but wtf is wrong with living in a rural town? It seems comfy
The interior of the country is being gutted. All the jobs are along the coast.
Sure you did
>I did my medical residency in a major Californian city and loved it. So much to do, so many interesting people and generally just a nicer place to be
lying faggot
i grew up in West Virginia, what state are you bro?
I'd give it a go myself. I currently live in a semi rural part of the uk, and I'd happily live somewhere like Virginia. I'd get a couple of dogs, a few guns and be pretty content with books, games and movies when I wasn't enjoying the outdoors. But I've never liked living in large towns, let alone cities.
the cities in north america are actually just filled with subhuman third worlders. comfy rural life is where it's at
rural America is literally the only place worth living in America. Stay away from the cities.
Applied the same way as everyone else with exception of informing hospitals on a j1 and will need a national interest waiver. Let lawyer handle the rest as it's incredibly confusing
gas all urbanites
Why is a brit doctor posting anti-american propaganda on Yas Forums and asking for life advice from Yas Forums?
Answer: yet another lying piece of trash shitting up Yas Forums with larp threads.
Snakes On A Plane.
They way you talk you’ll probably get assraped in a week.
I'd move to a rural 3k population in literal bumfuck nowhere for 300K a year wtf is wrong with you. Hour drive into the city is literally nothing, UK driving is odd since a long trip is considered 3 hours. 3 hours isn't a farfetched commute for people who drive in and out of NYC every day for work.
Use weekends and holidays to travel within the US or fucking domestic flight an hour in any direction, dammit user
My towns got less than 30k people and it doesn't feel like I'm in the middle of nowhere at all. That being said, we don't want no eurofags coming over
>Are these places really as bad as they look?
Yes. The people are obnoxious as hell, their music sucks, the places are depressing and boring, and they've all got a huge superiority complex.
On that kind of salary in a backwoods town you can literally pay for a taxi to the nearest airport and fly to somewhere fun like Vegas whenever you have time off. Sounds pretty comfy to me.
Youve just described LA and New York
Are we seriously your only friends for you to ask that? On this board?
Maybe the black & mexican areas.
Fuck it OP, America's health system would be borderline criminal in most 1st world countries. Go there, milk the dumb fucks for all the money you can then get out after a few years.
These are all pre-plague notions.
>under 50k
My city hovers around 10k people, but it's also 90% white so pretty fucking great. Size of city doesn't matter, racial makeup does.
Op is lying. They won't even take European doctors.
West Virginia is literally heaven if you like: hunting, camping, shooting things, riding offroad vehicles, drunk driving, exploring the wilderness.
West Virginia is not heaven for: finding a good looking mate, experiencing fine art, cell phone signal, any urban attractions, education.
t. Someone who lived in WV and loved it
Sounds believable. They barely take European doctors in Europe either. You have to be from India, the Middle-East or Africa to bag a job in the health system these days.
Tech, too, right? Why is that? What do well-off whites even do for a living?
Where did you do the conversion?
Hello w*jakposters
Disagree. I've looked at this before and while the USA is by far the best place to be a doctor overall, it's not worth it if you're in a destination you're unhappy with.
Oof. Huntington?
I'm a corporate lawyer on retainer for a Fortune 500 company. I literally just shitpost all day while paralegals do my work and I make ridiculous amounts of money. I'm so glad I didn't go to med school. I originally wanted to be a plastic surgeon.
weird flex but ok
>this thread
>up for over 40 minutes on Sunday
Nah keep sleeping in jannies you underage fucks I know you're all tuckered out from vidya and pizza parties. You can clean up this board after mommy and daddy wake you for Sunday pancakes.
I'm not OP and a "conversion" doesn't even exist. It's called residency in the US and builds on what you learn in medical school/university. E.g. you learn the basics in medical school then if you want to be a surgeon you'll do a surgical residency