Trumps Approval soars due to coronavirus

Movies where the good guy wins?

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Makes perfect sense that people would rally around the president in a time of crisis, it's not really surprising unless you're some woke twitter retard who thought this would be an opportunity for political point scoring.

History will show that President Donald Trump was responsible for one of most catastrophic public health failures in the nation’s history.

>woke twitter retard who thought this would be an opportunity for political point scoring.
but that is every waking moment for a woke twitter retard. might as well ask them not the breathe.

Why are liberal Americans try to blame Trump for this or try and crucify him over minor things like calling it a Chinese virus?

Just seems pathetic that amerifats are trying to prentend the US is doing worse of than other nations when statistically speaking it's about the same as other western countries dealing with this horrific pandemic that's crippling the economy world wide.

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He just can't stop winning. He'll be remembered as the greatest at this point and there's nothing libs on reddit can do at this point.

That and the Chinks too.

Andrew Cuomo and Bill De Blasio are acting like they're the kings of this all but they have yet to shut down public transportation. Fastest way to spread this shit is on your dirty ass bus/subway systems.

Don't want to blame chinese people for lying to the world and eating bats cause its racist and thats bad :(. But ORANGE MAN RESPONSIBLE FOR VIRUS

It's just a flu. Take some chloroquine phosphate and go back to work.

Are Americans really this stupid?

there has been a shitload of incompetence with european leaders in this, starting with austria where a ski-resort became a hotspot for infection spread because they didnt wanna close it, to germany hell-bent on keeping the borders open (like usually) when Trump was already restricting travel to britain and their controlled spread strategy.


I have some for my fishes, do you think is ok?

>chloroquine phosphate
>not the infinitely superior hydroxychloroquine

Lol, check Spain with their commie goverment, they are probably getting the rope once all this finishes

Proof that Americans are fucking stupid.

Trump keeps telling them its all going well, and they believe him because they want to believe him. His narcissism feeds people's narcissism.

He tells people the lies they want to hear, and they eat his shit.

But when the morgues fill up, when the piles of bodies become mountains, when their families are dead, they may start to realize that the Orange Narcissist is in fact full of shit.

It's bizarre how lefties believe that America has more deaths from the virus than China, as if the CCP would report truthful figures. I guess whatever they watch on the news is truth to them, no critical thinking skills whatsoever.

The movie where you go back to Yas Forums.

trump fucked up and didn't prepare for the pandemic because he actually believed retards that it was a nothingburger flu.

trump unironically has blood on his hands.
those are the people who blame trump now

You or someone else posted this same thing last night and the night before. It's not going to work.

>turn on news
>"there are 2 people to blame for this crisis, xi jinping and donald trump"
modern journalists are truly a disgrace

Chink flu is just the latest attempt by libtards to take down Trump, let's recap:

>2016 election - FAIL
>trying to reverse the 2016 election results - FAIL
>trying to prevent Kavanaugh from being nominated to the Supreme Court - FAIL
> Mueller report - FAIL
>impeachment over a phone call - FAIL

I figured Trump was joking but I'm honestly starting to get sick of all this winning.

Cognitive bias has no limit.

He removed funding for the programs to prevent it, ignored the intelligence briefings warning of it, spent like 1-2 months denying it was even real like a schizo, and is actively withholding much needed supplies from going to hospitals because they're in blue states. China has already contained it and their quarantine is now winding down, as well as Italy shortly behind.
Their numbers reflect other countries like Italy, Spain, and SK. There isn't a reason to believe that they're lying.

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Of course

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>It's not going to work.
You or someone else posting this same thing last night or the night before. It's not going to work.

>China has already contained it and their quarantine is now winding down
Imagine unironically believing communist propaganda

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I bet everyone in the world is going to get infected with this shit. Went to Walmart yesterday and these retards are pretending this shit is normal playing with toys in the toy aisle, being retarded in general, and just not staying home.

no one sane believes MSM anymore

Pretty impressive seeing as how much he's continually fucked up since it started.

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America will definitely have far more deaths than China, due to it's fucking awful healthcare system.

China has a strong, secretive government. America has a weak, completely corrupt government.

Because many Americans cannot afford healthcare or afford to self-isolate, the virus will likely embed and persist forever.

The USA has no means of killing the virus, as even if a vaccine is found, many will not be able to afford it, and the government will not make it free to all as that would be "socialism".

The US is fucked.

Yeah there's a reason to believe they're lying given all the footage we've seen coming out of China. Not to mention the general living conditions and attitude of the Chinese people guaranteeing this this would spread like wildfire among them.

>China has already contained it
Fuck off bugman

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As stated, their numbers reflect everyone else and are unremarkable.

>Cletuses will still vote for this bumbling, incoherent, unqualified retard in November

This. The bans are probably just making it worse when everyone is just bum rushing everything still legal.

Just like how many Americans who are obese, don't wash their hands, and don't have any healthcare insurance.

>tfw they stopped EVERYTHING just because a couple of old, sick boomers might get the sniffles
Really makes me think.

>it's a """"public health catastrophe"" if i don't get my student loans forgiven with a 27 month paid vacation

I know Trump is a corrupt fuck but I saw an interview of Pelosi and she literally looks like the alien grandma from I am Jazz.

Sure but they don't have a population density as high as China and their living standards are better

just a little reminder

Yas Forums is a pro-Trump board. your propaganda and leftists tears doesn't do shit here.

thank you.

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Mostly right, but flu shots are virtually free and the COVID-19 vaccine (if one is even made) will be included with it. However, most Americans don't even bother getting flu shots because they're either apathetic or conspiratards.

If you think they're lying then you'd think SK, italy, spain are also lying. I don't like China(who does), but based on the data from everyone, they are unremarkable. SK has even greater control than China.

Obsessed European nigger detected. Kill yourself.

Burgers are cattle.

>just a flu bro btw i'm a faggot please rape my face

Suddenly the virus isn't a plot by the nWo to get Trump diselected?

Beats the alternative, by a lot.

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Like why is everyone suddenly buying so much groceries when they've clearly said you can still get essentials just don't go out all the time? I have literally never seen anyone at Kroger early in the morning until lately

Not gonna lie, i was sure this pandemic would end Trumps chande for re-election once and for all.
It would be absolutely hilarious if he gets re-elected thanks to this.

To be fair, containing a plague like this is much easier when a dictatorial regime with no regard for human rights or oversight is in charge.

January: Trump is warned of Coronavirus threat.

February: Tries to cut CDC budget by 16%

The level of stupid there is quite extraordinary.

Reddit commie, he's literally done a better job than almost all european leaders.

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>all those Plebbitors ITT blaming Trump and not China

>trannies and the entire media spams NOTHINGBURGER for 2 months
>wuhan virus finally hits USA
>"dude fuck drumpf why didn't he do anything it's all his fault!"

imagine being you

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the pandemic is just getting started

i blamed trump since january when china had the epidemic and he still didn't shut down all flights from china and start testing at all international airports.

he waited till late february to do anything and even then he was reluctant because his staff thought it a nothingburger. Now thousands will be doing each day within a month.

For someone that is suspicious of china and the doctors, he really downplayed this and actually trusted the numbers coming out of china. WHY? (muh market) He now will have the legacy of fucking up a pandemic in the modern century, because he was stubborn and arrogant.

If you're a white leftists, you really should kys.
>muh words
Commie "liberal," he's objectively done a much better job than almost all first world leaders.

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Fuck off back to Yas Forums, Cletus. Yas Forums is a Fauci board

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If I actually cared about voting I'd vote for him just because the devil you know versus the devil you don't. Trump is right about immigration and it's the retards constructing a narrative that he's a racist when he clearly isn't.

>He now will have the legacy of fucking up a pandemic in the modern century, because he was stubborn and arrogant.
No he won't you fucking retard

Blood on his hands

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Based and MIGA, my fellow kekapede.

>80 iq commie thinks he has a brain
>must be clever since all the tv people agree with him

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he already has.

kek @ the incel conservatard shills raiding this thread

The land of retards

When are the riots going to start?

TDSrs and Leftist would actually want the world to burn than let President Trump succeed.

Again, you stupid commie spammer, he's done a much better world than the vast majority of world leaders. dilate and then kys

Since this is a leftypol spam thread, I'll post my favorite video of you getting rekt.

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>he's objectively done a much better job than almost all first world leaders.

truly schizo


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wtf now I really want open borders, to say "fuck freedom" and to give all my money to brown invaders

>leftist commie "liberals" ruin the entire west
>b-blood on his hands
You should get on a chopper, subhuman.

So far his inaction is responsible for mounting piles of American corpses.

>move all wuhan virus discussion to Yas Forums since January because it's nothing burger
3 months later

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I want to eat Ivanka's shit

not an argument. Just the same bitching from trumps struggling fanbase trying to back a retard.


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Leftypol, you're literally the dumbest "people" on the planet.

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Nice projection.

yeah, the reddit "lets blame trump for the coronavirus not the chinese cause dats racist" discord invasion is totally organic.

Because it's still legal, some tards are feeling insecure and god knows how many other strange psychological bullshit involved. Luckily I have enough dried shit i can eat for at least 6 months and i just buy shit on amazon. Literally have raw wheat berries, rice, beans, etc. I'm getting multivitamins sent too because I'm just going to stop eating fruit and any produce soon.


>A cretinous Trumptard speaking of low IQs
Read a basic epidemiology textbook, you imbecile

>win the genetic lottery
>throw it away
200% MAD

>dies after suicide attempt

>deranged commie thinks he's level headed
Take your meds, you fucking loon.
It is an argument. He did better than all the leftists in europe and new york. You fucking deranged idiot.

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Necer kike keep seething

why yes, trannies are 400% more likely to die to wuhan virus, how can you tell?

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I like to think god gave this plague to punish trump and his cult

and trump failed immensely.

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>ruin the west with marxism, censorship and open borders
>w-we dindu nuthin'
Get on a chopper.
dilate, you worthless retard

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I thought evangelical nutters were part of his cult?

There will be no riots. Just a bunch of boomer deaths and typical blaming everybody else.

China is closing stuff down again, they lifted the lockdown too early. They're having riots too.

Trump set up a task force and started travel restrictions in fucking January while the democrats were busy trying to impeach him. The medias called him racist when he acted quickly then accused him of acting too slowly.

>if you're not a marxist that hates freedom and whites, you're in a cult
>if you care about truth or reason, you're in a cult
I know that you commie loon like to project, but this is sillyl. Noone's buying your asinie shilling. And again, trump did much better than pretty much all leftists worldwide.

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nah, thats like saying we got murdered with strangulation instead of being shot in the head.

He had the facts and evidence from people who saw this coming and downplayed it since january. No preparation whatsoever. Your cope is unreal.

>trumplings still think he's doing a good job after the disastrous handling of the corona virus

you people are so fucking stupid

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It's hilarious how republicans suddenly love socialism.

Friendly reminder none of you alt-right NEET's still being claimed as dependents by daddy will be getting Trumpbux.

Reminder that leftist whites aren't really people.

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When the alternative is a literally senile old man who molests teenage girls?

You're foaming from the mouth while defending a godless leader.

I can guarantee the retards who have no savings now are buying 500 dollar sneakers and needless electronics every month.

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Except that Obama in crises ruined everything.

Every leader around the world is experiencing a covid bump, its a natural reaction to the population basically pulling together in a crisis, ignoring more minor complaints about leaders. Trump has experienced a much smaller bump than other leaders though. Because he’s squandering that goodwill. People are looking for leadership, and he’s resorting to name calling and Mean Girls tactics. Eventually even his base will panic beyond his control because he has no assurances to offer them.

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yeah speak for yourself Yas Forumscel

So this is trump version of wartime

>drumpf murdereded us
First of all, you're not my kind, commie. Hell, I wish you traitors were dead. Secondly, there was no stopping it from coming here. It would have been much worse with a leftists in charge. Just look at how new york handled it.

better at being shit, is still shit.

>He now will have the legacy of fucking up a pandemic in the modern century, because he was stubborn and arrogant

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only American politician im interested in

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>SK, italy, spain are also lying
Yeah, Italy and Spain have it totally under control.

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>trumplings still think he's doing a good job after the disastrous handling of the corona virus
So do independents

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Hope you're not white, subhuman. Also, again, trump managed to do a much better job than the leftist leaders in europe that you retards idolize so much.

Pretty much everyone in the US ignored what was going on in China back in December and early January because I think the media was focused on something else happening in Washington...can't quite remember what was going on back then...

Hell, not many Americans knew that the Hong Kong protests that started in June, were still happening in December. US media doesn't cover it at all.

Its a one time emergency thing. At least they didn't hold it up to demand diversity quotas and more regulation like the dems did.

okay, you're going to ignore the entire post then.

Actually he'll get re-elected because dems will put up a senile boomer against him


You're not even a real person. You leftist swine are more like a plague. I honestly think you need to hate leftists to have a soul. You're so damn repugnant.

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He hasn't done anything to make me go wow he sure is getting the job done right now

If you look at it in a logarithmic chart it clearly is under control.

Accurate analysis. A lot of right wing boomers are already getting sick of what Trump has to say about the virus and would rather hear their local news reports.