This movie is fucking amazing. I need more british comedy

This movie is fucking amazing. I need more british comedy

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There is literally only one bad thing about that movie and his name is Brad Pitt. Not that he's particularly bad or anything but ideally they would have cast someone native to the UK. It was peak Pitt though and they needed the star power so I understand why.

Pic related and Revolver but they're a bit more serious.

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Revolver was shit

Lol “fucking amazing” might be a bit of a stretch but it is pretty hood
Definitely watch this, its more or less the same film by the same director with the same actors but it came out before and is sufficiently different to still be entertaining on the same level.
I wish london was still like this, i think the 90s spelled the end of the cockney london era

You didn't get it?


ok incel

Pitt wasnt bad to be fair to him. Having grown up around pikeys, sorry i mean irish travellers, he did a decent job for an american
Revolver and rock n rolla were shit dont watch these

Revolver was ok as far as pseud films go, but you don't actually think it was good do you? it's just a bunch of freudian bullshit

>fat nigga is in the poster
>but doesnt get top bill

What did they mean by that?

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Layer Cake is another top tier movie that has funny brit moments like Snatch.

cringe-ass Tarantino-wannabe garbage.

i couldn't survive 20 minutes without rolling my eyes. He steals every vapid trope from quentin, and that fucker is already vapid to begin with.

Spotted the simp

tarantino steals everything already tho

Tarantino is garbage
Cringe zoomer tier meme

You're worse than that faggot for using that word and you're even worse than that for using it in the wrong context

Yae dunn liek dawgs?

his accent is made up, partly because pitt couldnt nail the british accent, and partly because lock stock was criticized for fucking up an accent, so the director did it out of spite to the critics
You could check out Guy Ritchies latest movie, it's out to streaming thanks to corona
In bruges is also pretty great, in fact, everything by Martin McDonagh is great if you ask me


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Not comedy but definitely worth a watch

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His accent isnt made up, it’s an attempt at the irish traveller accent which is subtly different from the other irish accents. Obviously him being american meant he wasn't able to nail it but he had a pretty good stab at it imo

Guy ritchies latest movie was terrible but In Bruges is great, definitely watch that

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>"look at me i'm 'ard" the movie

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would i love this movie if i dont like uk humor but i love action?

>Guy ritchies latest movie was terrible
That's a shame, was looking forward to watching it. Hated his take on King Arthus too.
Still hope he gets to do a sequel to the man from uncle,

ya like dags?

Hell no, but watch it anyway.

Human Traffic

>Would i like this movie if ive recently had a lobotomy?
Probably not, no

you dont like the movie we get it

very funny user!

The Gentlemen was nice desu

Mr Bean's Holiday

Is this any good?

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Soulless Guy Ritchie
That is to say it's still good, but it very much lacks memorable moment, characters and heart

I think Guy Ritchie is a jumped up little cunt but this must be some weak bait.

Just saw pic related. It's alright, not quite as funny as Snatch or Lock and Stock, but it's pretty enjoyable for the most part. 7/10 movie. Also,
>That Man From Uncle poster near the end of this movie
I am still disappointed we will never get a sequel for that. Closest thing to Henry Cavill James Bond too. No Sherlock 3 by Ritchie too apparently.

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Beyond cringe, total retard. Has never heard a pikie in his life. Almost identical.

Comfy English comedy

>Dead in a Week or Your Money Back (2018)
>Tom Wilkinson
>Christopher Ecclestone
>Aneurin Barnard

>Guest House Paradiso (1999)
>Rik Mayall
>Adrian Edmondson
>Simon Pegg
>Bill Nighy
>Vincent Cassel

>The Parole Officer (2001)
>Steve Coogan
>Om Puri
>Stephen Dillane
>Len Headey

REwatched this the other day and it really hasn't aged well for me. Every single line of dialogue is trying so hard to be quotable and get turned into one of those text animation things every college kid was doing

I also hate how, in trying to make every line of dialogue quotable, the actors pause for like 20 seconds before delivering their line. It happens so fucking much

>mean machine
>layer cake
>bank job

hugh grant is 10/10 in this

he can't even do the accent so no

lmao no-one cares limey

Seeing an American Hollywood superstar like Brad Pitt being forced to acknowledge pikey culture was great

Calm down Elijah

The dialogue is so fucking bad in the beginning. It’s endless idioms. It gets better though. Also it’s ourposefully racist and anti Semitic

In bruges

No other movie nailed the late 90s British zeitgeist like this.

Superb and hilarious film, OP

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shit movie desu

Got any jungle in guy?
Also can confirm Cardiff is at least as much of a shithole as pictured in that.


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In Bruges is amazing, funny as fuck but still manages the melancholic tone. Also killer soundtrack

Pitt was the best in it

Why didn't they just go to a caravan dealership?

Ritchie is not your average Tarantino wannabe, you can see that he was influenced (or maybe not, maybe it's just a coincidence like it was with C.M Talkingon). Ritchie separated and developed his own style that is also distinct. You can see when you're watching a Ritchie movie just like you can see when you're watching a Tarantino movie. To put it metaphorically. Tarantino is the Dutch language, Ritchie is Afrikaans.