What do they eat

what do they eat

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What do they eat?

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Cherry tomatos


Pelennor FIELDS dipshit

Their legs. They don't need those.

Fish obviously.



What did they do with the hundred thousand dead orcs and giant oliphants on their front step?

OP fucking wrecked

convert them into pet food?

why is Gondor so shitty in the movies?

it's basically reduced to Minas Tirith and the dry desert around it, its soldiers suck and kill like 3 total orcs, etc.

Urban areas are surrounded by farmland that is brought in with modern transportation and refrigeration.

Return of the King was the worst film in the trilogy and the big battle was a boring cgi-fest that had none of the atmosphere of Helms Deep.


there's ports and airports and roads coming from all over
there is NOTHING outside of Minas Thirit, anything outside those walls is COMPROMISED due to proximity to orcs so you can't have a high amount of trade coming in

reminder that tolkien as always thought of this stuff

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in any castle you'd have the rich people inside and then outside there'd be vast settlements of lower class people who do the actual work to supply and maintain the city (just like in modern cities), there is nothing like this here and it makes no sense.
The capital of gondor has room for like 200 people, there should be thousands living outside the walls

This is one of the issues that I take with fantasy movies. Massive cities placed in isolated locations, with nothing nearby.
In real life, medieval cities were generally surrounded by farmland, and often right on rivers (Minas Tirith was thankfully close to the river but still strangely there was nothing but grass between them.)

burned them in the furnaces hundreds a day

read the books. literally explains exactly what you said.
movie ditched it.

And yet it had the best scene of the entire cinema, the rohirrim charge
I dare any of you to name a better scene.

Idris Elba

>in any castle you'd have the rich people inside and then outside there'd be vast settlements of lower class people
Wrong, there's loads of castles that are just strategic fortifications without a city attached

>Elminster riding from The Friendly Arms Inn to Candlekeep


they have an arrangement with minas morgul. once in a blue moon orcfrens raid osgiliath and catapult the heads of gondorian soldiers over the walls.

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>Return of the King was the worst film in the trilogy and the big battle was a boring cgi-fest that had none of the atmosphere of Helms Deep.

This. And people don't get why Tolkiens son hated the movies.

Orc and Uruk dairy.
Why else do you think we never see orc females?


Even supplying the citizens with water every day, from the river a few miles away, would have been a massive headache.

>what do they eat?

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It’s called aquifers and springs

Woah bros thats kinda based

Underrated post

Yeah, I’ve only ever seen the movies but I wondered why Denethor couldn’t pull levies together but Theoden could “muster the rohirrim”


OP a fucking moron

Better question is: WHY do they eat?

Ever thought about that, huh?

Top kek

Wait a minute...

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What do they eat?

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Feed and Seed

>Wrong, there's loads of castles that are just strategic fortifications without a city attached

where did he say there are "cities" attached to every castle, you dumb FAGGOT? he said there are vast settlements of lower caste people outside, ie: typically farming communities and small hamlets.


>The Pelennor, also referred to as the Pelennor Fields, was the district that virtually surrounded Minas Tirith, and formed the city's "townlands": a fertile area of intensive agriculture. It was about 12 miles across, and fairly flat, although there were some hillocks. On its west stood the massive bulwark of Mount Mindolluin, and on its east ran the great river Anduin; "many rills" ran across the Pelennor from the highlands to the river. Minas Tirith stood inside its south-west corner.

>vast settlements of lower caste people outside
That's what is called a city

Yeah this was a bit too much.


Why does Tolkien's son matter? Did he inherit some LOTR genes making his opinion on his dads books equal to his fathers?

this is within half a mile of the castle, if you zoom out there are multiple, even larger flat, farmlands within 2-3 miles.

>>vast settlements of lower caste people outside
>That's what is called a city
nope, the definition of a city is:

A city is a large human settlement. It can be defined as a permanent and densely settled place with administratively defined boundaries whose members work primarily on non-agricultural tasks.

a city is ONE settlement, the other poster said settlements as in PLURAL as in multiple, as in spread out, not part of the castle/main city's community.

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what do they eat?

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they probably went up into the mountains to hunt. Meat was on the menu.

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What do they eat?

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>we could have had sauron fighting instead of another cgi orc

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I mean the guy pretty autistically dedicated his life to his dad's works. If anyone has a insight into the story it would be him.

Fellowship is full of better scenes

>let me risk a little more light
>boromirs death
>anything with the Balrog

God I love the first movie so fucking much. So much better than the rest.

those are fortresses, just for armies

damn south german castles are so fuckin comffy

Helm's Deep was a directorial shitfest but plainly superior to Pelennor.
>tfw the Swan Knights' charge and the absolute carnage of the sally from Minas Tirith got replaced with indistinct green shit

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What a cringe idea, I think Viggo convinced Jackson not to do it


Minas Tirith gets a shitload of trade from the coast, from Rohan and food from Ithilien

their neighbors